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2 WoR questions (major spoilers)


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1. Why was Jasnah so easy to kill?



2. How was Shallan able to change the shape and size of her Blade?



Note: I still have 130 pages to read before I finish WoR, so if any of these questions are answered there please tell me and don't answer that particular question.


Hey Kroen, Don't forget to post a reaction to the last 130 pages. At this point in the thread it is pretty much mandatory :ph34r:

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Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I literally just now finished the book. Not because I'm the world's slowest reader, but because I only have 1 free day per week to read, and that was today. 


First reaction: OMG I totally called Jasnah! great minds I guess? And Elsecallers could actually teleport? that's like way cool.


Second reaction: Man, that Kaladin/Szeth fight was beyond epic. It was like watching (err, reading) two Kryptoninans fighting, except with swords, and swords make everything more epic. Fact, look it up. Only it was even more epic because of Kaladin's shapeshifiying Spernblade (term doesn't exist? well it should!)


Final reaction: Nightblood? the bloody hell are you doing here in Roshar? anyone knows? 


Bonus reaction: Skybreaker, eh? does that mean Szeth could disintigrate people like Deathpoint from The Recokoners?

And Bondsmith... wonder what he can do. On the face of it, it sounds a ridiculously overpowered combination of surges, and my first thought was Doctor Manhattan. How far off am I?

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Bondsmiths have tension, wich Brandon is still working on but apparentily can make things sttifier or more flexible, and adhesion, the surge of pressure, used for the full lashing, and maybe the air wave Kaladin created when he said the second oath.

Division, the surge skybreakers share with dustbringers probaly disintegrates stuff or explodes it or sets it on fire. There is a theory that says it can disintegrate things and the dustbringers incresed friction to set it in fire, since if ground to a fine enough powder many "fireproof" things can burn.

Zahel is Vasher, his lifesense lets he feel people and spren, as shown by his interlude. He can feed on Stormlight instead of Breath, that is part of why he came to Roshar. Now, why nightblood is in Nale's hands is quite another matter.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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Where? who? when? HOW?!

Part of me wants to let you squirm...

Zahel, the ardent who taught Kaladin swordsman ship

There's a few other cameos as well. Demoux, Galadon, a few others I would need to look up. And a Terriswoman is still being looked for I believe (anyone have an update on that after the recent AMA?)

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How did Vasher get to Roshar though?


As for Bondsmith: Ah, I thought it was Tenstion+Cohesion. Willshapers was was I had in mind when I said it was a broken combo.

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How did Vasher get to Roshar though?

As for Bondsmith: Ah, I thought it was Tenstion+Cohesion. Willshapers was was I had in mind when I said it was a broken combo.

Uh. The stonewards are Tension+Cohesion, not the willshapers. They were Transportation+Cohesion.

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Uh. The stonewards are Tension+Cohesion, not the willshapers. They were Transportation+Cohesion.


Anyway, Brandon said we would not see much of Tension and Cohesion as the characters using them won't be prominent until the second arc.. I dunno what it means for Dalinar though. It seems kinda strange we would not see him use Tension....

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And there is also the popular theory that Eshonai is alive and will bond a willshaper spren...

Or maybe she is dead or a voidbringer for forever and we will only get flashbacks and Dalinar will die before he learns to surgebind and we will only get flashbacks.:(

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And there is also the popular theory that Eshonai is alive and will bond a willshaper spren...

Or maybe she is dead or a voidbringer for forever and we will only get flashbacks and Dalinar will die before he learns to surgebind and we will only get flashbacks. :(


Yes, but Eshonai becoming a Willshaper should happen in the first arc, not the second... As for Dalinar, he may die, of course, but somehow I am not so sure... Brandon did not say he would do flashbacks of a dead character, he said he might. Not the same thing... Besides if Dalinar dies, who will take his place as Bondsmith?


This specific WoB had me puzzled... I am tempted to think Eshonai will not become a Willshaper, someone else will. Who then? I dunno, but not one of the flashback characters (it does give the glimmer of hope a character not getting flashback may be getting good development as well) as none are fitting. As for Dalinar, I am tempted to think his bound with the Stormfather won't be going so well and he'll be rather... limited in his surgebinding... 

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Hoid is special, he came from the first world. They had other magics there.

Didn't stop Demoux and Galladon from being in this book. Much less Vasher. There was reportedly a terriswoman in Warbreaker anyway. Once you get in contact with people in the know it seems frighteningly easy.

On the skybreaker thing, Szeth should not be able to vaporize people or shift gravity unless he actually bonds a skybreaker Highspren. Nightblood would do other things if at all. And even then he needs a legal excuse to vaporize people because breaking the law as a Skybreaker would probably cost you your powers.

Thankfully Nightblood already vaporizes things anyway. Strongest shardblade ever made, I'd say.

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Nightblood may lack the ability to disappear and be too big to conceal, but at least it looks like a completely normal, if somewhat big, sword if completely sheated. Although Szeth may need stormlight to wield it properly, even sheated, since it is heavier than it should be and it would be already too big for a person as short as Szeth if it was a normal sword.

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I'm not sure about that. None of the characters in Warbreaker seemed to have much difficulty with it. Sure, it may be a little heavier than a usual sword, but I don't think he's going to need Stormlight to use it. Maybe a little bit of working out, but I don't think Szeth will need Stormlight to swing it around. 


Now to take it out of the sheath, that'll definitely require Stormlight, as well as really strong self control to resheath it before it gets too late. 

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He wouldn't need stormlight to wield it, but to wield it well. A sword is made to fit the proportions if its wielder, and if a shin were to use a unnaturaly heavy sword made for someone as tall as an alethi his performance would be impacted. Not that he would need much of it, just the same amount Kaladin seems to use on instinct to stay on duty for longer periods of time, not even enough for a faint glow.

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It would be more pratical to wield a smaller sprenblade that wouldb't interfere with his other sword or have a shardbuckler

Bigger sword = more awesome.

That aside, your idea does make more sense.

Maybe he could wield Nightblood with a Shardgauntlet and have the spren provide the power.

Not that his spren would enjoy the process.

Ouch, poor Spren.

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