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Which Brandon Character Would You Date?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm, let me consult my list:



Independent (as in not needy)....check



Extremely attractive...check

Courageous and strong...check


It's Jasnah for me folks! Something tells me her affection is not won easily.  If she does end up with someone during stormlight archive he's got his work cut out for him winning her over.

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Most definitely Spook.  He's an outsider caught up in way too much.  There are so many times in my life I feel like that, and I tend to attract those people.  Also, he's just so genuine about himself and his emotions.

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Probably Wayne: he's totally fun, know when to shup up, and I can even get angry at him and he wouldn't mind - like perfect boyfriend, huh? Raoden's good second choice I think: good humour, good looks, smart and can squeeze a joke or two.


Elend's nice but what's use of someone lost in library? Nonono, and his wife's kinda scary... who else is there... Nah...


Yes, but can you hit him so hard, he spins around twice and then falls over?  That's a thing, with him.

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Oh... yes, with a frying pan. It makes wonders, you know!


And I  can always get a nice big gun, just to be sure about his happiness :P


Any more doubts?


Just making sure you've covered the basics, is all.  We wouldn't want Wayne to be unhappy, now would we?


Of course, I don't think anything short of another apocalypse would make Wayne unhappy, but let's not risk it.

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No love for Mab the Cook?
Or Rysn? Or that random female Radiant from Dalinar's vision?
So many unloved female characters...
(Seriously though, I had to stretch to find this many characters who hadn't been claimed. )


I'm surprised none of the ladies have fallen for Szeth. Who doesn't love a short, bald assassin that hears voices?

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Szeth isn't fun at all. He's too silent and serious. that's athmosphere killing. I don't think his being bold have anything to do with being humourless. He's boring. A girl doesn't want to date a bore. Remember, Vin prefered Elend over Zane, 'cos Zane is just so plain boring apart from nice sparring.

That, and he was crazy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aw, man. I was hoping for less competition for Shallan. I expected some, but you guys are hounds! If I were a little older than my modest 23 years, I might settle for Jasnah (I like them smartypants, for my own level of intellectual capabilities is also rather elevated) too, but at this point the age different would murder me...

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