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The usual BBCode view is gone. I know, it is sad. However, you can paste in BBCode and it will render exactly the same, but when you edit it, the BBCode is not there. There is a Source view, but it contains the HTML view. The reason I suspect that this current editor is finicky is because it translates BBCode to HTML, and back and forth. What is actually stored in the database is HTML.

So, the HTML view exists, but I've been advised that it is obviously a bad idea to let people arbitrarily paste HTML. So... that will probably only be a mod-only thing, unfortunately.

The thing you linked to is exactly what the editor looks like, though I can customize the toolbars on desktop, tablet, and mobile respectively.

It is a CKEditor thing, and supposedly I can just add plugins to it. I'm not sure how well they'd work, but I can totally take a look, especially if there's something you would like in particular.

Aaaaaaa.... Research led me to so many tabs....


Anyways - there's a CKEditor plugin for BBcode output, but it only has a very basic bbcode implementation. So it'd need work to add things back in. Not sure how it'd still have some of the new features, or if it'd even work.


Tables are probably the main thing that we don't have that I've sometimes wished we had. Spoilers with descriptions would also be cool.


Other than that, looking through the list of plugins, the only other ones would be:

Seeing as we're on the topic of editors, maybe it's a good time to bring up.... emoticons!


Self plug, I know, but there was once this thread, with this comment. Seeing as things are getting redone...



So, new iconography and background are coming. Awesome. That going to include the Coppermind too?

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Aaaaaaa.... Research led me to so many tabs....


Anyways - there's a CKEditor plugin for BBcode output, but it only has a very basic bbcode implementation. So it'd need work to add things back in. Not sure how it'd still have some of the new features, or if it'd even work.


Tables are probably the main thing that we don't have that I've sometimes wished we had. Spoilers with descriptions would also be cool.


Other than that, looking through the list of plugins, the only other ones would be:

Seeing as we're on the topic of editors, maybe it's a good time to bring up.... emoticons!


Self plug, I know, but there was once this thread, with this comment. Seeing as things are getting redone...



So, new iconography and background are coming. Awesome. That going to include the Coppermind too?

...I might have completely forgotten about those new emotes... Oops. That's purely me being forgetful. Sorry about that. I can add those very easily.

Those plugins look sweet. I will be investigating and using them; hopefully that BBCode one works nicely! It might not be perfect but it will be something.

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How would you go about proving Fermats last theorem?



See here: http://bfy.tw/U8W

@Chaos, Tau Day is fast approaching. What do you think of τ (i.e. 2π, or the ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius)?

Far superior to pi! Firstly, in physical contexts, the radius is what you always use. The diameter is irrelevant. That alone makes tau better. In quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, you have 2pi all the time. Seems like 2pi is more important than pi...

Also, it makes radians much nicer, because tau would be the arclength of the whole unit circle. Then, tau/4 would be, shockingly, a fourth of a circle. Instead radians are needlessly weird because pi is just half a circle, so pi/4 is actually an eighth of the arclength of the circle. Tau = much better pedagogically!

Honestly, this is probably just some person in ancient days using the wrong multiple of the true circle constant (2pi), kinda like how positive and negative charges should be switched. That, or in ancient times they really didn't appreciate radii as much. Shame.


How did you come across that mac n' cheese recipe? It was delicious.

A close friend of mine gave it to me. Her mother came up with it. I'm glad you liked it; my instructions were pretty crappy, but it really is that straightforward xD


Pssssst. Should I join Mistborn the Inquisition... the way I promised I would a year ago?

You should, but I am worried I might never have MBI time again...

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Pssssst. Should I join Mistborn the Inquisition... the way I promised I would a year ago?

You should, but I am worried I might never have MBI time again...  

@Feather: You didn't ask me, but for certain!

@Chaos: Awwww....

And I guess I should ask a question?

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Can you permaban people for public indecency? Asking for ... a "friend". While she's away. And unable to protest or defend herself. (:

*scrabbles for signal in the middle of the countryside like a dying woman crawling for water in the desert*

If I don't... make it back... tell Shroom... he's a frikken KERJ.

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Can you permaban people for public indecency? Asking for ... a "friend". While she's away. And unable to protest or defend herself. (:

Hah. I have it on extremely good authority Feather is a very decent person and incorruptible :)


How many hours a day do you think you spend on 17th shard?

I hope no one already asked that question I didn't go through the whole topic.

That's a really good question. I typically work on 17th Shard in spurts. I am very single-minded in my attention during my free time. If I'm working on the Coppermind, that's all I will do that week. If I'm playing Guild Wars 2, I'll just kill days with that. And if I'm doing 17th Shard stuff, I'm doing nothing else.

So it is hard to say on average. It's probably less than you'd think; once setup is done, there isn't a great deal that I have to do, because you guys are so great at keeping things active.


So you mentioned you plan on being a fantasy author, are you working on anything at the moment that you are willing to talk about?

Oh man. My current book, the one I have been working on for way too long because I'm a slow writer, is about reincarnation. It's a little like Allomancy, except instead of burning metals, you consume stuff from your past life to fuel magic. I'm halfway through it and really just need a big chunk of time to consistently finish it.

That's because my next series is way more awesome. There's so much I want to say about The Prophet King (the first book in that trilogy), but I don't want to spoil things. I will say that everyone can teleport. When I told Brandon this, he said "Oh, I tried that once and I couldn't make that work." I think I've figured it out, so... take that, Brandon :P


In context to the spam that turns up every now and again, is the new update likely to offer better protection from that?

It doesn't really have anything new, though maybe the authentication just makes it so the bots can't make progress. I'd love some Twitch-style abilities, but they don't exist. It's dumb.


Will there ever be a 17th shard app?

That would be really exiting.

This will almost certainly not happen.

The site will always exist, and I think it is much more sustainable to spend development on a good responsive design, that is good on all form factors. That makes way more sense than to support 2-3 platforms of mobile devices. It's a lot of effort, and that makes it so a change on the main site might be hard to implement on mobile. It just slows down development and will make updates even more irritating to do.

I'm sorry, I don't understand the need for a responsive website to have an app. Sure, there could be some notification stuff, but there are robust email notifications. Is there a feature that demands an app? There would have to be, to require all that effort (and upkeep). All mobile platforms can have bookmarks on your home screen. What are you looking for? I'm really curious.

Or we could just have an awesome responsive site. That seems much more sustainable. The platform of the web is not going to go away, and you target literally all devices at once.

Yeah, let's go with that.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound snarky. This is one of those things that keeps coming up and I've never had an adequate rationalization for why that is necessary or desired. Sure, this current mobile site sucks, but that is irrelevant in... a while.


Will the software update come with better options for the contact infos section of the profile pages?

I'm not quite sure what you mean...? What are you looking for?

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Well, generally the email field will be sufficient for that. Social media is a good idea.

Sorry, it's hard for me to implement without knowing what the people want :)

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I believe you mentioned that there would be changes to sig policy with the new adaptive forum update. I don't suppose you could spoil the specifics - I fear my sig is probably not regulation, and if I were to remake it, I'd be curious to know what I should be aiming for (also, for if I make a banner for someone too...)

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Alright, since this AMA has been taken over by site design and policy questions, let's do something a little more fun. Favorite ice cream flavor? If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Who is your favorite member of the moderating staff whose username rhymes with Weatherwriter?

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