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It's the beginning of World War 3. Russia, North Korea, the U.S., France and South Africa all launch nuclear missiles at each other. Luckily, you have an underground bunker fully stocked and prepared for this exact situation! Unluckily, you only have room for six items or people (you can mix and match the number of people and items). Who and/or what do you bring with you? 

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It's the beginning of World War 3. Russia, North Korea, the U.S., France and South Africa all launch nuclear missiles at each other. Luckily, you have an underground bunker fully stocked and prepared for this exact situation! Unluckily, you only have room for six items or people (you can mix and match the number of people and items). Who and/or what do you bring with you?

That's a bit morbid eh?


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It's the beginning of World War 3. Russia, North Korea, the U.S., France and South Africa all launch nuclear missiles at each other. Luckily, you have an underground bunker fully stocked and prepared for this exact situation! Unluckily, you only have room for six items or people (you can mix and match the number of people and items). Who and/or what do you bring with you? 


I take my pug, along with the six people who need shelter the most. (Pugs don't need to eat as much as people, and you didn't say anything about counting pets as people, so….:ph34r:


How do you pronounce "quinoa"?



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You've mentioned having "strange allergies" on a couple of different threads now. If you don't mind the question, what are these allergies and how difficult do they make shopping?



Also, if you'd been born on Roshar rather than our fair Earth, what do you think your place in society would be?

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You've mentioned having "strange allergies" on a couple of different threads now. If you don't mind the question, what are these allergies and how difficult do they make shopping?



Also, if you'd been born on Roshar rather than our fair Earth, what do you think your place in society would be?


I'm allergic to artificial additives—food coloring; the preservatives BHA, BHT, and TBHQ; as well as artificial flavors. It's not technically an allergy; more of a sensitivity. But I call it an allergy for the sake of convenience, because I do have rather adverse reactions to them. Food dyes are the worst—if I eat one by mistake, I'll be irritable and find it impossible to concentrate for any length of time. Artificial flavors mostly just give me an unpleasant buzz, while preservatives—TBHQ especially—make me feel chilly for some reason. Artificial fragrances (it'll say "fragrance" or "parfum" on the label) affect me about the same way as artificial flavors, and I avoid shampoos and lotions with dyes just to be on the safe side. 


As for how difficullt they make shopping….well, it depends on what I'm shopping for. Stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods have an array of prepared foods that I can buy (and the Whole Foods bakery has some delicious eclairs and cream puffs :ph34r:) as well as things like shampoo and lotion. At other stores like Safeway and Walmart, I'll read the labels and avoid anything that doesn't read clean. Although I tend to stick to the Trader Joe's store brand toothpaste because it's cheaper, the Walmart where I live carries Toms of Maine, another brand I can use, so there's that option if I run out. World Market, a chain specializing in quirky items from around the world, usually carries European snack foods, and since some European countries like Britain have banned food dyes and many preservatives, I can usually find something tasty to try. I once found a type of all-natural corn chip that looked and tasted exactly like Doritos, but without the dyes. They were delicious. ^_^


For meals, though, I tend to stick to a few restaurants I've tried and know are safe (like Chipotle and Pei Wei) or I'll cook at home. I've already mastered chicken pot pie, stir fry, tacos, omelets, fish and chips, several types of marinated chicken and pork, and pan-fried pork chops. I've also invented a few soup recipes that have gone over well with my siblings. When I move out, I intend to make lunches like shepherd's pie, freeze individual portions, and take them to work as needed. 



Well, my eyes are blue, so I'd probably be a lighteyes, unless my eye color changed for some reason. :ph34r: I don't know that I'd be high-class—probably more the equivalent of a middle-class lighteyes. If I were to attract a spren, I'd hope it was a Cryptic. Because honestly...



Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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  • 2 weeks later...

What is your relationship with Kobold? Because it seems like you two are flirting a lot, but it's kind of hard to tell. . .




Sorry. Couldn't resist. :P 


We're actually not dating. We just happen to share a fondness for memes, puns, and general insanity, and wind up trading jokes back and forth quite a bit. 


And don't even think about asking me which of us is Batman and who's Bane because I don't even know.

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Sorry. Couldn't resist. :P


We're actually not dating. We just happen to share a fondness for memes, puns, and general insanity, and wind up trading jokes back and forth quite a bit. 


And don't even think about asking me which of us is Batman and who's Bane because I don't even know.




Ahem. :P Like Twi said, we're not what you'd call a couple, unless by 'couple' you mean 'a couple of weirdos.' She's my best friend, and she's the only person on the forum don't mind having deeper and more personal conversations with, but until about a week ago I didn't even know what she looked like in real life. :P



Since I need to ask a question to justify my presence here: what are your favorite and least favorite episodes of My Little Pony?

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Ahem. :P Like Twi said, we're not what you'd call a couple, unless by 'couple' you mean 'a couple of weirdos.' She's my best friend, and she's the only person on the forum don't mind having deeper and more personal conversations with, but until about a week ago I didn't even know what she looked like in real life. :P



Since I need to ask a question to justify my presence here: what are your favorite and least favorite episodes of My Little Pony?


So, sorry, Twi/Kobold (Twibold? Kobold Lyght?) shippers, but we're not a "thing." :P 



Favorite episode: I want to say "Slice of Life," because it contained literally all the awesome, but then I remember "The Return of Harmony" and "Hurricane Fluttershy," so I'll categorize them. 


Favorite Villain Episode: "Return of Harmony," hands down. Discord is best villain. Doesn't matter if he was reformed later on. That just means he's the best, period. 


Favorite Tearjerker: "Hurricane Fluttershy." Fluttershy's experiences with bullying are portrayed in wrenchingly realistic detail, the long-term effects even more so. And the way she finally faces that part of her past was also realistic (in that, unlike in most other show episodes focusing on bullying, she didn't track down her former bullies, kick butt, and realize she was the toughest kid on the playground all along) but still extremely satisfying. 


Favorite Holiday Special: "Hearth's Warming Eve." It's not about Christmas, per se, but it has that Christmas-type feel. The message of acceptance is clear without being preachy, and there's some great worldbuilding details there, too. 


Favorite Humor Episode: "Too Many Pinkie Pies." I laughed so hard, even as I shuddered at the thought of ​all those Pinkie Pies….


Favorite Princess Episode: "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" The dialogue is a tad on-the-nose at some points, but the conceit is excellent. It definitely gives more insight into Luna's psyche than any other episode we've seen so far. And Rainbow Dash has the best nightmares. 


Favorite Random Episode: "Slice of Life." It was shameless fan-pandering, and it was awesome. Every single minute is packed with references, clever winks to the audience, and hilarious insights into the various characters, turning a simple love letter to the fans into something glorious. 



Least Favorite Episode: I wasn't a fan of "Amending Fences." I know a lot of fans liked it, but I just….didn't. 

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So, sorry, Twi/Kobold (Twibold? Kobold Lyght?) shippers, but we're not a "thing." :P

I think Koblyght works better than Kobold Lyght. Twiking, Kosparkles would be other options.

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I think Twiking sounds like what you'd call a Viking who really likes Twilight. :P

Kosparkles then sounds like the sound that the vampires make in the sun?


The correct portmanteau is obviously King Sparkles :P

*Gets out the code for the ship generator I prepared earlier (for a different site, to be clear, not for shipping Twi and Kobold)* 

The program spat out: Kobyght or TwiLold.


Which of you is Bane and which is Batman?

Kobold implied that he was Bane in his subsequent post...

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