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How quickly do you lose Stormlight? An inconsistency?


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I inferred from this comment that Kaladin would actually have an edge over Szeth in a fight.  From the point of view of having the story continue with all the characters intact, this is a good thing, I'd say.

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This was KIND of mentioned earlier, but never explicitly: What about Syl? I feel like she could maybe help tip the scale in Kaladin's favor, even just ever so slightly.


Also, are we forgetting that Kaladin killed a full shardbearer with a spear? Of course, that was in the middle of no where and the shardbearer, I'm sure, was not expecting anyone to be so fool-hardy. But it also seems to imply that Kaladin is resourceful enough to overcome large odds. Szeth may have lashings, a shardblade, and his own combat skills, but he lacks a spren and the oath. I think all of these things combined at least helps to even the scale. I'm not sure who I would pick at this point.


I also think that Szeth may be able to get to Dalinar when Kaladin's not around. The more Brandon emphasizes the "I won't guarantee that a character will be around for 'their' book," the more I worry about Dalinar. I just reaaaally hope that doesn't happen for two main reasons: 1) I love Dalinar and I really hope that he learns what Gavilar wanted him to find before he dies (and he certainly seems to be inching closer) and 2) as someone pointed out (I believe on the latest AMA, but it could have been anywhere) Kaladin would almost certainly spiral into another state of depression for not upholding his duty. Yikes.

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Brandon made the "people might not survive till their book" because he made a mistake in telling people who was getting a book and when. He needs to make sure there is still tension when a possible death scene comes up. Stating out loud that people can still die before their book keeps that tension. It doesn't mean he's planning to kill anyone before their book.

Dalinar's arc is just beginning. His climax in book 1 wasn't an ending; it was a beginning. What he's planning is going to take a long time. Its possible his plans can be transferred to another (Renarin?), but I don't see Brandon doing that. Szeth will attack and none of the main characters will die. Kaladin wins and the fight leads Szeth to a change of focus for his sense of honor.

Just me speculating...

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Well. The first quote given are by Szeth. Szeth seems to be stating general facts. However, who have taught him these things? My assumption is that has learned all he know by himself. And like there are limits for how fast an individual can run, there ought to be personal limits of how long you can hold your Stormlight.


So, the "stronger" you are the longer you can hold stormlight. This would then imply that with training, Kaladin ought to steamroll Szeth.

Hope it does not come. Love that bald fella.

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Szeth makes a clear point of stating that no one has ever seen abilities like his during the prologue. I think that, at the very least, being confronted with Kaladin, a man who possesses the exact same abilities (likely even stronger), would give him a serious pause -- most likely giving Kaladin the upper hand. 

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Szeth makes a clear point of stating that no one has ever seen abilities like his during the prologue. I think that, at the very least, being confronted with Kaladin, a man who possesses the exact same abilities (likely even stronger), would give him a serious pause -- most likely giving Kaladin the upper hand. 

Well, it may not affect your point, but what Szeth actually says is that he:


had killed every stonewalker who had seen what he could do.

This means that he has killed stonewalkers that have seen him before, but presumably not all the Stone Shamans that have seen him in action.  Talk about foreshadowing ...  One can then speculate that after being given the sword (or whatever provides his abilities), he trained with other Stone Shaman.  Of course, the more I speculate, the more likely I am to be wrong.  Still I wonder whether he learned Kammar before or after being punished. 

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I am not familiar with the "stone shaman" term, but I believe he was referring to the Alethi when he calls them Stonewalkers. He calls them Stonewalkers since they live outside of Shinovar (which has dirt and grass) and tread upon the stone, which is sacred to the Shin. 


What I meant by my comment was that he, as in Szeth, has never seen anyone else ever use these abilities. In truth I doubt he has even considered the idea that there are others with the same powers, and therefore would be stunned when confronted with Kaladin.

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I am not familiar with the "stone shaman" term, but I believe he was referring to the Alethi when he calls them Stonewalkers. He calls them Stonewalkers since they live outside of Shinovar (which has dirt and grass) and tread upon the stone, which is sacred to the Shin. 


What I meant by my comment was that he, as in Szeth, has never seen anyone else ever use these abilities. In truth I doubt he has even considered the idea that there are others with the same powers, and therefore would be stunned when confronted with Kaladin.

By stone shaman, I am referring to the Shin people who revere the stone, which is how they are referred to in the book, on occasion (IIRC).  I mean it to be the alternative to stonewalker. 


Szeth also knows that his abilities are those of the Windrunners, a radiant order.  He has a very sophisticated understanding of his abilities, including the archaic jargon of the Knights Radiant (lashings).  I think that he has trained with other Stone Shamans who imparted this knowledge to him.  In this process, it seems quite possible that he saw other Stone Shamans using these abilities. 


I doubt he expects that there are budding Radiants, which might be the essence of your point. 


As for the fight, I expect it to happen.  I think either the fight with the Parshendi at the center of the Shattered Plains or the fight with Szeth to be the "boss fight" of the second book, but I have been trying to avoid speculating on it in this thread as I don't want to repeat posts in other threads. I have already commented in this thread, which you might find an interesting diversion although it does cover alot of other things including shipping. My posts about the Kaladin-Szeth fight are #125 on page 7 and #285 on page 15 (Thanks, Meg).


Edited: clarify other thread reference 

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Hoser, you need some spanking :P. Though that linked thread is interesting to read your posting is no 125 on page 7 (if it's the only one, I gave up reading around post no 220 then). 

Meg, my apologies for not being clear!  You have my admiration for your persistence in wading through to page 7.  There is another directly relevant post by me as #285 on page 15, if you're interested.  I hope an upvote helps mitigate the pain. 


While I hope some of my posts are somewhat interesting, I wouldn't suggest reading a thread for my posts.  There are so many brilliant thoughts by so many here that I try to make my references to threads that are of general interest.  Of course, I tend to post in the threads I find most interesting, so ...

Given the lead in and direct applicability of my post, I guess I do deserve to be chastised.  But no spikes, please.   I faint at the sight of my own SDNA. 

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Ahh, another post in this thread :). I'll read it immediately. That direct link is enough to  "mitigate the pain" :)



While I hope some of my posts are somewhat interesting, I wouldn't suggest reading a thread for my posts.




Yeah, but sometimes one gets the link and without bad thoughts gives it even if it's a special post that is meant. 


I hope the " :P " made it clear that my threat of spanking was more a bit mocking you. :)



Edit (after reading that specific post): 


I'll reply here because necro-ing that old thread seems more wrong to me. 



hoser, on 21 Jul 2012 - 21:19, said:

5. With Gavilar's fate and Szeth's recent rampage, the "Assassin in White" will be one of the foremost dangers, and he could be briefed (lengthened?) on Gavilar's opponent and the Veden king and highprince opponent.




I see that there might be witnesses but though the knowledge of the assassination of the king of Jah Keved came to the Shattered Plains (Navani knew about it), I'm not really sure whether we can think of spreading informations like it's used iRL (radio, TV, internet ...). Such a spanreed-communication is a bit more restricted (only my thought). 



On the one hand there should be survivors. 


TWoK Prologue: 

White to be bold. White to not blend into the night. White to give warning.
For if you were going to assassinate a man, he was entitled to see you coming.


His instructions were clear. Kill the king, but be seen doing it.


But on the other hand: 


TWoK I-9: 


His orders were simple. Kill. Kill as you have never killed before. Lay the innocent screaming at your feet and make the lighteyes weep. Do so wearing white, so all know who you are. Szeth did not object. It was not his place. He was Truthless.



Gavilar was assassinated 6 years ago, but there might be records about this. But the "younger" murders? I'm not really sure. 




But you make an interesting point: 


hoser, on 21 Jul 2012 - 21:19, said:

6. He saw Szeth in action during his highstorm dream.




If word is spread about Szeth and arrives Kaladin, he may remember this dream and that may make him investigate and come to conclusions that might give Kaladin an advantage. 


But this is all babbling and speculating. :)



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