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This game has been very odd for me to try and find any concrete suspicions. Everyone has done things slightly suspicious but no-one really stands out to me. However I don't really like that Bort continues to go after Alvron when he has the best chance of being a Passenger in my eyes. I could understand you thinking that this was a CC plot if it weren't for the more plausible reason such as the CCs wanting to kill Alv and him being in the Vault car because he expected the CCs to target him since he is the most experienced player left.


Now if we assume that is the case, which I do then I would expect one of the carriages from last cycle to have been completely CC free or they would have known that Alv was in the vault car if they had a list of people from every carriage. Gamma was in the Buffet car that cycle, Who was in a carriage with neo during station 5? That would seem to me then that whichever carriage he wasn't in was probably clear of CCs.


Could someone give me the lists from the other two carriages from station 5?

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For station 5, I was in the passenger car with Peng, Orlok, and Zas. Both Orlok and Zas discussed betting in the passenger car, and how best to bet in a way that everyone got something out of it, so they are less likely to be CC, I think. Jasonpenguin, however, was completely silent.

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So that means Neo was in the Caboose. I am thinking that car may have consisted of only passengers then. I will remove my vote from Orlok and move it to Bridge boy for now. You seem to be jumping from player to player with your votes with little reasonings for it. You also were reluctant to vote for Neo and attempted to push the vote to Shallan calling it a poke vote even though others were already voting for her at the time. It seems as though you were just calling it a poke so that you could try and save Neo.


EDIT By that car I mean the passenger car with Bort, Peng, Orlok, and Zas as Bort says above.


EDIT 2: Also Bridge boys statement saying he was pretty sure Neo had the kill seems like an obvious attempt to remove suspicion from himself as he was the one who got caboosed apparently.


EDIT 3: Also could someone give me a run through of how the cabooseing of Bridge boy went? Was he on defending himself a lot? Was it just basically a random choice by the other player?

Edited by Clanky
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Thanks for responding, Orlok.


I guess you guys are pretty dead-set on seeing me dead. -_-


I need to go somewhere soon, and I don't want to accuse someone wrongly again, so I'll just vote for myself, Bridge Boy.


And I am aware that this is a quick fix, but this is my first time, and I thought they lasted a few weeks, not simply one week. I apologize for my error, and hope I can get a better sense of scope next time.


Hope you guys can find all the CC!


Everton Slade, ex-lawman, has gone on his last journey. He only hopes, in his dying thougts, that people will remember him for what he did, not what people said that he was. Goodbye y'all.


If Everton Slade had one wish, he would go back and change his choices.

Edited by Bridge Boy
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Interesting discussion so far.  The only new arguments that caught my attention were the ones for Alvron and Bridge Boy.  While Bort's points are worth considering, we have already had explanation why Alvron might not be participating as much.  Alvron's explanation is plausible, and I'm inclined to support anyone who is being logical.


Bridge Boy's defense is more suspicious to me.  The reasons listed by others are good reasons to look at him more carefully.  They aren't ironclad, but there isn't anything ironclad right now.  But I have further reasons.  First, I find Bridge Boy's confidence that it was Neo's turn for the kill interesting, not so much because it is an effort to clear himself (since the rest of us do that too), but also since that is something the CC would know, and other possibilities had already been mentioned in the thread that could have been alternative explanations besides Bridge Boy's being roleblocked.  Second, changing your mind is one thing, but voting to poke at this stage in the game has the appearance of being helpful but isn't really.  There is so much content to analyze, and everyone left has participated a reasonable amount (some more than others, but everyone has said enough over the course of the game to put themselves at risk for making mistakes).  Finally, I get not wanting to accuse anyone wrongly, but voting for yourself is also not very helpful, except perhaps as a last effort strategy for clearing your name.  There was a stage in the game when it seemed like everyone was doing it (including me) but it was pointed out as not good for us (and the rules changed to not give a coin) so I don't see a good reason for it, except perhaps to avoid providing fodder for analysis if you are killed and shown to be CC.  So, it seems to me that Bridge Boy is the most likely candidate.


If there are only three CC (which seems likely given how things have gone), then I would say Bridge Boy is definitely first pick.  There is a decent chance the game ends this turn.  If it doesn't there are two possibilities...


I have some thoughts on where to go next on the off chance that Bridge Boy isn't CC or there is another CC and the game continues, but I'm trying to spend less time on the game (just have fun with it and not be so serious) so I am not going to bother developing those unless it becomes necessary.


EDIT: To clarify, when I say Alvron's explanation is plausible, I'm referring to his explanation of why he happened to be in the vault car that turn.  And for the reasons I mentioned later, I am reluctant to use vault car occupation as evidence for guilt.

Edited by Aanwolf
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Station 8: Rude Awakening

Gavin was asleep.

Had he been aware that he was sleeping at that moment, he would’ve yelled at himself, slapped himself, or done whatever it took to get himself awake.  Of course, that wasn’t possible, and the train tracks just seemed to go on and on and on…

When the train engineers found him asleep, they decided that the best course of action would be to just stop the train where it was, and give him rest until morning.  They weren’t nearly as paranoid as Gavin, and saw the Coinshot Clan (if they still were even on this train) as a minor threat.

The Steelway Express had been stopped near a large farm, only about 10 miles away from Elendel.  The city could be seen from there as a yellowish glow on the horizon.  They were so close, and yet so far away.

Not that the passengers were acutely aware of this.  Most of them were asleep.  A few of them, however, stood as sentries, worried that perhaps there was still another Clan member aboard the train.  Another person wasn’t awake to look out for any killers… because he was a killer.

Everton Slade snuck up to the door leading to the crew cabin at the front of the train.  Many years of being a lawman made him adept at sneaking about and finding targets.  While it’d been five years since then, he still retained some of his knowledge from his days out in the Roughs.

Everton deftly took out a pair of thin metal rods that he had found lying around on one of the other stations, and picked the lock with ease.  The door practically swung open, and Everton leapt into the front car, the locomotive.  Everton squinted and tiptoed up to Gavin’s seat, up at the front of the car.

Wonderful, Everton thought with glee, he’s asleep.  That’ll make this a bit easier.  Everton brought forth the signature pistol of the Coinshot Clan -- adorned with the four-coin insignia of the Clan -- and leveled it at Gavin’s head.

Everton heard a loud breath, and then a clang, as a large metal shovel hit him straight in the back of the head.

Gavin snorted, grumbling as he stretched his arms.  “What just happened?” he asked, yawning.

“Another one tried to kill you,” one of his engineers said, still carrying the shovel, which had taken out Heatherlocke just this morning.  And now Everton as well, it seemed.  “They never learn, do they?"

Gavin sneered, obviously angered at being awoken by someone attempting to kill him, but turned back away.  “I take it that he’s dead?” Gavin asked the engineer.

“Yes, I--” a gunshot rammed straight through the engineer’s shovel, through his head, killing him instantly.  Everton Slade rose from the ground.

“Maybe that’ll teach you to make your engineers better at telling whether someone is alive or not,” Everton smirked in the darkness.  He picked himself up, and then slowly aimed his gun up at the back of Gavin’s head.

Gavin, still facing the other way, breathed in.  A shame he had to die like this, wasn’t it?  He chuckled, then launched himself backwards, over his own chair, kicking Everton in the face.  Everton’s eyes widened as he fell to the ground, and he struggled to get his gun aimed at Gavin.  Gavin, however, had him pinned to the floor, and stepped on Everton’s hand, causing him to let go of the Coinshot gun.

“You’re not done with us yet,” Everton snarled.  “You may have defeated me, but there’s…” a gunshot silenced Everton’s monologue.

“That was for the rude awakening,” Gavin frowned, tossing the gun into the engine’s furnace.

Vote Tally:
Everton Slade (6): Zane Tevison, Jain, Locke, Everton Slade, Doctor McNinja, Penga, Old Wolf
Jain (1): Bortholemew the Blind

Everton Slade was lynched!  He was a
Coinshot Clan member!
There was no Coinshot Clan kill (again)!

Station 8 begins now and will end in about 23-and-a-half hours.  There will be no Assassination today.  Good luck!

Player List


Zane Tevison (zas678)
Jain (Lightsworn Panda)
Symmer Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
Miss Evyn (Lady Eowyn)
Grind (Gamma Fiend)
Senn Conrad-Tekiel (Seonid)
The Pooh with a Name (Araris Valerian)

Locke (OrlokTsubodai)
Seixa (phattemer)
Bortholemew the Blind (Bort)
Vindication (Shallan)
Everton Slade (Bridge Boy)
Doctor McNinja (Clanky)
Nails (Alvron)
Neo (Neodymium)
Penga (jasonpenguin)
Mennet Farrsolin (Adamir)
Leif Erikeller (leiftinspace)
Silent Man (The Only Joe)

Old Wolf (Aanwolf)
Dow (dowanx)
Met-al (Metacognition)

Edited by Alvron
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If I go with the same reasoning that led me to bridge boy than Old Wolf is the likely last CC. His vote on Bridge Boy shouldn't lessen any suspicion on him since he did it after the lynch was already decided. 

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We've lynched eliminators twice in a row (woot, woot) and, assuming my vote counting is correct, only two people have not voted for either: bort and alv

Actually, this makes me less suspicious of Alvron, as Eliminators often vote for their own once the vote is decided. Like Old Wolf just did.

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Meh.  I mentioned at the start of the cycle that I would let others come up with the argument and then chime in later.  I didn't get on again until when I posted, and even as the last post in the cycle, the only reasons given for voting for someone (not counting mistakes or votes that were declared as pokes to elicit a response) were for Bridge Boy and Alvron.  So, those were the arguments I addressed, and I explained my reasoning in my post.  Was the vote for Bridge a foregone conclusion at that point? Yes.  Does that mean I should not have voted? Of course not.  I did what I said I would do (before there were any votes on Bridge) so I fail to see why that says anything one way or the other about me.


However, look back at Bridge's votes and Bort's votes from last round.  Bridge starts with a clear poke vote on Bort encouraging response and indicating he will remove it as soon as Bort participates.  Bort posts, so Bridge shifts his vote to Orlok, also a poke vote.  At that point there were two votes on Bridge.  Bort increases pressure on Alvron with more argument and a vote.  Orlok dismisses Bort's argument (though for a faulty reason) and casts the third vote on Bridge.  Bort switches his vote from Alvron to Orlok, also phrased as an attempt to elicit a response from Orlok (though in a private thread rather than the main one).  That changes the vote from 3-1 against Bridge to 3-2, with Bridge and Bort being the only ones who have votes on Orlok.  Clanky had briefly had a vote on Orlok before but retracted it in an edit to his post.  Still, he had demonstrated willingness to vote for Orlok and said his previous suspicions had been addressed, so it would have been reasonable for Bridge or Bort to hope that Clanky could have been enticed to vote for Orlok again.


Bort did shift his vote to Jain not long after, when Orlok had responded.  That seems to have been a poke vote, but there wasn't much discussion of it afterwards.  Two more votes get tossed on Bridge Boy so it is 5 for Bridge and one each on Orlok/Jain.  Bridge moves his vote from Orlok to himself, making it 6 for Bridge, 1 for Jain.  I finally get back on and vote for Bridge as well.


So, in summary, Bridge provokes participation from Bort as his first poke vote, then moves his vote to someone else when Bort posts.  After failing to get support for a vote on Alvron, Bort joins Bridge to bring the vote to 3-2 (none on anyone else), though both of them have a reason in place to switch away if needed, and both do so later.


Actually, while writing this, I noticed that Clanky's vote change happened later than I thought, so when Bridge voted for Orlok, that actually tied it up 3-3.


Anyway, I have to run, so I'll stop here and get back on later.  Interesting, though, that Bort is one of the ones who voted for me so far this round (and that he was after there was already a vote on me, though I understand that as it breaks a tie vote in which he was suspected, just like I'm voting for Bort to re-establish a tie in my favor).


EDIT: Forgot to actually cast a vote on Bridge

Edited by Aanwolf
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I'm sure you meant to vote for me, seeing as how Bridge was killed last cycle.

It's ok though. Old Wolf . I don't really think you are guilty. I was just curious if anyone else would try to bandwagon you.

My vote this cycle will be for Jasonpenguin . It's rare that Eliminators won't bandwagon their own once the vote is decided , just to look innocent. Selecting someone to vote for based on them not voting for eliminators looks a bit dodgy.

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See, but JasonPenguin was one of only 3 people to vote for and kill Neo. If he hadn't of done that, Neo would probably last a few more rounds. I'm fairly certain that he's not one of the CC.


Jain, this is just a poke vote since I haven't seen you around for a while. Are you still playing?

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Who was caboosed last round?  We know someone was by the missing vote.


Despite what the write ups suggests we have no way of knowing for sure that Bridge was the one with the kill last round.  He did post that he thought Neo was the one with the kill round 6 for the reason there wasn't a kill however he was also caboosed that round and we now know that he is a CC.  So I'm thinking that he had the kill and he said he thought Neo had it to throw us off him not being able to kill anyone.  If BB did indeed have the kill that time then he couldn't have made the kill this time as the kill is in a rotating pattern so the other CC must've had the kill.


If the above is right then whoever was caboosed may be the final CC.


Also, was anyone in the Vault?

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The way things are looking right now is that we are going to end up with a draw, so, I'm going to change my vote from Penga, and switch it to Jain. That will stop the randomness of who dies.


He is another I've had suspicions about, mostly due to him being fairly quiet.

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I currently make it a tie between Bort and Jain for lynching - and see Jain as the more suspicious of the two of them, so will break the tie and vote Jain

As such, I make the current vote count

Bort: 2 - JasonPenguin, Aanwolf

Aanwolf: 1 - Clanky

Jain: 3 - Zas, Bort, Orlok

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Yes, you are right. I hadn't meant to vote for Bridge, but for Bort.  That doesn't change the count from what Orlok said.  Is there anything on Jain besides being sort of quiet?  I don't have time to do any more digging today, but I will try to do a brief check-in before the end of the cycle, in case something else comes up.

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