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Your friendly neighbourhood Eldergod


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First of all, I did yodel with a shoe on my head so you cant sell my soul for a bagel, hah!


Anyway, I started with Mistborn this March after a friend told me to read them, so I did, then I got everything else Cosmere (Except The Emperors Soul, couldnt find it). So Ive read all Mistborn, Elantris and Warbreaker and I am reading The Way Of Kings at the moment.Thats was after not having read anything for real for years, aside from manga, creepy pasta, whatever I was required to read in school and some Lovecraft.


I enjoy old Heavy Metal, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, that stuff. Sometimes I try to write songs on my own with varying results (So the second hightening would be very useful). Also done some creepy pasta and tried to start two fantasy stories on my own.


If I was a Twinborn I would either be a chromium or a zinc compounder (Manipulating people and thinking fast, great mix), if I was a misting I would be a Rioter and if I was a ferring I would be a subsumer.


So, hello.

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Welcome! I've been meaning to read Lovecraft -and have a few pieces of writing which it's required reading for- so... any recommendations on that front?


Also, what's your favourite cosmere books?

The Color Out Of Space is about the best anything ever. Of course theres The Call Of Cthulhu, The Rats In The Wall, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, The Music of Erich Zann...


Mistborn, especially the first and The Alloy Of Law. Warbreaker was great too.

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Oh dear, we really need to get your priorities straight. Finish reading Stormlight, then come back and tell us which one is ACTUALLY your favorite *wink*.

Welcome and have a starting upvote!

Im halfway through the first one, going to take me a little longer.


Thank you, have one back!

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