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“Ganchos, this isn’t cool,” the Ronzo said, leaning back against a rock, watching the angry mob forming.  “The funny thing is, you call yourselves ‘Knights Radiant,’ like those old guys back from another time… but no, you’re not like them.  You’re trying to lynch us all in mob-form… what kind of honorable deed is that?”  The Ronzo looked over to his pal Wannan and smiled wanly.


“Sure, ganchos, we might be trying to kill you all, but it is for an important purpose.  The survival of mankind.  The survival of us all through the coming storm.  Surely, you are willing to give up your lives for such a thing as that, eh?  Well, we are, at least.  You may kill us, but our names will sung through the ages to come, if we are to survive this coming Desolation.  And, of course, should you all not head towards the Oathgate, but rather turn back now and not go there at all, your names may be immortalized as well.”


The Ronzo raised a challenging eyebrow at the angry crowd.  “Ah,” he smiled.  “But of course, our fight is not over yet.  Not by a long shot.”  With that the Ronzo picked up a spear and aimed it at Smeagol.


“Nothing personal, gancho,” the Ronzo shrugged, “but you’re making this situation a little inconvenient, being an Edgedancer and all.  Guess that makes you a pretty slippery fellow, eh, gon?  I… yeah, sorry, you probably didn’t want your life to be ended with a bad pun.  Lucky for you that the King’s Wit isn’t here, or he’d be merciless with his bad puns!  But anyway, terribly sorry about all this.”


Shame I didn't have enough time to make this longer.  Terribly sorry about all this.

Edited by Renegade
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Night Three: Spitting into the Stormwinds


This day, it seemed, was destined to be one of excitement. The refugees were done with sitting around and letting themselves be picked off. They were going to see someone pay, by the Almighty. They started with Ace. An obvious choice, one would think. And insane man with a hammer? At the very least, a liability to keep around, at worst, brilliant cover for a traitor.


Some, however, preferred to pursue other targets. Kazaak, the thief, who’s skills would be of great use to the traitors. Smeagol, the strange… creature that had joined up early in the expedition. No one was quite sure who or what he was, and given his constant strange muttering, no one dared ask.


Ace, however, seemed to hold the most suspicion in the group’s minds. As the day drew to a close, the Refugees gathered around him, looking to each other in askance. No one exactly wanted to take part in what was coming.


Kazaak, spoke up eventually. “Storm it. Aren’t at least some of you supposed to be soldiers? This is your sort of work. You should get to it.”


A moment passed. Then another. Akir stepped forwards reluctantly, shifting his grip on his spear.


“Wait.” Ace slowly turned away from the gathered refugees. Speaking more softly, he said, “I believe it’s time for you to come out now, Phyllis.” The hammer he held evaporated into curls of stormlight, revealing a shifting mass of black lines sitting on his palm, forming a repeating triangular pattern that warped and twisted in a way that hurt the eye.


“Fellow refugees, meet Phyllis, my spren.”


Akir blinked rapidly, trying to process what he’s heard. “…Phyllis? Doesn’t look much like a Phyllis to me.”


An irritated hum emanated from the spren. “I suggested Fractal.”


“Enough,” Ace said, glaring equally at the soldier and his spren. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I am a Knight Radiant. Using the powers Phyllis grants me, I have looked into the hearts of two of our companions, and learned that they are not to be trusted. Wannan and Ronzo. Come forward.”


The two refugees refused, remaining at the back of the crowd. Slowly, the refugees reorganized themselves, now centred upon the traitors.


Finding the spotlight upon him, Ronzo made his piece, and leveled his stolen spear towards Smeagol, who was apparently yet another Radiant.


Outed, the man changed, standing tall and straight backed, glowing faintly with wisps of stormlight. Although still emaciated and dressed in naught but rags, Smeagol somehow managed to cut a noble figure; no one now would mistake him for anything save one of the Knights of old.


“If that’s how you want it to be, Ronzo, then Precious and I would be happy to oblige. I fear your life will be the one ending on a bad pun, however.” Stealing a spear from Akir, Smeagol leapt towards the Ronzo, moving with the preternatural grace and strength afforded by stormlight.


The Herdazian stayed absolutely still until the last possible moment, sidestepping the man’s lunge, and striking out at Smeagol with a sudden ferocity. The haft of his spear connected with the Radiant’s fingers, shattering the bones and forcing the weapon out of his hands.


Smeagol stumbled back in surprise; even though the wound was already healing, it hurt like Damnation and had been completely unexpected.


Wasting no time, Ronzo whirled his spear around, opening Smeagol’s throat and plunging the weapon through his heart in two quick motions; never allowing even the barest instant for the Radiant to attempt to use his powers or flee.


The Herdazian looked into the awed and terrified faces of the refugees. “You don’t mess with the Ronzo.” He said simply, spitting into the gathering winds.


After that display, everyone found that they agreed.


Smeagol (leiftinspace) was lynched! He was a Refugee Edgedancer!



Macen (3) : Araris, Paranoid King, BB
Paranoid (3) : Hero, Leiftinspace, Eramit
Leift (5) : Emerald, Orlok, Clanky, Feligon, Phatt, Ren
Hero (4): Maill, Macen, Twei, Alv


Sorry guys. It's been a very long day, and in interests of preserving my sanity, I'm going to have to finish the write up tomorrow. (I've already taking one unintentional nap, and if I keep trying to finish this tonight, I'd call it a fifty-fifty on whether or not I'll actually succeed.)

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Wannan looked down at the black chasm below him. The crem-coated rock made it too difficult to dig a grave, so they had lowered Smeagol's body into this chasm. Wannan was all alone out on the plains, as everyone else had already taken shelter from the highstorm. He could see it looming in the distance. It would be upon him in just minutes.

"Thanks for lending me some of your powers," he said to the chasm. "I am already immortal, so I don't really need them, but they will it so much easier to fulfill the goals and purposes of the diagram. It's a shame these fools had to go and string you up. I wanted to keep you around a while, make use of that gift of yours. There was no need for you to be one of the first to die. Ah well, such is life."

Wannan turned from the grave chasm and made his way back to edge of camp. The wind whipped at his hair and clothes, threatening to knock him over, but he ignored it. A few minutes later he reached his destination. Much of the camps provision was stored here in a large pile. Crates and barrels had been stacked atop each other and then strapped down, placed behind a large wooden windbreak. Wannan knelt down and used a knife to cut the ropes holding the provisions down. The storm would do the rest of the work.

Job done, he stood and faced the storm. The massive wall of roiling black and flickering lightning was only one plateau away, roaring its way towards him at a terrifying speed. Wannan smiled and calmly walked forward to meet it. After all, it couldn't hurt him. Nothing could.

Edited by Herowannabe
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Sorry everyone the internet was down almost all across my town for the majority of the day. Good job Macen on already finding two diagramists that is quite impressive. 


Just a quick thought. As leifts squire hero was most likely given progression since it is I believe more useful to the refugees then Abrasion is. Since progression cant be used to defend oneself I would recommend hero as a target for our Dustbringer/Skybreaker kill instead or renegade since he can be protected.



Also for my death song should it be necessary I would like "Pretty good at drinkin beer" by Billy Currington 

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Disclaimer: Take with many grains of salt. I've been so far off the mark this game :/



Just a quick thought. As leifts squire hero was most likely given progression since it is I believe more useful to the refugees then Abrasion is. Since progression cant be used to defend oneself I would recommend hero as a target for our Dustbringer/Skybreaker kill instead or renegade since he can be protected.

Squire surges are given at random, I think. That said, there's a 50% chance Hero did get Progression, but it won't trigger if he's killed. Maybe we could use this to check which Radiants we have on side - SB hit Hero, DB hit Ren?


Those with Tension: You can protect people! Now would be a good time!


If you would have just waited until tomorrow to push this I was going to make you my squire.

Probably a bad idea, now you've said it openly. Squiring someone is good though.
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Probably a bad idea, now you've said it openly. Squiring someone is good though.

Yeah. I was thinking the same.

Also, sorry if I got a bit "cremhole-ish" at the end of the last cycle to anyone. I was getting frustrated and didn't want to announce I was a Lightweaver. That doesn't excuse me if I offended anyone though. :(



Good job Macen on already finding two diagramists that is quite impressive.


Complete luck my friend. I was looking for someone to squire.

Edited by Macen
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why hero revealed himself? what did i missed? macen revealed hero? and if its true someone should protect macen with regrowth because i guess the diagramists are very angry now.

Edit: i cant write

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Squire surges are given at random, I think. That said, there's a 50% chance Hero did get Progression, but it won't trigger if he's killed. Maybe we could use this to check which Radiants we have on side - SB hit Hero, DB hit Ren?


Those with Tension: You can protect people! Now would be a good time!


Oops, you are right I had misread the rules and thought the KR could choose or decide to give the squire a random surge. Still a 50% chance though so my point stands

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why hero revealed himself? what did i missed? macen revealed hero? and if its true someone should protect macen with regrowth because i guess the diagramists are very angry now.

Edit: i cant write

Yeah, I got lucky and scanned two Diagramists on the first two nights. Kind of humerous in the fact that this is one of the FEW situations where I was hoping to get a regular villager on my scan so I could Squire them. :(

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I'm guessing you already said this, but I think I missed it, Macen, which two Diagramists did you reveal?

Renegade (why I was pushing so hard for 1 of the 4, and never changed my vote off of Rengade) and Hero.

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Obviously Renegade and Hero are mafia, so there's no point in me commenting on them. Renegade was the only one who piqued my interest at all, because he was attempting to lead the discussion, and that is often one of my maf triggers. Even so, he wasn't that suspicious to me. I'll go back and look at his posts.

I have one other suspicion, and I will reveal that tomorrow, so as not to render the lynch discussion of the morrow pointless.

To be quite honest, nothing at all really happened during the first few Days and Nights. Another pointless D1 non-lynch, a fearkill...

Aonar Faileas, feel free to surprise me with a song. :P

Someone Squire me, please. I can't stand watching this game with no way to independently verify information. :P

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I dunno, so far being a squire hasn't really done much for me. Hey, I'll make you guys a deal. Leave me alive for a few cycles and give me a chance to play around with my new powers, and I'll report back to you on my experience. :D

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Well, if I guessed right and they have 2 Radiants, that means neither Hero or Renegade are likely to be Radiants (which sucks). The reason I say this is I highly doubt Renegade and Hero would have risked one of their Radiants on that ploy of killing Bort the first night they could.

In general, I would have thought they would have waited another night or two to kill Bort. Possibly allowing him to contact 4 more random people. Alvron was 100% right on that point, and I think it was probably the biggest reason people didn't go with my numbers. :(

*EDIT* I would also like to point out that Joe has been active on the forums, but not in this game. I have no other reason to suspect him, but he is usually a lot more active than this.

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I agree, but I think we should focus on who we know are diagramists, instead of our suspicions.

I'm going to have to disagree. We already know that Hero and Renegade are Diagramists. We should be looking for who the other Diagramists are, or we are just wasting time.

The only thing to focus on for Renegade and Hero is how we plan on killing them. We still have at least 3 more to go once they are dead.

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