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(Spoilers) Your biggest "WHAT THE---?!"

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"You created the one thing that could destroy you, Ruin! And you just made one huge final mistake. You shouldn't have killed Elend."


"You see, he was the only reason I had left to live."


Probably the biggest gut-punch in all of fiction for me.


But as a shocking twist, OreSeur being TenSoon all along, Denth being evil, and Reen's voice being Ruin were huge.

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I'm also jumping on the Taravangian 'WHAT THE-!?!' moment band wagon...



But I also didn't expect Vivenna's friend Parlin to actually die in Warbreaker. Just the actual dying part.


On a side note, how do you bring up the spoiler tag warning? Is there a guide for these formatting type things. Lol I am a noob, don't judge me >.<

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I'm also jumping on the Taravangian 'WHAT THE-!?!' moment band wagon...



But I also didn't expect Vivenna's friend Parlin to actually die in Warbreaker. Just the actual dying part.



On a side note, how do you bring up the spoiler tag warning? Is there a guide for these formatting type things. Lol I am a noob, don't judge me >.<



I believe. That said this interface is a little clumsy.
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What about the part in the Way of Kings where Dalinar discovers that his "interactive visions" aren't quite interactive:


"I am... I was... God. The one you call the Almighty, the creator of mankind. And now I am dead. Odium has killed me. I am sorry."


After reading this, it became apparent that things were much worse than I had assumed, and it was all about to go downhill very fast... 


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It's hard to pinpoint the BIGGEST moment for me.  Each book seems to have them, but three in particular stand out.  In order of experience: Kelsier, Denth, and Taravangian.  


Kelsier's death made me put the book down and walk away for a bit.  I was so invested in the character, the suddenness of it. I just figured he had some secret up his sleeve.  Maybe throw down some ninja smoke bombs and high tail it out or something.  Gut wrenching.


Denth revealed himself and my head began screaming at me. Again, I had invested in the character he had portrayed.


Taravangian.  What can I say that has not been said?  It's like finding out Dumbledore killed Harry's parents so that he'd be cursed by Voldemort to be the chosen one.

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I have many, but the biggest ones are, in order:

1. Sazed becoming Harmony - this completely blew my mind, and I still consider this the most original ending to any book I've ever read

2. Atium mistings - should have seen it coming, and yet it totally blind-sided me

3. How Raoden fixed the Aons

4. The Kandra plot twist

5. OreSeur/TenSoon

6. Vin's earring

7. Vasher being Warbreaker/the whole hidden army thing

8. Shallan's "10 heartbeats" comment

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In The Way of Kings, I totally did not see Dalinar giving up his Shardblade. It was just... so so perfect.

This for me really affected me. When Sadeus wouldn't give up the bridgemen I was physically sickened by the prospect of Dalinar not keeping his word. My jaw hit the floor when he gave up the blade. Moments like this are the reason why I genuinely describe WoK as "GLORIOUS" without hyperbole.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the things that people have said in this thread, I agree with.  I just have to say that just reading through this thread reminded me of why Brandon Sanderson is *awesome*.


The biggest twist, for me, was the Ruin:  I am free! bit.  At least, added to the annotation for the next book: "..he must not free the thing that is trapped there."  Big twist of the knife for me, even if it turned out for the, ah, not-actual-end-of-the-world in the end.


Denth's betrayal hit me on a much more personal level, though.  That one hurt in a different way.

Edited by happyman
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, I'm really bad at catching foreshadowing and theorizing while I read (See: it took me 2 readthroughs to figure out Shallan had a Shardblade...) so most of these swept me off my feet. Sadeas's betrayal always hurts, because I really want to believe that he's trying to help Dalinar win the war. Taravangian was a good one, as were the Denth and TenSoon/OreSeur reveals. Some of my favorite twists of all time. My sister still won't forgive me for the Denth reveal. She actually screamed at me when she found out.


Kelsier's death was probably the one that I was most surprised by, just because I'd never read a Branderson book before, and I was just completely not expecting that to happen. It's what made me fall in love with these books. Ah, they're just all so good.

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I deliberately spoiled myself regarding Sazed being the Hero of Ages. I still immensely enjoyed reading that part, though.


I can understand why people don't like spoilers, but I love 'em! :) In fact, I would've totally hated the ending of Well of Ascension if I hadn't known it in advance. I really dislike unexpected downer endings.


My favorite unspoiled "what the?" moment was when Dalinar gave up his Shardblade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Taravangian, no question. I liked him, Jasnah respected him, he cared for his people. And then it turns out he's a mass murderer... It was like being hit by a train.


This and Sazed being the Hero of Ages.

Edited by Windborne Sword
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  • 2 weeks later...

I twinged to Denth early on.  I've noted the tendency of some authors to include protagonist-centered morality (i.e. if the protagonist does it, then it's automatically okay), and I'm not overly fond of it.  As a result, I tend to keep an eye out for it and realized quite quickly that Denth wasn't as warm and fluffy as the story seemed to be pushing you to believe.


Dalinar and the shardblade totally caught me off-guard, though.  I knew that there was no way he would break his word.  But I didn't expect that particular play.


The stinger at the end of TWoK was also a "What the-?" moment for me when I realized who had just collapsed on the ground.

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Biggest ones...


Shallan's ten heartbeats comment

...although it was literally that entire scene. I was absolutely freaking out. Like, couldn't put it down, but really wanted to because I thought something horrible was about to happen.


Dalinar giving up the shardblade and Kelsier's death.


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For me, Dalinar giving up Oathbringer was a punch the air moment.  Dalinar's character and the value he places on human life had been established over the course of the book.  What better way to make a moral stand than to make an exchange that would be viewed by the Alethi as being more significant?  It was perfect.  It was surprising because it was so powerful, but not unexpected in a lot of ways. 


For me, Taravangian being revealed as directing Szeth was a bigger, more surprising reveal.

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I agree, it was very appropriately symmetrical. I loved that moment, especially with the conversation that followed it.  "Today you and your men sacrificed to buy me twenty six hundred priceless lives, all I had to repay you with was a single priceless sword, I call that a bargain" Hell yeah, Dalinar!


As far as moments that suckerpunched me, Taravangian was a big one, Shallan's shardblade didn't suckerpunch me but it did make me do a double take when I read the "ten heartbeats" line.

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TWoK was my first Brandon book and had a ton of twists and shocks (Honor dead, Taravangian, spelling his name right on the first try, etc.), but I felt a TLR-style slap across the face with Denth, so that's my pick. I'd had Vin's earring and Sazed's ascension spoiled, though, so those might have ranked high otherwise. The Lord Ruler still got me--several times.

Edited by JoeAgain
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For me, it was totally the WoA ending, but in particular the fact that I should have seen it coming. Literally the first words in the book were the key to the entire plot, with nothing written in metal able to be trusted. With that, Elend burning pewter. I was so confused!

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