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Add a Goat, Ruin a Quote

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"Goat is dead, but I'll see what I can do"

Bands of Mourning, kinda Mistborn Secret History 


The very last line where Kelsier leans down and says "Goat" which leaves Wax very confused.

I will protect goats that cannot protect themselves"

Edited by Ookla the Theoretical
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On 1/16/2022 at 7:54 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

"Yer a goat, Harry."


"Yer a wizard, Goat"





"shake out those blankets," he said, nodding toward the stack and setting down the lantern. "then lift every cup and bowl on the shelf and check inside of them."

Her eyes widened. "What am I looking for?"

"Goats, goats, goats, goats..." He shrugged, putting Sak on her perch by the window. "The room is built to be tight, but this is Patji. The Father likes goats."

Edited by Gak
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"Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy goats, bye!" - Bill Cypher

“Braces! Braces caught in the screen door! Someone dictate my will. I’m giving it all to the goat.” - Mabel Pines (there actually is a goat in the show that lives at their house...)

“I think I’m gonna go stare at a goat for a while and rethink everything.” - Wendy Corduroy

“I made lots of robuts in my day! Like when my first goat left me and I created a homicidal pterodactyl-tron, or when my second goat didn’t come to my retirement party and I constructed an eighty ton SHAME BOT THAT EXPLODED THE ENTIRE DOWNTOWN AREA! –laughs– Well, time to get back to work on my death ray! Any of you kids got a screwdriver?” - Fiddleford McGucket

“And then he chased me around and spanked me with a goat's butt for, like, three hours. Bottom line, George Washington was a JERK.” - Quentin Trembley

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