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Storing alcohol in a bendalloymind


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Basically the attribute is teleported into the future.   


... I'd never heard that explanation before. Are you sure that's true?


I remember Sazed gave Vin a metalmind for her to try to burn in TFE. She could feel his power inside it but not access it. 


So presumably, the power does exist in the metalmind, at least partially. No?

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... I'd never heard that explanation before. Are you sure that's true?


I remember Sazed gave Vin a metalmind for her to try to burn in TFE. She could feel his power inside it but not access it. 


So presumably, the power does exist in the metalmind, at least partially. No?


I'm looking for the quote, but I read it quite a long time ago so I might be misremembering the details.


There is a power signature in the metal after an attribute has been "stored" but it is not the attribute itself.

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Okay, but what about the dilution problem? 

It would become diluted to maintain balance. you would have to calculate the morality of the active ingredient within the total stored liquid.

Moles/Liters=Molarity  then recalculate how much liquid you have drawn out then multiply by that Molarity*Liters=moles of alcohol then figure out you BAC then you would be able to figure out you "drunkeness" from dilution.

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I'm looking for the quote, but I read it quite a long time ago so I might be misremembering the details.


There is a power signature in the metal after an attribute has been "stored" but it is not the attribute itself.

This, although it's not quite WoB, there's a bit of interpretation involved. But if you think about how compounding works it makes more sense to think of a feruchemical charge like this.

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Here's the quote for you guys about the time travel of attributes.

Feruchemy is an end-neutral art, meaning that power is neither gained nor lost. The art also requires metal as a focus, but instead of being consumed, the metal acts as a medium by which abilities within the practitioner are shuttled through time. Invest that metal on one day, withdraw the power on another day.

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That's a metaphorical use, though. It isn't actually 'time travel', it's just storage.

Is it though? I personally find storage less likely, if it was simple energy storage there should be some form of decay in the attribute over time as it should still be subject to the laws of thermodynamics. Bane though they be :P

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Is it though? I personally find storage less likely, if it was simple energy storage there should be some form of decay in the attribute over time as it should still be subject to the laws of thermodynamics. Bane though they be :P

Thermodynamics don't really apply to spiritual imprints :P
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Is it though? I personally find storage less likely, if it was simple energy storage there should be some form of decay in the attribute over time as it should still be subject to the laws of thermodynamics. Bane though they be :P


Magic > Thermodynamics ;)

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Magic > Thermodynamics ;)

Tell that to the power of creation and the first law :P Part of what I like about cosmere books is that they just have workarounds for thermodynamics, they don't ignore them.

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I don't know where the quote is, but he has also mentioned somewhere about metalminds having a maximum capacity, IIRC. This definitely supports it actually being storage.

Or a limited amount of information to be transported, this one could go both ways really. maximum capacity does not naturally lead to actual storage since we're talking magical storage here, Sazeds pewter ring could not actually hold all the additional mass he gains when he taps it so there's no reason that storage should be limited.

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Thanks for finding that quote for me Windy!


In the case of Feruchemy, no energy is being drawn from this other place. So, you spend a week sick and store up the ability to heal. It’s a balanced system, basically obeying the laws of thermodynamics. So, while it’s not real, it’s still rational.



Feruchemy does follow the laws of thermodynamics.


I agree with Voidus here on the "maximum storage" issue.  This might all be just a matter of semantics but the quote Windy found for me, in my opinion, supports the time travel of attributes.

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Or maybe it obeys the law in the normal method. Do we actually know for sure that you always get out exactly what you put in? Perhaps there is a minimal degradation over time.

Although in the case of copper, I think it may have been stated that you get perfect recall... So I'm probably wrong there.

I'm also personally curious about the naming convention for ferruchemy. Why are they metalMINDS? It makes sense for copper, but why strength, or weight? These are not things you would usually store in the mind. I imagine it's simply that copperminds were named first, and it just stuck.

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