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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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11 minutes ago, Briar King said:

Peace Talks, Morning Star, Lightbringer 5, Expanse 6, Bone and Blood.

I haven't been paying attention, didn't realize Peace Talks was out.  Was going to say I picked a bad time to start a WoT reread, but I just went to the library website and put a hold on Peace Talks - I'm number 30 in line; though they do have 5 copies going around, so that should help.

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Beginning my Stormlight reread today. Hoping to relish it, not rush ... like that's gonna happen.:lol:

I've made printouts of all the chapter epigraphs from TWoK and WoR, so I need to add the epigraphs from OB to that document. Reorganizing & analyzing the epigraphs has yielded some interesting ideas... Such fun!

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So, I read Life As We Knew It, by Susan Beth Pfeffer, and it's really good.  It's a story written in diary format about a family living through an asteroid knocking the Moon into a closer orbit.  

Seriously, it's really good.  (If anyone's read it already, what did you think?)

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On 19/07/2020 at 7:10 AM, Briar King said:

Peace Talks, Morning Star, Lightbringer 5, Expanse 6, Bone and Blood.

What? All at once? :-O


I'm up to Ghost Story.  Slow reader.  I expect I will probably have finished Peace Talks by the time Battle Ground comes out XD  Then it's time for my stormlight re-read to resume!

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More Wheel of Time thoughts. Just finished chapter 36. 


So first note, Rand got a mind sword, so that's need. Then he ran at full speed down the slippery slope by straight up murdering a merchant and a bunch of guards just on the off chance they might be evil, not even any real reason for suspicion other than coming across them. So uh. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen?


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14 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

It's my favorite non-Cosmere book/series! Feel free to talk to me about it anytime!

Ok! I have left like 10 pages of starlight, so I need to finish it first. :P

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17 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Something occurs to me. On chapter 40 of Dragon Reborn and 

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there has not been one full chapter that is a Rand POV. All of his POV's have been a couple of paragraphs at the end of a chapter to mark a shift from Perrin POVs to Mat/Egwene or vice versa.


I want to say something but I won’t.

 I’m almost finished with Peace Talks then I ll get back to mostly reading Morning Star as my main read while still chipping away at the other books I’ve mentioned.

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Finished Peace Talks. While some cool stuff goes down this book is one of my least favorites of the series and I really see no reason other then a cash grab after Butchers long hiatus that this needed to be its own book rather then giving it with Battleground in September. 335 pgs wasn’t going to mess up today’s book binding capabilities. I would strongly recommend to just wait and read this closer to or once Battleground gets here.

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16 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Finished The Dragon Reborn. 

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Must say I am disappointed in the Forsaken so far. The first three we are told are Forsaken die not long after their introduction and I'm not a fan of Selene yet (who I am positive is Lanfear)



Keep reading, keep reading


Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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