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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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8 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Oh quick question about Dragon Reborn. 

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They said at the end that Ba'alzamon could have actually been one of the Forsaken. Is that meant to be an actual reveal, or is that discussed in later books and eventually confirmed or denied?


If memory serves, you'll get a solid answer on it later on.  though the fact that there are 11 more books in the series should probably suggest something.

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Re-reading Hobbit+Lord of the Rings, I've just finished the Rohan arc. Beautiful, beautiful prose, historical lore as deep as imaginable, and - as a result of both - such a unique atmosphere. I love these books (despite some problems with pacing and dramaturgy)!

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4 hours ago, Dunkum said:

If memory serves, you'll get a solid answer on it later on.  though the fact that there are 11 more books in the series should probably suggest something.

Alright cool. I was just unsure if that was the book saying "Yeah this is the truth" or if it was going to have elaboration. I could have believed either.

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Woo!  I'm up to Peace Talks, just read the first chapter!

I read all the short stories, microfiction and comics.  Those short stories are some of the best I've read, and most of them are almost required reading for the universe.

Those comics - not good.  Welcome to the Jungle is the only one referenced in the novels.  War Cry is the one with the best story IMO, except for the entirely needless spoiler in the final panel. D:  The rest were just not worth reading, and Wild Card was actively bad.

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Ironically despite being the one I enjoyed most, it also had the worst example so far of my least favorite aspect of the series. I'm certainly not prudish but I find how sexualized some things in the series can be is unnecessary and don't like how common it is. I was fine with it mostly before now, particularly when it comes to magical entities. 


I notably found the sex scene between Dresden and Susan very gratuitous. I checked out completely during that scene because I just dont care


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14 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Ironically despite being the one I enjoyed most, it also had the worst example so far of my least favorite aspect of the series. I'm certainly not prudish but I find how sexualized some things in the series can be is unnecessary and don't like how common it is. I was fine with it mostly before now, particularly when it comes to magical entities. 

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I notably found the sex scene between Dresden and Susan very gratuitous. I checked out completely during that scene because I just dont care


Don't worry, he doesn't make a habit of that kind of thing.


10 hours ago, Briar King said:

Not much exp with audio. Is it a guy taking on women voices or flipped or one of each?

It's one guy reading the books*.  He does quite a good Leanansidhe IMO.  James Marsters, who played Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  IMO he's a very good audio book reader.

*they get a lady to read the female POV short stories though.

Edited by Snorkel
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On 29/07/2020 at 1:41 PM, Briar King said:

Finished Peace Talks. While some cool stuff goes down this book is one of my least favorites of the series and I really see no reason other then a cash grab after Butchers long hiatus that this needed to be its own book rather then giving it with Battleground in September. 335 pgs wasn’t going to mess up today’s book binding capabilities. I would strongly recommend to just wait and read this closer to or once Battleground gets here.

He talks about that here. ' "If we publish this as a hardback, it's gonna be a $50 hardback", and I was like "Oh, I'm not gonna be the guy who sets THAT post" '

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Starting two books today. Blood Rites and Shadow Rising.

On the Dresden side of things, we seem to have a new puppy companion and I love it so much. 

On the WoT side, I really hope that the image of Mat with a bird on the cover actually means he gets a bird. The only thing better than a small puppy companion is an awesome bird friend.

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3 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Starting two books today. Blood Rites and Shadow Rising.

On the Dresden side of things, we seem to have a new puppy companion and I love it so much. 

On the WoT side, I really hope that the image of Mat with a bird on the cover actually means he gets a bird. The only thing better than a small puppy companion is an awesome bird friend.

your cover shows Mat holding a bird?  that is definitely not what mine shows

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I have that type of cover for every book except for Eye of the World. I had Eye of the World in mass market paperback, and I've had it since I was a kid which was weird. Like I was watching a few of Daniel Greene's videos on WoT last year, and he showed a picture of the cover, and I was really surprised because I realized I recognized it. So I went looking and lo and behold, I found it.

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