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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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I finished Romeo and Juliet, and currently my only thought is 'well that escalated quickly'.  I'm gonna need a couple days to think about that one.

I started Rebel Sisters, which is the sequel to War Girls.  A little hard to summarize, but it's about two sisters in a futuristic war-torn Nigeria.  (Could be wrong on the location, it's been a few months since I read the first one...)  It's interesting.  Not my usual sphere of sci-fi at all.  I feel kind of bad about not liking it very much, but the tenses are taking me out of it a bit.

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On 1/23/2021 at 2:22 AM, StormingTexan said:

Re-reading The Licanius Trilogy. These books remind me a lot of Brandon's book in that they get better after each read as you pick up stuff you miss initially. 

Those books definitely get better after the first one. Spoilers coming, but if it's a reread that doesn't matter.


Caeden is the MVP. The time travel worked against it sometimes, as because the time loop was so stable you sort of know things are going to work out.

It would have been nice to have a viewpoint of an 'evil' Venerate to understand how they are so singlemindedly focused on their goal. I also found it interesting that they gave up their precognition to fight against determinism, and ended up being unable to see what was predetermined so they basically have free will.

@aneonfoxtribute I'm waiting to see your reactions to the latest books. I... definitely have thoughts about them.


I'm reading a non-fiction book called The Silk Roads: A New HIstory of the World as research for a novel, and I'm re-reading the Medoran Chronicles, which is YA but I enjoyed it. Also, the author is Australian and I'm considering submitting a novel to the same publishing house (if I ever finish the darn thing).

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Finished A Talent For War, recommended to me by the amazing @Iarwainiel!  (I'll post in the thread once I finish everything I got from the recs.)

It was good.  Spoilery thoughts inside, and probably later in the week there'll be a while bunch of thoughts I put in the thread I made.


I read most of the book in one go, and it was a fairly quick read.  I didn't like that Christopher Sim's brother Tarien and the supposed traitor Talino's name's were so similar.  I got them mixed up quite a few times.  There were a couple times where I raised my eyebrows at the author's choice of words, but other than that, it was pretty good!  I like the concept, and I think it was carried out fairly well.

Next up, Starship Troopers!  It looks interesting, though I'm a bit apprehensive, thanks to one of the cover blurbs.  'Controversial' is a loaded word and the discussions surrounding the things under that banner are almost never fun.  But hopefully I enjoy it!

I'm also reading Anne of Avonlea between classes, and it's so good!  It's cheerful and poetic and down-to-earth, which is a really nice feeling when you're reading lots of books with really high stakes.  It goes by pretty quickly, so I'll probably finish it in a week or so.

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4 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

Next up, Starship Troopers!  It looks interesting, though I'm a bit apprehensive, thanks to one of the cover blurbs.  'Controversial' is a loaded word and the discussions surrounding the things under that banner are almost never fun.  But hopefully I enjoy it!

Heinlein has got some Opinions and he makes certain anyone who read his books understands that.  but Starship Troopers is a fun read, as I recall, and doesn't go too, too heavy into politics or into his whole....thing.....on sex.

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46 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

Next up, Starship Troopers!  It looks interesting, though I'm a bit apprehensive, thanks to one of the cover blurbs.  'Controversial' is a loaded word and the discussions surrounding the things under that banner are almost never fun.  But hopefully I enjoy it!

'Controversial' is used liberally when advertising Heinlein. Really, the only controversy is that he still gets plenty of shelf space at the book shops.

A good way to look at Heinlein is that he's like that weird uncle at Thanksgiving. Sure, he brings the best sides and you enjoy them, but you'll have to ignore his political talk while you do so. 

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Ok so I have a question. I started reading Dresden Files because so many fans of other books I like recommended the series. I have made it to White Night so a little more than half way. I do not really dislike them and they are entertaining enough but not much is convincing me to keep going. They just seem kind of repetitive I guess? Just wondering if there is a payoff coming or maybe the series is just not for me? If you tell me that something really changes in this back half of the series I may be compelled to keep going, If it is pretty similar to what i have already read maybe I should just stop. 

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1 hour ago, Spren of Kindness said:

Finished A Talent For War, recommended to me by the amazing @Iarwainiel!  (I'll post in the thread once I finish everything I got from the recs.)

It was good.  Spoilery thoughts inside, and probably later in the week there'll be a while bunch of thoughts I put in the thread I made.

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I read most of the book in one go, and it was a fairly quick read.  I didn't like that Christopher Sim's brother Tarien and the supposed traitor Talino's name's were so similar.  I got them mixed up quite a few times.  There were a couple times where I raised my eyebrows at the author's choice of words, but other than that, it was pretty good!  I like the concept, and I think it was carried out fairly well.


Glad you liked it! The idea of humans in far-flung space, and an archaeologist who finds "ancient" spaceships that would be thousands of years in our future, is really interesting to me - like, they can still read paper books that old if they are still intact, but electronic records are totally gone because the media degraded and/or the device to play the recorded data was lost. Just kinda makes you think. Now I'm wanting to go back and reread the series again! :)

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28 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

Ok so I have a question. I started reading Dresden Files because so many fans of other books I like recommended the series. I have made it to White Night so a little more than half way. I do not really dislike them and they are entertaining enough but not much is convincing me to keep going. They just seem kind of repetitive I guess? Just wondering if there is a payoff coming or maybe the series is just not for me? If you tell me that something really changes in this back half of the series I may be compelled to keep going, If it is pretty similar to what i have already read maybe I should just stop. 

I mean, it definitely builds on itself, but it does so in a very repetitive way.  if you've gotten that far, and aren't satisfied with it, then i'd say just drop at at that point.

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1 hour ago, Ooklara said:

'Controversial' is used liberally when advertising Heinlein. Really, the only controversy is that he still gets plenty of shelf space at the book shops.

A good way to look at Heinlein is that he's like that weird uncle at Thanksgiving. Sure, he brings the best sides and you enjoy them, but you'll have to ignore his political talk while you do so. 

Okay.  I don't really understand most of that because I don't have the 'weird (insert extended family member here)', but that does make me feel better.

44 minutes ago, Iarwainiel said:

Glad you liked it! The idea of humans in far-flung space, and an archaeologist who finds "ancient" spaceships that would be thousands of years in our future, is really interesting to me - like, they can still read paper books that old if they are still intact, but electronic records are totally gone because the media degraded and/or the device to play the recorded data was lost. Just kinda makes you think. Now I'm wanting to go back and reread the series again! :)

Yeah, the concept of electronic versus paper records and materials is really interesting to me as well.

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1 hour ago, StormingTexan said:

Ok so I have a question. I started reading Dresden Files because so many fans of other books I like recommended the series. I have made it to White Night so a little more than half way. I do not really dislike them and they are entertaining enough but not much is convincing me to keep going. They just seem kind of repetitive I guess? Just wondering if there is a payoff coming or maybe the series is just not for me? If you tell me that something really changes in this back half of the series I may be compelled to keep going, If it is pretty similar to what i have already read maybe I should just stop. 

I would say get to Changes, because that is the best book and the one with the most shakeup to the status quo, a shakeup which has thus far remained

Edited by aneonfoxtribute
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Finished Cardcaptor Sakura. This may be a case where I prefer the adaptation to the original material in some ways, mainly because the adaptation has a lot more content and more characters that while it can be considered filler, it was fun to watch. That said, the original material is definitely a much tighter story, due to not having to make up explanations for all the things they added in the anime, and because of a couple big plot points they skipped. 

So yeah, really fun read. Interesting magic, more complex than I expected in a kid's manga, lots of problematic romances though I think they were well handled. Definitely excited to continue on to Tsubasa Chronicle.

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46 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

Okay.  I don't really understand most of that because I don't have the 'weird (insert extended family member here)', but that does make me feel better.


Though, to be fair, I might be THAT weird uncle in my family! :blink:

Also, full disclosure, I'm thinking of a different Heinlein book (Magic, Inc.) where it feels like he goes into "I must teach an entire intro to civics course to my readers!" for what feels like half the book. 

He always has some of that patronizing "I'm turning this pulp sci-fi into a teaching opportunity" in most of his works, but it usually works within the story. 

And what ends up being "controversial" in Starship Troopers does not show up elsewhere in his works. It's a sort of "what if society worked in this way and space bugs attacked" thought experiment. It's not even his most 'controversial' book.

That's apparently Farnham's Freehold.

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Have made much more progress then I thought I would have made on part 4 these last 2 nights. I mean I still want to beat my head with the book at certain times but I am legit surprised I’ve made it that far in so short a time.

In the mood for some GGK but I won’t start that book till I’m done with the 3 I’m currently reading. After Tigana I told myself I would read only the one book once I had started it and not do the multi book reads I’ve gotten in to the last few years.

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Seventeen pages into Starship Troopers, and I need to express this:


'...I remembered what Migliaccio had said about not trying for a medal, and stuck to doctrine.'  I did not realize how frustrated I have gotten with the 'do the big thing against orders' characters until now.

I have no idea what will happen in the next two hundred-odd pages, but this is good.


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6 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

On chapter 39 of Skin Game and if Nicodemus wasn't already the best villain in Dresden he sure is now. 

He doesn't exactly have a lot of competition.  I guess there is Mavra, the Black Court Vampire that has shown up a few times.  but, as has been mentioned before, most Dresden Villains don't last very long.  and amon those that do many end up as occasional allies, like Lara Raith or Mab - neither of whom is precisely a pure villain

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Finished Starship Troopers!  It was pretty good.  A little bit formulaic in parts, but I liked the ending.  A couple spoilery thoughts:


I wasn't very impressed with the character interactions - it felt more like an overview told from years after the events.  But it worked.  There were definitely things to think about, and I'm happy to say that I have no idea what the controversial part was, because now I don't have to have an opinion on it.

Probably I'll finish up the Young Elites series next with The Midnight Star - either that or The Clockwork Rocket, which seems more likely, since I really haven't enjoyed The Young Elites thus far.

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