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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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On 2/23/2021 at 0:41 AM, aneonfoxtribute said:

So uh. I'm on chapter 22 of Battle Ground and.... wow.

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I'm not totally sure I like Murphy dying like that. Her dying makes sense, but her dying to RUDOLF? I think her dying doing down fighting an actual threat would have been better. But I'm also not entirely sure this will stick. We'll see



This is part of why I considered dropping the series. I heavily identified with Murphy, having suffered several injuries that left me with chronic pain and ended my martial arts career in between Skin Game and Peace Talks/Battle Ground. Her arc in these two books was a slap in the face to what I've been through, especially the thoughts that 'I can still do this' vs my body saying 'you definitely can't'.

I wouldn't be as salty if she had actually had a mutual kill with the Jotun, but she doesn't even get the dignity of being taken out by her own reckless choice.


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1 hour ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Just finished Chapter 31 of Battle Ground and oh my GOD this book is so awesome. People DISLIKE this?! This is like pure unadulterated hype injected straight into my veins. 

Fans are a contentious bunch :lol:

Waiting also appears to affect one's enjoyment. Later entries in multi volume series tend to have their lowest ratings right after they are released. I call this phenomena the Theorization Effect.

Theorising goes through stages, starting from "I think this will happen" to "wouldn't it be cool if this happened" to "I hope this happens" to "this better happen". The longer the wait, the further along fans get on this path and the more likely they'll be disappointed. 

There's something similar with shipping, but that's a whole other mess. 

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I finished Day One and The Great Gatsby.   Day One was good, as skeptical as I was (oh the hypocrisy of me making minor comments like this...) but I did not get The Great Gatsby at all.  I'm still not sure how it concluded.  At least part of it is because it's set in the 20s, and I'm not familiar with that era, though.

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49 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

I finished Day One and The Great Gatsby.   Day One was good, as skeptical as I was (oh the hypocrisy of me making minor comments like this...) but I did not get The Great Gatsby at all.  I'm still not sure how it concluded.  At least part of it is because it's set in the 20s, and I'm not familiar with that era, though.

Jay Gatsby was trying to enter into higher class society in order to win his "unrequited" crush. Despite him making a fortune and publically displaying the trappings of wealth, he is never actually accepted as a member of high society and, as a result, is rejected by Daisy. 

He then gets shot because of some convoluted car pooling. Don't you shush me about spoilers, the modernists care not for your modern day genre conventions! 

In either event, the meaning of the novel is succinctly summarized in the last line, “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Ponder on that and despair! 

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15 minutes ago, Orlionra said:

Jay Gatsby was trying to enter into higher class society in order to win his "unrequited" crush. Despite him making a fortune and publically displaying the trappings of wealth, he is never actually accepted as a member of high society and, as a result, is rejected by Daisy. 

He then gets shot because of some convoluted car pooling. Don't you shush me about spoilers, the modernists care not for your modern day genre conventions! 

In either event, the meaning of the novel is succinctly summarized in the last line, “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Ponder on that and despair! 

I thought he shot the other guy.

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And I have finished Side Jobs. I probably shouldn't have done this as the last thing, I didn't think it would be as good as what came later and it sure wasn't, but it still had good stories. Anyway I am now done with Dresden entirely :). Now I can finally catch up on Shardcasts, I've only watched the Taravangian one out of all of the RoW Shardcasts (And the first two Parts of Overlady Reads which I also need to get to)

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I finished Shadow and Bone and The Dragon Reborn, so now I'm reading The Shadow Rising. 

I really liked TDR, and so far all my thoughts about WoT have been really positive. Shadow and Bone, though... I can't really decide how I feel about that book. It was fun and didn't take long to read, but the plot didn't actually interest me until about 75% through the book. 

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DNF'd Catch-22, and picked up Kingdom of Liars.  I'm in a bit of a reading slump right now, so it's going slow.  I'm going to get... whatever the first Grisha book is, one of my friends was very excited about the trailer, so I figured I'd pick up the book, and while I won't share the excitement that she has, I still hope to enjoy it.

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I've recently been kinda obsessed with this manga called Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle. Starts out as just a running gag that the princess is willing to do anything to get good sleep while waiting for the hero to rescue her, but over time turns into a compelling story with real story arcs, a loveable cast of characters, and even a slow burn romance. I can't recommend it enough ugh

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Got distracted from Colour of Magic for a few days but I finished it yesterday. It wasn’t a LOL funny for me but I did get a few chuckles out of it and appreciated the jokes I did get the reference to. Twoflower was a little groan worthy at the beginning but he grew on me by the end. Rincewind was very enjoyable the whole time. Luggage... it was hit and miss for me but I will say when Rincewind ended up on the airplane in the dragon chapter and Luggage appeared it felt like a horror movie moment and I had to reread a few sentences just to make sure I was reading it right. I won’t give my thoughts on Death since I’ve heard He’s not his normal self in this book and He starts being the Death everyone loves in the next book but solidified in Mort.

I was surprised by the lack of footnotes in the book since even I know how famous Pratchett is for having footnotes and there’s only one here and I think it was just to explain the seasons. I hope the rest have way more than that to justify the whole being famous for them.

Well onto The Light Fantastic and see how Rincewind survives his cliffhanger to end up doing more ‘adventures’ on the Discworld.

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*crawls out of my room, disoriented* ...what year and universe is it?  

Yeah, I finished Kingdom of Liars and Gemina.  That was a good 900 pages, wildly different themes, but good.  

Gemina spoilers below:


I'm a little irritated that they did the cop-out boyfriend death again, but I also didn't like Nik, so...

So, now I've got plans to reread Storm Glass and The Lost Planet, both about 300 pages long.  I'm seeing a trend here... A fantasy, and then a sci-fi.

Does anyone have recommendations for sci-fi stories?  Something involving escaping a place, that shows the impact of war, but not super graphic.  I can only check the library's new release page so often.

Or good dystopians, I feel like I could pick up one or two of those.

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I'm almost halfway through The Great Hunt.  Still rather confused, but bluffing works wonders.  One spoiler below:


Selene... I'm not very impressed.   I've skimmed pretty much everything she's in because it's so awkward.  

My current guess is that she turns out to be evil and Rand will go back to his 'true love' Egwene.


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12 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

I'm almost halfway through The Great Hunt.  Still rather confused, but bluffing works wonders.  One spoiler below:

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Selene... I'm not very impressed.   I've skimmed pretty much everything she's in because it's so awkward.  

My current guess is that she turns out to be evil and Rand will go back to his 'true love' Egwene.



yea, Selene is...not subtle.  if it helps the suspension of disbelief, Rand is a Farm Boy whose only ever seen like 12 books in his entire life and read maybe 4; not a genre savvy fantasy nerd.


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1 minute ago, Dunkum said:

yea, Selene is...not subtle.  if it helps the suspension of disbelief, Rand is a Farm Boy whose only ever seen like 12 books in his entire life and read maybe 4; not a genre savvy fantasy nerd.

That's true, but I just really despise this particular trope... cliche... whatever.  And the thing is, I'm really bad at spotting what trope is being used, so if I can see it...


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