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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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6 minutes ago, lordofsoup said:

I enjoyed like the first 15% of atlas shrugged, but I gave up after like 40%.

This is no mere qualitative review, hahaha, nice.

I never really had the desire to read Atlas Shrugged because of the old saw too much of a good thing... She strikes me as a person who loves to belabor a point.

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Checked out Sweet Silver Blues by Glenn Cook based on a recommendation from @Ammanas . It's the first book in the Garrett P. I. series and it was really good.

It's a hardboiled detective story set in a fantasy world, kind of like Raymond Chandler crossed with Piers Anthony (on one of Piers Anthony's good days). The story is good, the analogies are novel and fun, the mystery is compelling and fully explained, and the characters are great. Garrett, the human beer swilling detective, teams up with a Dark Elf vegan bruiser named Motley Dotes, consults an oracular animate corpse known as the Dead Man, and stays just one jump ahead of all the various factions that are tangled up in the plot who want to rub him out. 

Also just read Dashiell Hammett's first novel, Red Harvest and though it was good, I have to say I liked Sweet Silver Blues better. I think I'm tired of books that lionize anti-heroes. 

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Finished Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M Valente. It's about apples and the comfort they bring in the face of horrifying, overwhelming love.

Now I can focus on A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger which if you're not reading, you are robbing yourself of happiness and your future self will never forgive you.

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Went on a cruise and didn’t want to haul ROW so I brought a couple smaller books to read. Finished Cold Hearted and it was an interesting look at Lady Tremaine, Cinderella’s stepmother, and what would drive a woman to become a wicked stepmother. It did introduce some timeline issues with previous books since the Beast’s book mentioned Cinderella marrying the prince as a recent event before the curse happened but here his story is done by the time Tremaine marries Cinderella’s father.

The other book I started was Fool Moon but I didn’t finish that. I’ll get back to it after finishing ROW which I’m almost done with. This is taking longer than normal for me but it mostly had to do with the Kaladin chapters being very depressing to read and me having gone through that stuff at the same time. Also the war stuff was a pain to read.

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All the Dune talk recently made me want to reread that.  I've Read Dune 2 or 3 times before, and Dune Messiah and Children of Dune once each, I think and nothing after that.  so this time I decided to t least get through the  Frank Herbert books.  finished God Emperor yesterday and started on Heretics today.

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