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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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All the way up to collection eight of Left Behind: The Kids.  I'm definitely going to read the main series after these.  I also read Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen, and really enjoyed it.  I've also started reading Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, and am enjoying that as well. 

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I finally finished reading Rhythm of War. I had a bit of a hard time with this book because of having depression around the time the book released and reading Kaladin’s sections really didn’t help matters. Even after I got through my depression episode reading the beginning of the book still wasn’t easy because of Kaladin’s depression and the war stuff so I had to put the book down at several points because it was too much for me.

The only parts that didn’t turn me off were Navani and the Honorspren expedition stories. I eventually came to like what happened to Kaladin in the end but storms was it a grind to get there.

I did try to keep myself blind the whole time I was reading this book to avoid the whole Odium twist, Sibling bonding and other endgame stuff being spoiled for me.

Now I’m very curious to see how Stormlight 5 will resolve everything in 10 days, assuming there isn’t a small time jump of a couple days. That book can’t be written faster Sanderbot 9000?

No book currently planned as my next read right now since I’m in a moving process and have all my books packed away, was waiting to finish this before putting the final book box away, so it might be a while before I read something for now.

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8 hours ago, Draginon said:

I finally finished reading Rhythm of War. I had a bit of a hard time with this book because of having depression around the time the book released and reading Kaladin’s sections really didn’t help matters. Even after I got through my depression episode reading the beginning of the book still wasn’t easy because of Kaladin’s depression and the war stuff so I had to put the book down at several points because it was too much for me.

The only parts that didn’t turn me off were Navani and the Honorspren expedition stories. I eventually came to like what happened to Kaladin in the end but storms was it a grind to get there.

I did try to keep myself blind the whole time I was reading this book to avoid the whole Odium twist, Sibling bonding and other endgame stuff being spoiled for me.

Now I’m very curious to see how Stormlight 5 will resolve everything in 10 days, assuming there isn’t a small time jump of a couple days. That book can’t be written faster Sanderbot 9000?

No book currently planned as my next read right now since I’m in a moving process and have all my books packed away, was waiting to finish this before putting the final book box away, so it might be a while before I read something for now.

yea, the payoff for the darker stuff is absolutely worth it, but it definitely makes it harder to read the early chapters.  I liked RoW ,but it was definitely the hardest book to get through so far.

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On 2/6/2022 at 9:43 AM, Dunkum said:

yea, the payoff for the darker stuff is absolutely worth it, but it definitely makes it harder to read the early chapters.  I liked RoW ,but it was definitely the hardest book to get through so far.

Definitely one of the hardest books I had to read. I’ve read King novels so I’m no stranger to hard books but this book got to me. The only other one I would even consider hard to get through was WOK when it focused on the torturous bridge runs Kaladin went through but when it was the sections switching between Kaladin and Dalinar’s stories it made it worse but when it was Kaladin and Shallan it felt more bearable but even then it’s a stretch calling it hard to read.

By the end I felt like this book wasn’t Venli’s story but actually Navani’s which I loved since Navani is definitely a queen and one of my favorites.

The epilogue with Hoid is a little terrifying when you consider Odium interfering with Endowment’s investiture like that. I really hope he realizes his Breaths are smaller during Stormlight 5 otherwise he’s not as clever as he makes himself out to be.

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Just finished Cixin Liu's short story collection "To Hold Up the Sky". It's very interesting reading science fiction with a cultural bias that's decidedly foreign. It makes the disjunctions of the stories even more alien feeling when characters are operating under different base assumptions. How they view the nature of the conflict and respond reveal these biases, and it's fascinating stuff. Also, Liu writes hard science fiction,  he is a master of taking far fetched propositions and figuring out how they would all work. He also keeps a thoroughly understandable human scale, and when he really gets going his prose sings with the ring of poetry. 

All the stories are at least good, but three of them in particular are phenomenal. Full Spectrum Barrage Jamming, The Sea of Dreams, and the Mirror are 3 of the best science fiction stories I've ever read (especially Mirror). 

Full Spectrum Barrage Jamming is set in the near future where the Russian forces are sympathetic and the Nato forces are somewhat stock villain types (but in a realistically depicted self-decieving kind of way). 

In Sea of Dreams he has some fun calculating how many blocks of ice you could turn the ocean into, and has fun with the consequences of that idea. 

But Mirror is just flat out great. I'm not going to spoil anything, just do yourself a favor and read this story. It's so good, the plot of the story perfectly parallels the theme, and it's an answer to why the Purely Deterministic view of reality should make everyone wake up with the cold sweats. 

I'm probably going to read The Three Body problem next, but who knows, I might read another Garrett PI before I venture into the deeper waters. 

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4 hours ago, Hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

Just finished Cixin Liu's short story collection "To Hold Up the Sky". It's very interesting reading science fiction with a cultural bias that's decidedly foreign. It makes the disjunctions of the stories even more alien feeling when characters are operating under different base assumptions. How they view the nature of the conflict and respond reveal these biases, and it's fascinating stuff. Also, Liu writes hard science fiction,  he is a master of taking far fetched propositions and figuring out how they would all work. He also keeps a thoroughly understandable human scale, and when he really gets going his prose sings with the ring of poetry. 

All the stories are at least good, but three of them in particular are phenomenal. Full Spectrum Barrage Jamming, The Sea of Dreams, and the Mirror are 3 of the best science fiction stories I've ever read (especially Mirror). 

Full Spectrum Barrage Jamming is set in the near future where the Russian forces are sympathetic and the Nato forces are somewhat stock villain types (but in a realistically depicted self-decieving kind of way). 

In Sea of Dreams he has some fun calculating how many blocks of ice you could turn the ocean into, and has fun with the consequences of that idea. 

But Mirror is just flat out great. I'm not going to spoil anything, just do yourself a favor and read this story. It's so good, the plot of the story perfectly parallels the theme, and it's an answer to why the Purely Deterministic view of reality should make everyone wake up with the cold sweats. 

I'm probably going to read The Three Body problem next, but who knows, I might read another Garrett PI before I venture into the deeper waters. 

I love the three body books ha e read them multiple times. I’ll check out these short stories as well!

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I am currently reading Critique of pure reason - Kant. This is the hardest reading I've ever had in my hand. Even The Art of War, Sun Tzu, is not that difficult. I read the first three chapters for the fourth time and understand what's going on in general - but I don't understand every statement and its logic

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Got myself a book and a graphic novel to read until all my other books arrive. The titles are The Name of the Wind (10th Anniversary Edition) by Patrick Rothfuss and Magical Boy by thekao. I’ve read the free chapters of Magical Boy on Tapas and it’s a good story where it’s a magical girl world but the main character is trans male so he has to deal with all that entails from his mother, the previous magical girl, and the transformation outfit starting out as a very girly dress. Highly recommend this story since it tells a trans story without being exploitive or unrealistic.

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Still going through the Throne of Glass series. I'm annoyed because they're really good but I've had to skip two parts because the content got... bad.:( I like the series enough that I don't want to stop reading tho. The plot is amazing

 Also reading Scythe. Scythe is quite good.

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My mother suggested I go to work as a guest tomorrow and kind of observe how things are done so I decided to get myself a couple cozies for some people watching material and not resort to my phone. I got The Mysterious Affair at Styles, The Murder at the Vicarage and The Secret Adversary all by Dame Agatha Christie. These are all the first books featuring Poirot, Miss Marple and Tommy and Tuppence respectively. Yes older stories like these tend to be a little… unsavory to modern audiences but I have a cutoff point for that type of thing. If it’s the 60’s onwards I will be upset if they include bigotry stuff but anything older I forgive since it’s a different time and they didn’t know better so I’m fine reading it. Yes I might cringe when it shows up but I’m not going to go on a rant over a book from the 20’s or even the Victorian era making uncouth stereotypes that were widely believed as being true back then.

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