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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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1 hour ago, The Invested Beard said:

Finished The Wise Man's Fear...


I have to say I'm really torn on this one. I really liked it. I also didn't like it. How do I square these things in my head?

I feel like 1/3 of the book went really far from the roots of what the story seemed to be about from the beginning. I'm not a big fan of the whole Kvothe: Sex God distraction.

I have this nagging suspicion that my enjoyment of the whole series is really going to come down to the ending and how well he ties up all the disparate threads that he's continued to leave hanging. It feels like I can't know how many of the pieces of this story are really important to the overall arch and I'm worried that a lot of it is going to end up just being fluff and unimportant, know what I mean? It's like the Lost of the fantasy literature genre. Sorry, having trouble putting my thoughts into words on this one.


Ah well, on to a second read through of the Shadowmarch books by Tad Williams.

This is pretty much how I felt about Wise Man's Fear. If the prose was not so good I probably would have liked it a lot less.  

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So I started reading 2312 and oh I already love it.  I'm the kind of reader who really appreciates the kind of worldbuilding that KSR does (I'm currently reading an interlude in the book which is an extract from a book about turning an asteroid into a livable habitat, like, that's such a great thing to include!).  The only downside is, I'm coming from this after having read the Mars Trilogy, and since they're in separate but very very similar universes, I feel kind of detached emotionally from the plot because I haven't had a chance to get to know the characters and the system as well as I got to know the characters and Mars itself in the Mars Trilogy.  Hopefully this picks up though, as it looks like it's going to turn into something interesting!

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Finished reading Jumper by Steven Gould today and liked it better than the movie, so I picked up the next two books in the series from the library.

I've also started reading This Is A Book by Demetri Martin on a friend's recommendation. Pretty funny so far!

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I am rereading the Alcatraz series. It's been a while since I read them, and since we don't talk about them here as much as we do about Cosmere books, I don't remember much. I am doing this so I can jump into the last one, of course.

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Oh Yeah.  Dune is tough.  I read the first couple of books in the series, then got slowly



Yeah, it's tough.  But now I'm on WoT, and my brain is functioning normally once more.  It depends on how you read, I think.

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19 minutes ago, Magestar said:

Yeah, it's tough.  But now I'm on WoT, and my brain is functioning normally once more.  It depends on how you read, I think.

Don't worry, WoT becomes a drag as well eventually! (Worth it for the last 3 books tho imo).


And update on 2312.  Like, it's hard not to love Wahram.  And of course I love KSR's narrative style, so that definitely helps.

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6 minutes ago, AliasSheep said:

Don't worry, WoT becomes a drag as well eventually! (Worth it for the last 3 books tho imo).

Right now I'm on knife of dreams.  The last two or so books seemed a bit like filler, with a little action to make things happen, and I'm hoping this one picks things up a bit.  This is the first of the last three, I believe?

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Just now, Magestar said:

Right now I'm on knife of dreams.  The last two or so books seemed a bit like filler, with a little action to make things happen, and I'm hoping this one picks things up a bit.  This is the first of the last three, I believe?

I think Knife of Dreams is the last Jordan one, and then it's The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight and A Memory of Light.

They basically increase in quality from each book to the next (imo at least.  I certainly was more enraptured by A Memory of Light than The Gathering Storm).

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8 hours ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Ooh, you're in for a treat! :) 

I actually came on here to say that I was rereading Red Rising, what are the odds? :lol:

Never tell me the odds ;)

I finished Morning Star late Sunday night. I still haven't recovered from the lack of sleep. It was worth it. 

Havent had much time to read, but I've been working on Batman Court of Owls. 

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Finished rereading Alcatraz 1-4, the new editions.I love the new illustrations! I also think I liked the first two more than the last two (and rereading all of them was the next best thing to reading them fresh, I barely remembered anything!). Then, as is natural, I moved on to The Dark Talent. It was not what I expected - it was, in many ways, so much more. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out a way to review it without spoiling anything, but it was - unsurprisingly - worth reading. 

I am not sure what I'll read next...

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On Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 0:14 PM, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Ooooh Elric is such a good series.

Anyway, I just finished The Last Wish, by Andrzej Sapkowski. Apparently it's what started the Witcher video game series, and it's definitely worth picking up.

Seconded. Tower of the Swallow came out in translation recently. 

I was suitably impressed.

On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 7:46 AM, Eki said:

Slowly but surely getting through Dune. I just arrived around where the text on the back ends. A little over half of the book, in other words.

Definitely worth the read. 

I just finished Joe Abercrombie's First Law + Great Leveller works. Probably the best fantasy books I've read for a long while, espeically in regards to complex characters and morals, but some of the books are so bleak they make Martin and Mark Lawrence looks cheery by comparison. 

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I've started to read The Abhorsen Trilogy a couple of times, and it just was never quite the right time and I moved on to something else before making it past the beginning. So maybe this time will be it, and I'll actually read it.

I'm at one of those points where I don't really know what I want to to read and have trouble getting engrossed in anything. I just finished The Republic of Thieves, which seems to have taken forever, even though I was really interested in the book. The Gentlemen Bastards books had previously seemed like standalone adventures, with each volume being a sequel to last but not dependent on it the way each volume in, say, The Wheel of Time is on the last. However, The Republic of Thieves starts to bring some of the connective tissue that makes the series part of one big story, especially at the end. This naturally made me extra interested in the series, but alas, it is now unclear when the next volume is coming out.

Oh, well.

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Finished Dune. I have mixed feelings.

The worldbuilding is great, but it's very... Great-Men-History-ish, you know? People who are better bred are better people (not necessarily morally so, but in terms of cleverness, strength, and stuff like that), and if they are bred "to perfection" you end up with a Messiah. Herbert certainly isn't the only one to write like that, but with all the future sight, "race memory", and prophecies (and actual selective breeding of humans), it becomes much more obvious. There were also issues with representation, but you can't really expect much in that regard from such an old book I guess... :/

The jumping between viewpoints wasn't as jarring as I thought it would be though.

And the book seemed much more fantasy-esque than sci-fi to me. Obviously it's both, and the line between them can be blurry regardless, but still.

We'll see if I decide to continue the series... I have a lot of other series to finish up (and I still haven't gotten to Elantris yet!).

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1 hour ago, Eki said:

Finished Dune. I have mixed feelings.

The worldbuilding is great, but it's very... Great-Men-History-ish, you know? People who are better bred are better people (not necessarily morally so, but in terms of cleverness, strength, and stuff like that), and if they are bred "to perfection" you end up with a Messiah. Herbert certainly isn't the only one to write like that, but with all the future sight, "race memory", and prophecies (and actual selective breeding of humans), it becomes much more obvious. There were also issues with representation, but you can't really expect much in that regard from such an old book I guess... :/

The jumping between viewpoints wasn't as jarring as I thought it would be though.

And the book seemed much more fantasy-esque than sci-fi to me. Obviously it's both, and the line between them can be blurry regardless, but still.

We'll see if I decide to continue the series... I have a lot of other series to finish up (and I still haven't gotten to Elantris yet!).

Dune Messiah is okay, but Children is just storming weird. God Emperor is almost on par with the original, but book 5 I couldn't finish and I've only tried one of Brian's books. 

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10 minutes ago, LeftVash said:

Dune Messiah is okay, but Children is just storming weird. God Emperor is almost on par with the original, but book 5 I couldn't finish and I've only tried one of Brian's books. 

Is there any book where the current story arch wraps up in a nice way?

In either case, I'm glad I read the book. As I said, the worldbuilding was great, and it's nice to finally get all the "walk without rhythm" references!

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