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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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21 hours ago, Briar King said:

It’s a fun story. Really excited to go back to after he finishes Prism 5.

I think it is great so far, I can't believe how much of it I read today :o I am really, really liking it better than Lightbringer. 

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7 hours ago, Briar King said:

Forced myself to read about 30 pgs of Wall. Want done with this section so bad. 

You arn't going to start calling it Slog of Storms are you? :lol: Seriously though if you want to skip to part three, where the action picks up, you probably wont be missing much. I read it on release date, but from what I remember you just need to know:


That the two friends, that are con artists, end of loosing the "Mirror War". I think at least one of them dies. Lots of set up and references to a unkown land beyond Daru (the islands on which they live).


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Finally got to a good part of Zomi(even though I want out of this Examination Room already) speaking with Kuni in debate.


ugh this is just a long “intro”. On pg 233. Been in her past or stuck in this room for a good portion of that.


picking up some steam now! On pg 260

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17 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Started reading Ready Player One. I've only gotten through the prologue, but already I am very pleased with all the references to video games and pop culture. :)

And so it begins :) I told a colleague of mine, born into the late sixties, about the book: he read it in less than a week. Considering it took him two years to read the Hunger Games 3 book I lent him, this was amazingly quick. He loved it. He actually played a lot of the games the book mentioned.

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I'm reading Dividing Eden again. And The Fault in Our Stars, and The Facefaker's Game. And Gone Too Far. And Cuckoo's Calling.

And Ready Player One. Just got to the Jade Key discovery... (that's not a spoiler, right?)

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14 minutes ago, Totally_Not_A_Worldhopper said:

and The Facefaker's Game. 

I read The Facefaker's Game! I though it was a really good book! Unfortunately it did not sell well and the author said he probably will not be able to write a sequel and started writing a different series.

*ahem stands on soapbox*

It is situations like this that drive me crazy when a person says Martin has ruined them and they only read series that are completed. Its important to support authors, who publish quality work, or publishers will dump them.

*steps down from soapbox*

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On 2/7/2018 at 5:28 PM, maxal said:

And so it begins :) I told a colleague of mine, born into the late sixties, about the book: he read it in less than a week. Considering it took him two years to read the Hunger Games 3 book I lent him, this was amazingly quick. He loved it. He actually played a lot of the games the book mentioned.

Hahahaha. I had so much fun with this book that I stayed up past midnight to finish it last night. Almost every page had me going like this:


And I laughed SO MUCH. Now I'm hyped for the movie!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/9/2018 at 2:11 AM, Sunbird said:

Hahahaha. I had so much fun with this book that I stayed up past midnight to finish it last night. Almost every page had me going like this:

And I laughed SO MUCH. Now I'm hyped for the movie!

Glad you are enjoying yourself :)

For my part, I finished Night Angel #1 and I am currently reading Night Angel #2. I am really enjoying this series, so much more than Ligthbringer, but there is one thing I need to say....


STOP HARMING LOGAN :angry::angry::angry: And PLEASE someone get him out of this awful place? Kylar, PLEASE? Haven't you noticed the dead head on the pike is NOT Logan? I hope this won't last needlessly too long as with Gavin Guile being first made a slave, then lock into the egg prison :(


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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

Half way through The Emperor's Blades and liking it so far.  I've had this book for a while bought it on sale and forgot about.  A little darker than what I usually read but it is keeping me interested. 

I will be curious to hear your thoughts on this trilogy. I personally rather liked the first book, despite minor aggravating issues. I also liked most of book 2, but I'll admit book 3, despite having one superb story arc for one of the characters, seriously got on my nerves. I would say: good idea, good world, decent writing, bad characterization not in the sense there is none, but in the sense it is awfully grating.

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3 hours ago, maxal said:

I will be curious to hear your thoughts on this trilogy. I personally rather liked the first book, despite minor aggravating issues. I also liked most of book 2, but I'll admit book 3, despite having one superb story arc for one of the characters, seriously got on my nerves. I would say: good idea, good world, decent writing, bad characterization not in the sense there is none, but in the sense it is awfully grating.

I’ll for sure let you know what I think! If the first book is good I’ll be hooked that’s how I am with trilogies I’ll keep reading no matter what if the first book is good.

So far I’m liking Valyn’s story line the best. 


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1 hour ago, StormingTexan said:

I’ll for sure let you know what I think! If the first book is good I’ll be hooked that’s how I am with trilogies I’ll keep reading no matter what if the first book is good.

So far I’m liking Valyn’s story line the best. 


I liked Valyn's storyline the best too. Anything involving the Kestrel was what I liked best. 

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I also loved the first book of the Blades, and liked the prequel a certain amount too, but hated the second and third books because of the


character arcs - they grew the whole first book, and had so much potential. I thought that I could see where it was going, and loved it... but no. They regressed instead. Plus, reviving an antagonist? Really? There were so many other possibilities, and it would have been one thing if it used his character... but no. I was very disappointed.


I just finished the coldfire trilogy and Tom Holt, and am trying to decide what to read now. Is Melanie Rawn a good idea?

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I have officially finished Way of Kings!!!

It was a fantastic read, but because I have the 1200 page paperback it was hard towards the end to not break the book. I liked all the different characters, though Nan Balat creeped me with his psychopath tendencies, but I was surprised that Szeth was light skinned since the chapter icon, and the color version I've seen, make him look more dark skinned like Sazed. I was also surprised when the opening chapters said Kaladin was 19! I thought based off what I had read about him beforehand and from the synopsis that he'd be in his late 20's or in his 30's, not almost a decade younger than me. It was really cute seeing Shallan and Kabsal 'dating' until the moment in the hospital. I also really liked Jasnah since she was smart and took no crem about what people thought of her while also being sweet when she's close to someone.

Can't wait to read Words of Radiance, aka The Book of Endless Pages, but before that I'll be reading The Shattered Lens and the WOK Annotations.

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52 minutes ago, Draginon said:

 I was also surprised when the opening chapters said Kaladin was 19! I thought based off what I had read about him beforehand and from the synopsis that he'd be in his late 20's or in his 30's, not almost a decade younger than me.

Well bear in mind the rosharan year is longer than ours.  19 on roshar is closer to early or mid twenties on earth.  conversion factor is about 1.1, so he is more like 22 in earth years.

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23 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

I’ll for sure let you know what I think! If the first book is good I’ll be hooked that’s how I am with trilogies I’ll keep reading no matter what if the first book is good.

So far I’m liking Valyn’s story line the best. 


Yeah, Valyn's great in the first book... I will be curious to hear how you feel on the various characters trajectory. 

15 minutes ago, Dunkum said:

Well bear in mind the rosharan year is longer than ours.  19 on roshar is closer to early or mid twenties on earth.  conversion factor is about 1.1, so he is more like 22 in earth years.

Hate the conversions. I picture the character as per their book age: it fits better within the narrative than converting them. Kaladin works well as a 19 years old, yeah he's young and it shows at times.

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@Dunkum I thought it was a 1=1 when converting a Rosharan year to an Earth year? Anyway the stuff I knew about Kaladin beforehand was that he was trained to be a surgeon and then became a successful military leader, and when thinking on the military part I assumed it'd be much longer than the actual 4 years and I also didn't take into account that apprenticeship was being done like in the olden days of being trained as a child so you can imagine how surprised I was at him being 19 and thinking 'how is all that supposed to happen in such a short amount of time???' I was close for the ages of the other characters, I pegged Shallan as being between 18-22 because of her being a ward so I was close, I pegged Dalinar somewhere in the 40-60 range because of him being a father and depending on how old Adolin was and how old he himself was when Adolin was born and Szeth I kind of pegged as being somewhere in his 30's (he is in that age range in the first book right?). The only other character I was kind of off on was Jasnah who I guessed was in the late 20's-early 30's range so I was happy when she was just slightly older than I was thinking.


@maxal Yeah, it makes sense with his whole deal with blaming himself for others dying and his hatred of lighteyes. However when he has his 'adult' moments he's kind of like Nyneave, it makes them both seem a decade or two older than they actually are so that's something that really throws one for a loop when they remember how old the character is supposed to be.

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Maybe this will help clear up the Earh/Roshar calander conversion. 



Speaking of Rosharan calendar-- So seventeen year old Kaladin, is he the equivalent of a seventeen year old Earthling?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

It's 1.1, I think is what is it. Right, they're 10% older than their accounting system. So no.


So Adolin is 27, true?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]



So then a year is obviously a lot more than 1.1 but--

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Well no. The years are 500 days, but they're 20 hour days. Keep that in mind. So when you run the calculations kinda together, you end up with around 1.1.

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15 hours ago, maxal said:

Hate the conversions. I picture the character as per their book age: it fits better within the narrative than converting them. Kaladin works well as a 19 years old, yeah he's young and it shows at times.

Fair enough, though I'd say Kaladin generally shows a lot more maturity than a 19 (or even 22) year old.  I'd actually say mid to upper twenties feels more accurate for him.

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6 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

Maybe this will help clear up the Earh/Roshar calander conversion. 



Speaking of Rosharan calendar-- So seventeen year old Kaladin, is he the equivalent of a seventeen year old Earthling?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

It's 1.1, I think is what is it. Right, they're 10% older than their accounting system. So no.


So Adolin is 27, true?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]



So then a year is obviously a lot more than 1.1 but--

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Well no. The years are 500 days, but they're 20 hour days. Keep that in mind. So when you run the calculations kinda together, you end up with around 1.1.

This WoB illustrates exactly why I never took the "age conversion thing" very seriously. Brandon explicitly says the conversion should be 1.1, which is the agreed upon official number, but then says "yes" to the questioner when he states "Adolin is 27" :rolleyes:

Book Adolin is 23 years old. Even you do times 1.1, he is not 27. 23 times 1.1 does not equal 27. The author himself is not really paying attention to it, hence I I take it the characters are supposed to be the age the book says they are, independently of how the planet rotates around its own sun. 

I also do not believe readers should be reading a book with a calculator and no author should be expecting his readers to do so. Thus, when the book says Kaladin is 19 and Adolin is 23, as a reader, I take it they are exactly the equivalent of young men this age within our own world.

Mind, my take is probably unpopular within the fandom, but this is how it is.

3 hours ago, Dunkum said:

Fair enough, though I'd say Kaladin generally shows a lot more maturity than a 19 (or even 22) year old.  I'd actually say mid to upper twenties feels more accurate for him.

Yeah, Kaladin is young, but young people is hard environment have been known to age faster. Also, being a surgeon in Alethkar probably has nothing to do with being a doctor on modern day Earth: Kaladin was never required to have general formation all modern professionals do obtain before starting to study medicine. All he studied is medicine. He never learned how to read, he never did mathematics nor philosophy nor literature. Take a 10 years old. Spend hours everyday teaching him medicine and just that, have him assist you every day within your daily tasks and, 5 years later, if he doesn't know anything, then it doesn't speak well for his mental capacities. Thus, I find Kaladin's level of competence within both military and surgery to be plausible given his age. Four years is more than enough for a good capable soldier to make it to a small command. Later books illustrates just how little Kaladin knows next to an Adolin having spent his childhood in warcamps. Kaladin is good with a squad, but he knows nothing about larger scaled military tactics and he knows this.

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I have been reading a lot of the works of Clark Ashton Smith. What a unique talent! His writing style is not for everyone, but I think the best explanation of it comes from the author himself, "My own conscious ideal has been to delude the reader into accepting an impossibility, or series of impossibilities, by means of a sort of verbal black magic, in the achievement of which I make use of prose-rhythm, metaphor, simile, tone-color, counter-point, and other stylistic resources, like a sort of incantation."

Why is he so obscure? I think Ray Bradbury says it best, “Smith always seemed, to me anyway, a special writer for special tastes; his fame was lonely. Whether or nor it will ever be more than lonely, I cannot say. Every writer is special in some way, and those who are more than ordinarily special are either damned or lost along the way.”

Where to start? His two most famous stories are The City of the Singing Flame and The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis. He also wrote a lot of stories on a dying world called the Zothtique stories. He also wrote a bunch of stories on a lost continent called Hyperborian Cycle. Wikipedia entries have a complete list of the stories in each setting.

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