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I'm currently watching Les Miserables: The 25th Anniversary. It is so wonderful and excellent. And I get to see it live this summer :D!

I'm beginning to see a trend. XP You would get along well with Brandon and Dan.

Buffy all the way! Note that the first half of the season is kinda meh compared to the rest of it plus the second and third seasons. Fourth is where it kinda starts going downhill.

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Aaaaand as of last night, Stargate Universe again. And Lost, because I'm told Stargate Universe is a mix betweeen Firefly (which I already knew) and Lost. One episode in and I'm already confused horribly. That's supposed to happen, right?

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I'm beginning to see a trend. XP You would get along well with Brandon and Dan.

Buffy all the way! Note that the first half of the season is kinda meh compared to the rest of it plus the second and third seasons. Fourth is where it kinda starts going downhill.

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!

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Actually just started watching Biggest Loser. It is a lot better than I thought it'd be. Waiting for Parks and Rec to hit Netflix and watching tons of Survivor on YouTube.

Has anyone heard much about Sucker Punch. It looks decent.

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Has anyone heard much about Sucker Punch. It looks decent.

Sucker Punch could be ridiculously awesome or it could be ridiculously terrible.

I'm planning to see it opening weekend. You don't have to do much to persuade me to watch a movie with cute girls kicking butt. Of course, it all depends on what reviews it gets. If it really is terrible, I won't bother, but I think it's more likely to be good than bad.

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And even if it is terrible, you have cute characters kicking butt with awesome special effects. Just remember, folks: movies are supposed to be entertaining. It might be disappointing if the story isn't totally awesome, but if you were entertained, the movie did its job.

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And even if it is terrible, you have cute characters kicking butt with awesome special effects. Just remember, folks: movies are supposed to be entertaining. It might be disappointing if the story isn't totally awesome, but if you were entertained, the movie did its job.

Well, I'm mostly entertained by good storytelling, but I get your point.

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