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She's got enough on her plate already, so I'd say to avoid it for now. Just saying, it's a bit late in the RP to start shunning scenes that give off creeptastic vibes. :mellow::P



Is there... a difference? :P

Oh well, we'll be at this for a bit longer, I'd imagine. :P


You are only evil to fictional characters and your readers. :P

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I was reading this whole conversations about the creepy epics while listing to I Want You gone from Portal 2. Fitting I think. 


I think I'll get a Wraith Post in before the night closes. A post about how pathetic he thinks he is. 

A quick question. Could I make Wraith have invincibility for a split second after he turns back in to human form? It would make things a whole lot more interesting...  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  

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Welcome back Winter and welcome Quiver!


On a completely unrelated note, I have decided that Jumpdrive has like 5 vanillas working for him - though they have a super easy job, as they really just set up cameras on those rare days he feels like changing things.


As far as Sentry goes, Jumpdrive actually wouldn't care that much. He would just write some program that automatically blurs her face on the screens in his control room, and ignore her as much as possible. He would probably keep a rolled up picture of her face that he occasionally yells at if she gets super annoying, and avoid having multiple copters near her - don't want to be able to prevent her untimely death if someone else gets annoyed, right?

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Not necessarily Sam but I wouldn't object to someone wearing that style of clothing. :ph34r:  (As long as they do it justice that is so no Lightwards in drag. :P )

I have one or two gothic Epics I could introduce but with Neverthere and C4 I was thinking I'd overplayed the young female character with a pixie like fascination with destruction.


"Attention seeking", huh...?

I am tempted to have Sentry crash the event, Bane-style.

Salem could definitely do with more writers, either working for Soulcaster or just someone passing through town. Though be forewarned that Soulcaster was basically designed to be one of the most OP Epics I could manage and he gets a bit grouchy if people interrupt his fun. (His fun being watching Epics get maimed on a daily basis)





Camp is over! Next is traveling and I'll be able to have daily access to 17th Shard! Oh yeah! 


Huzzah! Salem can have it's awesome commentator back! I was a bit hesitant about how best to proceed while you were gone.

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So if Sam's getting new clothes, should Revolution get any too? Anyone know much about hippie fashion? :ph34r:


Oh, do I ever. :ph34r:


Let's see, there's classic hippie (what you'd see in the 1960s): 










Modern hippie: 






And bohemian: 








And Revolution wouldn't have to fully conform to any one of those styles; she could combine elements of each to find a style that suited her. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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By the way, I just had a really disturbing thought.


Red is basically an extremely creepy minion. 



Air upvote, then. I'll take it. :)

Nice post. For clarification's sake, did the dinosaur eat the minor Epic on the platform and Red was adressing Nighthound, right?


As far as Sentry goes, Jumpdrive actually wouldn't care that much. He would just write some program that automatically blurs her face on the screens in his control room, and ignore her as much as possible. He would probably keep a rolled up picture of her face that he occasionally yells at if she gets super annoying, and avoid having multiple copters near her - don't want to be able to prevent her untimely death if someone else gets annoyed, right?

Except that that wouldn't work because the entire point of her power would be to overwrite the actual picture on the screen.

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New Epic:
A new and young Epic at only 11 years old, Mellisa Andre has only been an Epic for a few months but during that time she has gained tremendous popularity in the Salem arena.
Primary power: Metallic malleability- Can reshape the structure of any metallic object she touches.
Passive ability: Enhanced dexterity and physical strength, vastly enhanced speed. She also has very little reaction towards pain though it is unknown if this is an Epic ability or a quirk of her personality.

Appearance: Short even for her age, Mellisa has long black hair which she keeps tied back with a black lace bow, her typical attire consists of black victorian era dresses and knee length black boots. She is almost never seen without her trademark scythe, made entirely out of steel it is her main means of attack and defense, being twisted into a variety of shields and weapons, all of which Mellisa has a remarkable proficiency in.

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New Epic:


A new and young Epic at only 11 years old, Mellisa Andre has only been an Epic for a few months but during that time she has gained tremendous popularity in the Salem arena.

Primary power: Metallic malleability- Can reshape the structure of any metallic object she touches.

Passive ability: Enhanced dexterity and physical strength, vastly enhanced speed. She also has very little reaction towards pain though it is unknown if this is an Epic ability or a quirk of her personality.

Appearance: Short even for her age, Mellisa has long black hair which she keeps tied back with a black lace bow, her typical attire consists of black victorian era dresses and knee length black boots. She is almost never seen without her trademark scythe, made entirely out of steel it is her main means of attack and defense, being twisted into a variety of shields and weapons, all of which Mellisa has a remarkable proficiency in.




don't put her up against Deathskull though, she would lose instantly :P


Hey guys. IM leaving on vacation tomorrow and won't be back till the 17th. I have no idea what my internet access will be, so don't count on anything big from me. See you in a week!


see you then! :)

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Salem could definitely do with more writers, either working for Soulcaster or just someone passing through town. Though be forewarned that Soulcaster was basically designed to be one of the most OP Epics I could manage and he gets a bit grouchy if people interrupt his fun. (His fun being watching Epics get maimed on a daily basis)


Well... like I said, one of the names I had for Sentry was Watchdog. Might they work as an epic working for Soulcaster? You know, an Epic keeping an eye on people and making sure they don't break the "Don't fight outside the arena" rule...

(While plotting a Starscream-like takeover, of course. Because Epics.)

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Here is another Epic I want to introduce to Salem. He would work for Soulcaster (Quiver, maybe you would like to work together?) probably as an assistant or bodyguard. His name is Countdown and can basically create a bendalloy bubble with a unlimited radius. He also has super senses and can fire energy blasts from his hands.

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Well... like I said, one of the names I had for Sentry was Watchdog. Might they work as an epic working for Soulcaster? You know, an Epic keeping an eye on people and making sure they don't break the "Don't fight outside the arena" rule...

(While plotting a Starscream-like takeover, of course. Because Epics.)

Works fine for me, trying to undermine him wouldn't exactly be all that difficult either, he's pretty focused on maintaining the arena so he'd delegate a lot of the work involved in actually running the city.

I also like the idea of a bunch of posters with Sentry's face on them all around town with various slogans underneath, reminds me of all the WWII propaganda posters.

'Sentry is watching'

'Only YOU can prevent Epic crimes. Also Sentry, because he can watch everyone.'

'Drawing fake glasses and mustaches on Sentry posters is EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN'


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Here is another Epic I want to introduce to Salem. He would work for Soulcaster (Quiver, maybe you would like to work together?) probably as an assistant or bodyguard. His name is Countdown and can basically create a bendalloy bubble with a unlimited radius. He also has super senses and can fire energy blasts from his hands.


Id be all for working together! The name makes me want to create a Queen-themed epic...


Works fine for me, trying to undermine him wouldn't exactly be all that difficult either, he's pretty focused on maintaining the arena so he'd delegate a lot of the work involved in actually running the city.

I also like the idea of a bunch of posters with Sentry's face on them all around town with various slogans underneath, reminds me of all the WWII propaganda posters.

'Sentry is watching'

'Only YOU can prevent Epic crimes. Also Sentry, because he can watch everyone.'

'Drawing fake glasses and mustaches on Sentry posters is EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN'

Upvotes for whoever graffiti's the posters with the words 'Waifu stealer'.

Anyway, yeah: figured Sentry/Watchdogs powers would make then good as an underling for a dictatorship.

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There aren't too many Epics working for Salem so I'm happy for Countdown to be in the government too but that'd be about it, that said a few questions first.
What kind of time compression are we talking about here?
Is the bubble visible in any way, any visible distortion, etc.?
Do you mean just enhanced senses or extra senses in addition to the usual 5?

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