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Does that make Rending the old tequila?





So Regalia was just a creepy old lady trying to get kids and recovering alcoholics hooked on her specialty brand of tequila? :huh:

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I doubt Voidus would let you kill Scribbler, but that sounds nice. And we actually have an NPC Epic named Ozymandias that we've been trying to find a decent end to... :ph34r:


The best way to kill Ozy would probably be poison, otherwise electrocution might work but that would most likely be more trouble than it's worth.


I try to go for "jolly but morally bankrupt" in his posts. :ph34r:

The best kind of morally bankrupt. :P

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I have an epic idea that I might want to put in Salem.


Name: Engulf

Primary Power: The ability to eat anything up to the size of a large bus in one bite. Examples : Tables, cars, people, double quarter pounder with cheese, refrigerators...

Secondary Power: The ability to take one one attribute from the last thing he ate. He can only take one ability at a time though.  Examples: Engulf eats a table, he can then turn his skin into wood. If he ate a bus he can turn his body into the outside of the buss, or he could grow wheels for feet. If he ate an epic, he could take one of their powers.

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I have an epic idea that I might want to put in Salem.


Name: Engulf

Primary Power: The ability to eat anything up to the size of a large bus in one bite. Examples : Tables, cars, people, double quarter pounder with cheese, refrigerators...

Secondary Power: The ability to take one one attribute from the last thing he ate. He can only take one ability at a time though.  Examples: Engulf eats a table, he can then turn his skin into wood. If he ate a bus he can turn his body into the outside of the buss, or he could grow wheels for feet. If he ate an epic, he could take one of their powers.


Do the things he eats get expelled in the normal way? Eating in one bite means they suffer a terribly and agonizingly slow death in his stomach if that's the case.

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I have an epic idea that I might want to put in Salem.


Name: Engulf

Primary Power: The ability to eat anything up to the size of a large bus in one bite. Examples : Tables, cars, people, double quarter pounder with cheese, refrigerators...

Secondary Power: The ability to take one one attribute from the last thing he ate. He can only take one ability at a time though.  Examples: Engulf eats a table, he can then turn his skin into wood. If he ate a bus he can turn his body into the outside of the buss, or he could grow wheels for feet. If he ate an epic, he could take one of their powers.

What about moving objects, he can't properly get his teeth on? Or Epics that can heal/resurrect/are invulnerable?


Twi, I'm almost done with the next Nighthound post and I need some pugs. :(

Edited by Edgedancer
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Oh dear. :( I'm at work now, but I'll get you some pugs once I get home. Would another video of Mollie bringing me a shoe help?

Yes, I think all of us could use some Mollie after this. Let's all just be happy I cut the scene and there won't be more details on Nighthound for this day. :unsure:

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I have an epic idea that I might want to put in Salem.

Name: Engulf

Primary Power: The ability to eat anything up to the size of a large bus in one bite. Examples : Tables, cars, people, double quarter pounder with cheese, refrigerators...

Secondary Power: The ability to take one one attribute from the last thing he ate. He can only take one ability at a time though. Examples: Engulf eats a table, he can then turn his skin into wood. If he ate a bus he can turn his body into the outside of the buss, or he could grow wheels for feet. If he ate an epic, he could take one of their powers.

How do you eat a bus in one bite? Does his jaws extend like in cartoon characters case? Or does the eaten object somehow shrinks?

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Yes, I think all of us could use some Mollie after this. Let's all just be happy I cut the scene and there won't be more details on Nighthound for this day. :unsure:

I haven't read it yet, but I'll get a video of Mollie pronto. :mellow: And since I'll be working on it while it's night your time , there'll be a new Protector Pug post when you wake up.

Edit: I think Nighthound should earn two ATTD entries for that one. :mellow::o:wacko::angry:

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Yes, I think all of us could use some Mollie after this. Let's all just be happy I cut the scene and there won't be more details on Nighthound for this day. :unsure:








Will C4 still be alive by the next morning, or will she die offscreen? :unsure:

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I haven't read it yet, but I'll get a video of Mollie pronto. :mellow: And since I'll be working on it while it's night your time , there'll be a new Protector Pug post when you wake up.

Edit: I think Nighthound should earn two ATTD entries for that one. :mellow::o:wacko::angry:

Yes, I fully agree. That was really hard to write. :( I hope Protector Pug visits me in my dreams.


Edit: She won't die this night but I don't think she'll make it for very long, in game with Nighthound. He might also be convinced to hand her over to someone else.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Yes, I fully agree. That was really hard to write. :( I hope Protector Pug visits me in my dreams.

Edit: She won't die this night but I don't think she'll make it for very long, in game with Nighthound. He might also be convinced to hand her over to someone else.

Yeah, I'll bet. :( To make sure she does, here's a preview:

Sam. That was her new human's name....she thought so, anyway. It was hard to tell when she didn't always turn her head at the sound of it, or sometimes spoke without hearing it. But that sounded like her name.


It would be a nice name on anyone else, but on her human, it was the prettiest name in the world.

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Do the things he eats get expelled in the normal way? Eating in one bite means they suffer a terribly and agonizingly slow death in his stomach if that's the case.

No, I was thinking that what ever he eats is destroyed instantly, and only a little makes it to his belly. Kind of like the tensors, they don't leave as much dust behind as they should. 


What about moving objects, he can't properly get his teeth on? Or Epics that can heal/resurrect/are invulnerable?


When he eats something his mouth unhinges, like a snake, so if something is moving in his direction he can eat it, like a bullet for instance. As for epics who can resurrect, he can eat them, and they resurrect like normal. If an epic can heal, I think Engulf could probably just consume them like normal, but if they are invulnerable he could get them in his mouth but wouldn't be able to 'swallow' them  

How long do the abilities remain his, and how much time must he take between bites?

The ability remain his until he takes another one.

There isn't a time restriction for the time between bites except how long it takes to close his mouth and open it again. 

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Yes, I fully agree. That was really hard to write. :( I hope Protector Pug visits me in my dreams.


Do you think that if I watched a few horror movies, it would scrub my mind clean after that?


On another note, what do you think would be some interesting initial character combinations for The Dalles tomorrow? And by interesting I mean either "having a dynamic where normally they'd murder each other, but are held back by TDCG," or "being easily shippable."



-Frostfire: Anything annoying, right?

-Glamour: Not sure if he even gets angry or not

-Orange Crush: Very touchy about personal space.

-Redlight: We can probably forget about her for now. Does she even do field work?

-Arsenal: Lewdness, laziness... pretty much anything. I don't think he'd be risking himself in the field normally, though.

-Scribbler: I don't know her too well, but... maybe Epics that enjoy being Corrupted?

-Shiny Sparkle: Again, not sure what ticks her off. Is she gonna stick around or not?

-Edgerunner: Abusive boyfriends or something? Idunno.

-Deathwish: ...people who think they're cooler than him?

-Ozymandias: I don't think he gets ticked off too easily.

-Elsa: Is she... dead? I'm not sure what happened to her in the last post.

-Autumn: She generally distrusts Epics, but she's got a very long fuse.



-Frostfire: Arrogant and quick to anger

-Glamour: Self-centered and ignores others

-Orange Crush: Narcissistic and smug

-Redlight: ...I think she sort of enjoys hurting people emotionally, but overall she's pretty honest

-Arsenal: Angry, overbearing, and domineering

-Scribbler: ... self-righteous?

-Shiny Sparkle: Doesn't know when to stop. Always interested in sex.

-Edgerunner: Eh.

-Deathwish: Do I even need to say it?

-Ozymandias: He's annoying, plain and simple

-Elsa: Being dead.

-Autumn: Aw, who am I kidding? Autumn doesn't have any aggravating traits.



-The Paladin Squad: I'm not sure how they fit into everything. Same with Ari, the vanilla, and the Dragon

-Quicksilver and co.: Do they still even do stuff?


So I think that for plain, 1-1 trigger/attribute matchups, we have:

-Ozymandias on Frostfire

-Shiny Sparkle on Orange Crush/Arsenal

-Glamour on Deathwish(?) Not sure about Deathwish's trigger, plus they'd already know each other.


Anything I forgot? (Oh yeah, Vapor Snake. I assume he'll be spending time with Autumn, though.)

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Do you think that if I watched a few horror movies, it would scrub my mind clean after that?


On another note, what do you think would be some interesting initial character combinations for The Dalles tomorrow? And by interesting I mean either "having a dynamic where normally they'd murder each other, but are held back by TDCG," or "being easily shippable."



-Frostfire: Anything annoying, right?

-Glamour: Not sure if he even gets angry or not

-Orange Crush: Very touchy about personal space.

-Redlight: We can probably forget about her for now. Does she even do field work?

-Arsenal: Lewdness, laziness... pretty much anything. I don't think he'd be risking himself in the field normally, though.

-Scribbler: I don't know her too well, but... maybe Epics that enjoy being Corrupted?

-Shiny Sparkle: Again, not sure what ticks her off. Is she gonna stick around or not?

-Edgerunner: Abusive boyfriends or something? Idunno.

-Deathwish: ...people who think they're cooler than him?

-Ozymandias: I don't think he gets ticked off too easily.

-Elsa: Is she... dead? I'm not sure what happened to her in the last post.

-Autumn: She generally distrusts Epics, but she's got a very long fuse.



-Frostfire: Arrogant and quick to anger

-Glamour: Self-centered and ignores others

-Orange Crush: Narcissistic and smug

-Redlight: ...I think she sort of enjoys hurting people emotionally, but overall she's pretty honest

-Arsenal: Angry, overbearing, and domineering

-Scribbler: ... self-righteous?

-Shiny Sparkle: Doesn't know when to stop. Always interested in sex.

-Edgerunner: Eh.

-Deathwish: Do I even need to say it?

-Ozymandias: He's annoying, plain and simple

-Elsa: Being dead.

-Autumn: Aw, who am I kidding? Autumn doesn't have any aggravating traits.



-The Paladin Squad: I'm not sure how they fit into everything. Same with Ari, the vanilla, and the Dragon

-Quicksilver and co.: Do they still even do stuff?


So I think that for plain, 1-1 trigger/attribute matchups, we have:

-Ozymandias on Frostfire

-Shiny Sparkle on Orange Crush/Arsenal

-Glamour on Deathwish(?) Not sure about Deathwish's trigger, plus they'd already know each other.


Anything I forgot? (Oh yeah, Vapor Snake. I assume he'll be spending time with Autumn, though.)



Wow. Quite the thorough analysis you have there. :D


Some notes:


  • Elsa's not dead. She's simply being held in a cell overnight, if I remember correctly.
  • Glamour gets surly when asked to turn his music off, and he never turns it off completely. He always has at least a very faint instrumental track going.
  • Deathwish and Glamour would be pretty fun, but I'd prefer to RP a little with other players rather than have those two stuck together all day. Maybe Deathwish could aggravate Edgerunner for a while, while they use their aerial powers to scout out the surrounding area for new threats? Or maybe Glamour and Orange Crush could become best buddies or something.
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  • Deathwish and Glamour would be pretty fun, but I'd prefer to RP a little with other players rather than have those two stuck together all day. 


I forgot that you wrote both of them.  :lol: I can imagine that getting boring pretty quick.



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Nobody knows what Paladin and crew are up to, least of all me.

I bet they found a quiet place for the night. Ari and Weeks left their cave at sunrise, so I can't think of a reason that they wouldn't be there. I could post a quick catchup for them, but it's not likely to be today.

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