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So, I started to make this MAP it's pretty empty now, but as others give me more information (especially Blaze and Comatose) I'll be able to point more interesting places in Corvallis. I can give edit privileges to anyone with Google account, so if anyone wants to do another set of markers for other cities, please PM me :) If anyone disagrees about where some pointer should be placed, contact me as well and we'll figure something out.


Places that I'd like to mark:

  • Gunsmokes church
  • Phoenixes hideout
  • Rainmaikers home
  • Buttercups home
  • Blossoms home (if it's somewhere else)
  • Bubbles home (if it's somewhere else)
  • Chase home (I think it was in the basements of OSU, but I'm not sure)
  • Jumpdrives home/office
  • The bridge where Iron Ogress was fought (I don't know which one is it, I couldn't find Harrison Street Bridge)



nice work man! that is actually really cool :)


one thing though, that house looks a little too nice for Firefly. He was disgraced and being punished with a sub-par house and minimal servants. Could you perhaps move his house to a different one? After some inspection I think a good place would be the house two doors down, to the right, on the same side? Its still a very nice house, but its slightly less nice. I think Firefly would hate being in a single-story house surrounded by two-stories XD part of his punishment.

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I was thinking just making four markers, North, South, East, and West. The hardest part is getting 9 miles as the crow flies, and not as the car drives.


Actually, that is the easier way to measure distance, since Google Maps have a ruler tool :) I think I'll go with multiple points connected with a line.


I agree, one map for all threads would be good, with different layers for every area.

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Actually, that is the easier way to measure distance, since Google Maps have a ruler tool :) I think I'll go with multiple points connected with a line.


I agree, one map for all threads would be good, with different layers for every area.


Yeah, I didn't realize that was a tool, as I'd never made personal maps before. So I added the four points. I don't want to connect them with straight lines, because that gives the false impression that the bubble is a diamond, when in fact it's spherical. 


Also, after using a ruler to make sure my 9-mi lines were straight, those sparking highways make my points look crooked in comparison to each other.


Edit: Mestiv, one option is to change the sharing options so that anyone with the link can edit it. We run the risk of a troll blowing through and ruining everything (since it seems to not track changes like other google documents/sheets/presentations), but it allows all member, including those without google accounts, to edit in their free time.

Edited by Blaze1616
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Yes, I know that there is an option to allow everyone with a link to edit the map. However I don't know how safe it would be. I think I'll leave that decision to Twi and for now add everyone who wants to edit by their emails.


So, for now I made a simple visualization of the bubble using my map graphic skillz  :ph34r:



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Keep in mind how circles work, without proper lines they can be misleading. That being said, it's certainly less than half. If you zoom in, I'd say the Central Williamette Community Credit Union is within the bubble, there at the corner of 29th Ave SW and Pacific Blvd SW. That leaves a good neighborhood or two within the bubble, but leaves most of Albany out. How this affects Albany outside the bubble would be interesting to explore, but is likely outside the scope of the Corvallis thread, and isn't enough to sustain it's own thread.


Edit: one possibility it to have someone (I can do it) regularly save a back-up copy of the map on their drive to use if necessary. the back-up would not be shared with anyone until the original gets messed with. I do that for all my other public edit files. 

Edited by Blaze1616
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Trying to find an icon for Soulcaster, nothing seems to fit. ALso Edge what was the plan with the Adventurer meeting up with... someone, I forget who, think we planned it a few weeks ago.

With Mary I think... however, it has been a while and I forgot if i had an actual reason or just wanted to keep the location moving with character interaction, so I guess the plan is open for change.


How cool would it be to have a fully fleshed out map for everything!


Would really help with visualising everything

We had a map for Portland at one point but it got lost in the chaos. :mellow:

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Just realized that Soulcasters range ends almost exactly where the bubble starts (I gave him a 10 mile radius for his projections) So Corvallis residents are safe from being dreamnapped into some Epics twisted fantasy.

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Yo Comatose, I was thinking about writing a Prankster post in the Dalles, and was wonderring if you'd want him to run into Brandon. Hi-jinks and Hilarity would most likely ensue. 


Last I heard he's quite busy with IRL events, so I don't know when he'll be back to see this, so you might want to PM him just to be sure he sees it.  :)

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Awesome map, Mestiv! :D I'm not sure whether it would be better to create a new thread (Maps of Oregon or something similar) or just add it to an existing thread. I know the Waster Eggs thread definitely has room, so the maps wouldn't get lost in the chaos, but I'd be good with a new thread too.

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Awesome map, Mestiv! :D I'm not sure whether it would be better to create a new thread (Maps of Oregon or something similar) or just add it to an existing thread. I know the Waster Eggs thread definitely has room, so the maps wouldn't get lost in the chaos, but I'd be good with a new thread too.

I think we need a "Pertinent Information of Oregon" thread to hold all of our compiled info and maps. It does no good to state this stuff in the Questions threads when it's just going to get lost again in a few days.

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I think we need a "Pertinent Information of Oregon" thread to hold all of our compiled info and maps. It does no good to state this stuff in the Questions threads when it's just going to get lost again in a few days.

That's why I suggested a few threads to put it in, so it wouldn't get lost....

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Maybe we also should hide some easter eggs on the map then. :ph34r:


Actually, how hard is it raining in Corvallis exactly?


What kind of easter egss were you thinking? 


It was described as mildly inconvinient, if I recall, so my headcanon is a simple shower. Not hard, certainly no lightning and thunder. Blossom is capable of flying with an umbrella and stay relatively dry.

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What kind of easter egss were you thinking? 


It was described as mildly inconvinient, if I recall, so my headcanon is a simple shower. Not hard, certainly no lightning and thunder. Blossom is capable of flying with an umbrella and stay relatively dry.

Preferably some made out of chocolate. :ph34r: Otherwise I'd settle for details like, "this is the place Funtimes made it rain pancakes."

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