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To be fait to Timeport, that was before he figured out that he can kill people by teleporting into them. so by now he's several times more dangerous.

Oh I know. Timeport definitely outpowers Chi, but we don't want to replay the same fights, do we? :P


The best part is that if they teamed up, Funtimes and Altermind could actually make this happen.

Yes, yes they could.


Altermind will have to cover up this sign. :ph34r:






Awesome. What about Drainer?

That's easy. :P Especially if he puts the hallucination of the topless mermaid in front of it. :P

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It cannot be worse than the mere idea of Fred/George, or the thought that they actually have a devoted fan base. Nothing can be worse than Fred/George. :o


At least it's not Percy/Ginny? I'm sure there are worse ships, though likely none have the fan base Fred/George no doubt do.

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That's pretty much what the admins did to that thread. :P I didn't participate in the discussion much, though I did become the Shipfather and I did start an off-topic discussion about whether or not Syl covers her safehand. :P

Which then got as low as musings about her, Pattern and his tentacles. :mellow:

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Really quick, what time is it in the Dalles? Night, right? Just after third dinner, but before midnight snack?


Sun set about half an hour ago.



And after that collab with Blaze, here's another university comic.



Obliteration's saving himself for Twi. :P:lol:

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And now, the dark secret of Drainer's office, revealed in pony form...




Apologies if this is too dark for the forum. :blink::P


That was hilarious :D Too bad I don't really know who Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Soarin are :P


I have updated my post in the Epic List thread, so it now has description of Argon looks, some data about Drainer and Summer.



Now, I have questions about Epics and their weaknesses, and I think this is the best place to ask them, since you guys know everything there is to be known about Epics (only Brandon knows more I guess).

  1. If an Epic is forced to face his/hers weakness, that doesn't count as something that makes them free of the negative Epicness effects, right? 
  2. Is there a name, analogical to Rending, for what Megan did, that she is now a good-Epic?
  3. If an Epic is faced with someone "in possession" of their weakness the two valid behaviors are: run away or try to kill that someone despite the fear caused by the weakness, right? 
  4. If someone becomes a good-Epic like Megan, does their weakness is still their weakness? I mean, if Megan was to die in a fire now, would she be reborn or not?
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That was hilarious :D Too bad I don't really know who Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Soarin are :P


I have updated my post in the Epic List thread, so it now has description of Argon looks, some data about Drainer and Summer.



Now, I have questions about Epics and their weaknesses, and I think this is the best place to ask them, since you guys know everything there is to be known about Epics (only Brandon knows more I guess).

  1. If an Epic is forced to face his/hers weakness, that doesn't count as something that makes them free of the negative Epicness effects, right? 
  2. Is there a name, analogical to Rending, for what Megan did, that she is now a good-Epic?
  3. If an Epic is faced with someone "in possession" of their weakness the two valid behaviors are: run away or try to kill that someone despite the fear caused by the weakness, right? 
  4. If someone becomes a good-Epic like Megan, does their weakness is still their weakness? I mean, if Megan was to die in a fire now, would she be reborn or not?


I don't think any of these have a solid confirmed answer since Brandon probably wants to keep most of this info for Calamity so this is nothing but speculation but:

1. Almost certainly not, this is the one I'd be most sure of. Otherwise Redemption would be much more well known I imagine.

2. We use the term Redeemed and Redemption but I think those are just fanon terms.

3. Usually the latter but yeah I think that's basically it.

4. This will almost certainly come up in Calamity, I think they probably do remain but that's entirely just my own opinion and it's really just a preference (Otherwise Megan becomes truly unkillable and there's not a lot of tension in an immortal character)

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I don't think any of these have a solid confirmed answer since Brandon probably wants to keep most of this info for Calamity so this is nothing but speculation but:

1. Almost certainly not, this is the one I'd be most sure of. Otherwise Redemption would be much more well known I imagine.

2. We use the term Redeemed and Redemption but I think those are just fanon terms.

3. Usually the latter but yeah I think that's basically it.

4. This will almost certainly come up in Calamity, I think they probably do remain but that's entirely just my own opinion and it's really just a preference (Otherwise Megan becomes truly unkillable and there's not a lot of tension in an immortal character)

That's pretty much it yeah. Although I'll add some things. :ph34r:

1) We can definitely say that being forced to face it doesn't count, given that Newton was keept in Check using her weakness.

2) No canon Term.

4) As Voidus said we don't know. Actually we don't even know if the process is permanent. There could also be different processes with diverent results, for example showing Courage in face of your fear stops the corruption and no longer being afraid of it in general eliminates the weakness as well. But again that's only speculation.

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