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Also, love that new Atrophy post, though with the Inheritance cycle being one of my most hated series (Due almost entirely to the last book) I'm not sure how I feel about him reading Eragon.

Just one more reason to place him on the ATTD list I guess :P










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Also, love that new Atrophy post, though with the Inheritance cycle being one of my most hated series (Due almost entirely to the last book) I'm not sure how I feel about him reading Eragon.

Just one more reason to place him on the ATTD list I guess :P




#heyhehasn'tearnedityet :P

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Comatose and other Corvallis RPers: Some questions I had considered regarding Corvallis:


1)would there be some sort of daily newspaper equivalent, written, published and distributed by Blossom's department? Not necessarily pure propaganda (all the time) but just a small local newspaper to let all the Epics (and perhaps more important vanillas) know about daily goings-on, events, parties, in the area, new arrivals, that sort of thing. I was going to have Atrophy reading it but I didn't want to just invent something like that without asking :P


2) what become of children in Corvallis? are they housed separately? are they educated in the Corvallis schools? are parents allowed to frequently visit them? Were they denied that right, and now without happiness to mollify them they are pissed off that they are not allowed access to their kids?


3) given the large number of houses/buildings in Corvallis, and the fact that there are not enough Epics to fill them all, would it be logical that more powerful Epics are given several houses across the city that they alternate between, or even multiple adjacent houses that they combine into a single "compound"? Even if Corvallis has 2x or 3x the number of Epics I picture in my headcanon and the pertinent stats post, there are a lot more houses than them, but a fair margin (according to Wikipedia it has 22'000 households). I'm just thinking that they have such a large surplus of houses, strictly one per Epic seems a bit stingy for Rainmaker ;)



Well, I'm not Comatose, and he should have final say in these, but I'll offer my input.

1) There could be a newspaper like that, but in the technology era that the Fractured States is in, given that the town has stability and electricity, radio or television would likely be more efficient. Papers and the like would require distribution, which can cause a major hassle when you consider all of Corvallis and Philomath, as well as parts of Tangent and Albany, need to receive the paper. But OSU has its own radio station, which I assume, like my university, is broadcast from campus, meaning they have a radio tower. Radio programs would then be more likely to be used.


Of course, radio doesn't employ as many vanillas/Epics, so the paper option might be used simply to give people menial tasks every day.


With that said, I do not think there would be any kind of news for vanillas. Remember that the normal day to day in Corvallis involves the vanillas living their lives in an ocean of false happiness. Why would they need news? They merely need to be happy while they serve their Epics 24/7.




2) I was under the assumption that children were included in Corvallis, and we just haven't mentioned them because most of the time when we do mention vanillas, we kill them, and killing children always gives people mixed or bad feelings. At least, that's why I've steered clear.


As for education, I think the first question is: Is there education in the Fractured States? Our timeline puts the RP much closer to the dawn of Epics than Steelheart, but we are far enough away to have lost the government. Would the education infrastructure have been salvaged in a place like Corvallis? That's dependant on when Rainmaker came, how quickly the Queens and all of Corvallis got set up, etc. Comatose will have to answer that one. If education is a thing, I'd say that Corvallis would actively enroll children, as it keeps them busy, and employs teachers.


3) I'm not sure if they would be given more than one house. Remember that the 40,000 vanillas you estimate also need housing, and Rainmaker would want to have plenty of housing for future Epics and vanillas. I can definitely see the Queens each having more than one place of living, and perhaps the Epics working for the government get extra housing, but I'm not so sure every Epic would get more than one place to live.







1) I was thinking the same thing- right at the start we were playing around with the idea that Rainmaker liked to use vanillas for everything, like delivering messages, even when using technology would have been more efficient. But perhaps both could be used, and the radio can play pre-Calamity songs or something as well, perhaps.


that is true about vanillas, but the more important ones in governemtn positions (equivalent to Steelheart's "upper class" sort of fellows, would need to have a bit more of a wider knowledge of the city to effectively help run it. Epics can't fill every administrative or management position, there aren't enough, and they aren't necessarily skilled in those areas (or would view them as beneath them).  But yeah, event updates would be for the Epics.


2) well except for Iconoclast  :unsure:

Well in Steelheart we see children employed making weapons in the Factory, and given a rudimentary education in maths, geometry and english, and the smart ones are taken to be a part of the upper class, which would require even more education. They also enjoyed movie nights occasionally. So education exists in any city that wants to keep children preoccupied and prepare them for a productive life of service to their Epic masters. 


That is true, I forget how long Corvallis languished in chaos before Rainmaker came.


3) that is all true, but i figure vanilla houses would be very cramped (on purpose), many being share houses (like the one Summer lives in) where vanillas sleep and then go to their master's house to work. So if 5 or 6 vanillas on average live in each house, only a quarter of the houses are taken up. That leaves thousands of houses (although some would have been destroyed or severely damaged before Rainmaker seized control) to parcel out between Epics.


I don't think every Epic would have more than one, at all. Minor Epics like Firefly, Blackthorn and Drainer would only have one. But more useful Epics would certainly want bigger and better houses as befits their usefulness, but you can only stretch the scale of usefulness so far when just looking at how nice one home is and how many servants you get. So how do you reward a super useful Epic who is more useful than another but you don't have any nicer homes to give it? give it two nice homes! :D



Okay, I'm agreeing with most of what's being said here, but I'll throw in my input.


1)  Corvallis News - I'm thinking a combination of radio broadcast, posters, and mobile bulletins (think mass texts) with important announcements.  This would all be under Blossom's purview.  


2) Schools and Children - For the most part, Rainmaker keeps families together as a default, though she will split them up without much provocation (So and So needs 4 servants, and you have a family of 5?  Too bad!).  Children mostly run errands and do children-work, while also shadowing their parents/supervising adults so that they can take over their positions when they are old enough.  There is no school system in place for Vanilla children.  If anything, what Corvallis does is closer to some sort of medieval model, where kids are doomed to simply learn the 'trade' of their parents, and then practice it.  


The one exception is the fields - children generally have city work, and are not tasked to work in the fields until they reach their late teens.  After all, Rainmaker can't risk all those precious luxury items in the hands of clumsy four-year olds.  


I think that answers that.  


3)  Housing - Vanillas would share, but for now I'm putting my foot down and saying that epics only get one house each.  You will notice that Rainmaker has two, but she's an exception.  Rainmaker has big plans for the city, so she'd want to leave houses vacant and ready to be taken by new epics.  She also wouldn't want to waste vanillas cleaning empty houses (unless it is one of her own).  Limiting Epics to one house is also a demonstration of her control over the population.  


The empty houses can be used for all kinds of things, including rental spaces for who knows what, practice arena's for Buttercup's troops to train in, or as indoor housing for Cornucopia's plants.  Some of them would also likely contain safe houses or hidden supplies for the Queens to use in emergencies.  


I think that addresses everything.  Let me know if anything was missed!

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I think her mourning period might last longer than the actual "romance." :mellow:



It's perfectly reasonable for the rejection to have hurt her feelings, but words like "mourn" and "failed love" really highlight Shiny's overly romantic (and obsessive) view of the world. 



In other news...



After all her contemplation she decided that simply continuing to mourn her image of Autumn would keep her from properly living her life. Making her resolve Shiny Sparkle slipped out of her clothes and into the small bed in the room and comforted herself over her failed love.


...Does Shiny sleep in the nude? :mellow:

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It's perfectly reasonable for the rejection to have hurt her feelings, but words like "mourn" and "failed love" really highlight Shiny's overly romantic (and obsessive) view of the world. 



In other news...




...Does Shiny sleep in the nude? :mellow:

Indeed it does, which is why I wouldn't place that much on this choice of words.


...Yes? :mellow:

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Indeed it does, which is why I wouldn't place that much on this choice of words.


...Yes? :mellow:


(In case it's not coming through, I'm not hating on her as a character--I find her a fascinating subject for psychoanalysis, in the way only exceptionally well-written characters can be. :))



Fair enough. Just wanted to see if I was reading that right. :P

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(In case it's not coming through, I'm not hating on her as a character--I find her a fascinating subject for psychoanalysis, in the way only exceptionally well-written characters can be. :))



Fair enough. Just wanted to see if I was reading that right. :P

Oh don't worry, I got that already. And it would be somewhat strange to excpect people to.. um "side" with Shiny Sparkle. :P


What if I told you you read that right?

What if I told you you didn't read that right?

What if i told you there's more?

What if I told you I'm just trying to confuse you?

Whyt if I told you I'm insane?

#WhatIfIToldYou? :ph34r:

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