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Plot twist! I'm not insane and there`s more to it! :ph34r:


By the way, how high is the chance that Backtrack falls asleep while driving and crashes the car?


I'll believe there's more to it, but it'll be hard to sell me on that first twist. :P



Well, I was thinking he might get scared of driving in the dark and start driving by his retrocognition, looking at the road as it was in broad daylight. He could then plow into a road obstacle placed late that evening... :ph34r:

Edited by Kobold King
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I'll believe there's more to it, but it'll be hard to sell me on that first twist. :P



Well, I was thinking he might get scared of driving in the dark and start driving by his retrocognition, looking at the road as it was in broad daylight. He could then plow into a road obstacle placed late that evening... :ph34r:

Luckily MVs power is the ultimate airbag :P

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3ffa38673dc8be364a5066ec759e0342.png  "You're the ultimate airbag." --MV, in a particularly snarky mood. :P

Well back in her early character development I did plan on her jumping out of the museum at some point and then shifting the momentum into some poor passerby so this could have become a somewhat disturbing reality.

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Hey Mailliw, still interested in letting Backtrack into Thoughttown's HQ on the next game day? He could see some neat flashbacks... :ph34r:



And Twi, if we did this, what would you think of Backtrack running into Panacea?

I forgot about that, but I'm game. If he comes with Funtimes. Altermind won't be allowing the Empire free access to his town.

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Depends on how far back he decides to look. I'm game for just about anything. :ph34r:


...Did you do that on purpose? :huh::P


Also, I'm sure I've brought this up before but it bears repeating: Panacea is small, thin, and white, correct? I keep failing to imagine her as anything but a moderately stocky black woman. :mellow:




I forgot about that, but I'm game. If he comes with Funtimes. Altermind won't be allowing the Empire free access to his town.


Why does Altermind need to know Backtrack works for the Empire? :ph34r:

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...Did you do that on purpose? :huh::P

Also, I'm sure I've brought this up before but it bears repeating: Panacea is small, thin, and white, correct? I keep failing to imagine her as anything but a moderately stocky black woman. :mellow:

Why does Altermind need to know Backtrack works for the Empire? :ph34r:

No, but I'll always claim a good pun. :P

Game is black, right? So your mental image makes more sense.

"Hi, I'm Backtrack, and I'd like one day pass into Thoughttown, please."

"A....who do you work for, idiot?"

"Myself. I just want to walk in, walk around for a while, maybe use your bathroom..."

"I said, who do you work for?"

"Agh! No guns! I work for the Empire!"

They might find out anyway. :P

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Does he not know? It's been months since the meeting, so I forget what each party told the other. :P


I don't think there was discussion of Backtrack's abilities, though I can go back and see.


Even so, it'd probably be simplest for Funtimes to be sent there to help arm Thoughttown's military, with Backtrack sent along as her "assistant." I was thinking Lightwards could pull a reverse Traveler trick, sending Backtrack along as a vanilla with instructions to secretly gather info.


Actually, I don't even think Funtimes knows about Backtrack's powers yet...

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I don't think there was discussion of Backtrack's abilities, though I can go back and see.

Even so, it'd probably be simplest for Funtimes to be sent there to help arm Thoughttown's military, with Backtrack sent along as her "assistant." I was thinking Lightwards could pull a reverse Traveler trick, sending Backtrack along as a vanilla with instructions to secretly gather info.

Actually, I don't even think Funtimes knows about Backtrack's powers yet...

No, she doesn't. She never saw him before he jumped off the MoNA. :P

Would you object, then, to something going right for Backtrack for once? :ph34r:

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I don't think there was discussion of Backtrack's abilities, though I can go back and see.


Even so, it'd probably be simplest for Funtimes to be sent there to help arm Thoughttown's military, with Backtrack sent along as her "assistant." I was thinking Lightwards could pull a reverse Traveler trick, sending Backtrack along as a vanilla with instructions to secretly gather info.


Actually, I don't even think Funtimes knows about Backtrack's powers yet...

I just checked and didn't see anything.


That sounds good to me. All Altermind cares about is Funtimes giving him some new equipment. If she wants to bring a pathetic imbecile who whimpers at Flashpoint, good for her. :P

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I don't think there was discussion of Backtrack's abilities, though I can go back and see.


Even so, it'd probably be simplest for Funtimes to be sent there to help arm Thoughttown's military, with Backtrack sent along as her "assistant." I was thinking Lightwards could pull a reverse Traveler trick, sending Backtrack along as a vanilla with instructions to secretly gather info.


Actually, I don't even think Funtimes knows about Backtrack's powers yet...

Seems safer than having him be teleported in there on good luck. :P


Very few people in Portland know the truth about secret agent Backtrack. :ph34r:

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No, she doesn't. She never saw him before he jumped off the MoNA. :P

Would you object, then, to something going right for Backtrack for once? :ph34r:


Well, something would go right for Lightwards I guess. He'd be smug about having successfully duped Funtimes, while Backtrack would spend the whole mission terrified out of his wits. :P

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Well, something would go right for Lightwards I guess. He'd be smug about having successfully duped Funtimes, while Backtrack would spend the whole mission terrified out of his wits. :P

Talking about him duping people, did Shiny ever catch what his powers were?

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