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Corrupt!Sightline would join as a means to an end.

I wouldn't be suprised if they had ritual Vanilla burnings, so I'm not sure how meanful they would be.


By the way, I've started laying out the next Nighthound post and feel I should give a trigger warning in advance. :unsure:

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I'd say some of our established characters suddenly deciding to worship Obliteration would be rather strange for most of them, so there should be at least some new characters to start the cult.


I guess it depends how fanatical in their "worship" this cult is. I can't imagine many Epics fully dedicating themselves to anyone or anything but themselves. Obliteration is an exception obviously, as are a few in this RP, but in my opinion most members or allies of this cult would just be members to fulfil their own separate goals as a means to an end, or they want to destroy lots of stuff for their own reasons without actually "worshipping" Obliteration.

Frequency could always start the cult, or be a "founding member" per say, perhaps transferring his devotion from Koschei to Obliteration, or viewing Obliteration as a reincarnation/possessed vessel of Koschei.


Other than that I could see certain individuals joining up, depends on the way it all works out.



I wouldn't be suprised if they had ritual Vanilla burnings, so I'm not sure how meanful they would be.


By the way, I've started laying out the next Nighthound post and feel I should give a trigger warning in advance.  :unsure:


can't C4 like exude an explosive goo?


can she blow him up for us? ....please?   :unsure:

Edited by Blackhoof
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Hey. Quick question.


Do you guy's have any human villain's yet?


I was thinking about that human character I mentioned, and just started wondering if the only villain's of this RP so far were epics. 


(Specifically, I'm kind fthinking... like, Arrow!Ra's, or an evil!David. But thought I should ask if you guys have that role filled already lol)

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To answer- no, not really. We don't have many vanillas at all, in fact, beyond NPCs :P

but if done well a human villain could easily fit in, especially as an evil underling to an Epic. Its just hard to be an independent evil boss when super-powered sociopaths run around, taking over your evil lairs and poaching all your henchmen.

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True.. I'm kind of spitting around ideas, I suppose. My idea was... well, "evil!David", I suppose, someone who kill's epics, but whose methods are making them... barely any better than the one's they're killing...


Anyone interested in forming a vanilla villain team and invading somewhere?


(Vanilla Villain? Vanillian?)

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I have an Epic character in the Dalles, Scribbler and her corruption is focused towards Epics so essentially she's relatively nice to normal people but thinks Epics should essentially be kept as slaves to serve everyone else. So she'd be very supportive of a Vanilla Villain type character were one to appear.

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I have an Epic character in the Dalles, Scribbler and her corruption is focused towards Epics so essentially she's relatively nice to normal people but thinks Epics should essentially be kept as slaves to serve everyone else. So she'd be very supportive of a Vanilla Villain type character were one to appear.


Hmm... that might be a fun dynamic to try? Like, the total reversal of Newcago (and a twisted version of the truce in Dalles)...


I'm just kind of throwing out ideas at the moment, but... would anyone mind if I did try to create a vanillian? 

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True.. I'm kind of spitting around ideas, I suppose. My idea was... well, "evil!David", I suppose, someone who kill's epics, but whose methods are making them... barely any better than the one's they're killing...


Anyone interested in forming a vanilla villain team and invading somewhere?


(Vanilla Villain? Vanillian?)


The Dalles is our one city that's actually ruled by vanillas, and Epics have very limited rights in the city. (Only Epics that have sworn allegiance to the City Guard have any rights at all, in fact.)


While Vondra tries to stay within the realm of wisdom in his command of the city, you could certainly create a high-ranking officer with a fierce hatred of Epics and a less-pronounced moral code. He'd probably be one of Arsenal's favorites, in fact.



(Wild idea: you could make this character Vondra's son. His brother was murdered by Koschei the Deathless, so he has a built-in tragic backstory. :ph34r:)

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Hmm... that might be a fun dynamic to try? Like, the total reversal of Newcago (and a twisted version of the truce in Dalles)...

I'm just kind of throwing out ideas at the moment, but... would anyone mind if I did try to create a vanillian?

I think that'd be fascinating to see. You'd need to ask Kobold (who according to my typo is apparently Kobolf now) if you wanted to add a vanillain to The Dalles, though I think they'd fit in well with Scribbler.

Edit: Ninjad by Kobolf. :ph34r:

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Some great ideas by Kobolf and Twilyft :P
Scribblers going to be spending the entire night using her powers too, not anything too strong but even so using her power continuously like that is going to make her pretty irredeemable pretty quickly.

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I am torn between wanting the vanillian to stop her from corrupting (so I have someone to RP with!), and thinking that him putting  a bullet in her head -with the ambiguity of whether or not she was actually corrupted yet- would be a great intro...

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The Dalles is our one city that's actually ruled by vanillas, and Epics have very limited rights in the city. (Only Epics that have sworn allegiance to the City Guard have any rights at all, in fact.)


While Vondra tries to stay within the realm of wisdom in his command of the city, you could certainly create a high-ranking officer with a fierce hatred of Epics and a less-pronounced moral code. He'd probably be one of Arsenal's favorites, in fact.



(Wild idea: you could make this character Vondra's son. His brother was murdered by Koschei the Deathless, so he has a built-in tragic backstory. :ph34r:)



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I think that'd be fascinating to see. You'd need to ask Kobold (who according to my typo is apparently Kobolf now) if you wanted to add a vanillain to The Dalles, though I think they'd fit in well with Scribbler.



Kobolf the RPing Sharder

Took too long to write his posts

And if you had to wait on him

You'd wind up waiting as a ghost


All of the other members

Used to mock and tell him shame

They never let poor Kobolf

Join in all their Sharder games


Then one dark and foggy night

Twilyft came to say

"Kobolf with your posts so slow

Won't you help Oregon grow?"


Then all the Sharders loved him

As they shouted out with glee

"Kobolf the RPing Sharder

You'll go down in hi-stor-y!"


Ahem. Got carried away there for a sec. :P



I am torn between wanting the vanillian to stop her from corrupting (so I have someone to RP with!), and thinking that him putting  a bullet in her head -with the ambiguity of whether or not she was actually corrupted yet- would be a great intro...



I doubt Voidus would let you kill Scribbler, but that sounds nice. And we actually have an NPC Epic named Ozymandias that we've been trying to find a decent end to... :ph34r:

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I am torn between wanting the vanillian to stop her from corrupting (so I have someone to RP with!), and thinking that him putting a bullet in her head -with the ambiguity of whether or not she was actually corrupted yet- would be a great intro...

I vote the first option. He'd become more ambiguous and a much darker shade of grey over time if he took that route. (And there's a rule against killin player characters without express permission, so if he were to kill an Epic, it'd need to be an NPC and there aren't that many Epics in The Dalles.)

Edit: Ozy is a good option, if a good way to kill him were found.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I am torn between wanting the vanillian to stop her from corrupting (so I have someone to RP with!), and thinking that him putting  a bullet in her head -with the ambiguity of whether or not she was actually corrupted yet- would be a great intro...

Well as I said her corruption will manifest as a hatred of Epics as opposed to the usual sociopathic mass slaughter of Vanillas, not sure if it's canonically possible for corruption to work like that but I thought it'd be an interesting character. So basically corrupted Scribbler would actually be a pretty good companion for Vanillian, her powerset is basically the ability to create anything she writes down so she'd be able to supply him with whatever Epic hunting equipment was necessary.

EDIT: And yes sadly killing Scribbler is pretty off the table, she's had a pretty terrible life so far so I don't want to end it til I've had a chance for her to bond with more puppies. :P

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Since we'll get done with Day One in The Dalles soon, it'd make most sense to introduce him in the in-game morning. I assume we'll be splitting up on missions to try and mop up the chaos of yesterday. Evacuating the two Epic-less towns, going on deep patrol to try and find out where the pandas are camped, setting up new fortifications, fixing the damage to the outer farms, etc.


Seems like a decent way to start the day, and it would allow us to mix together characters with impunity.

Edited by Mckeedee123
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Since we'll get done with Day One in The Dalles soon, it'd make most sense to introduce him in the in-game morning. I assume we'll be splitting up on missions to try and mop up the chaos of yesterday. Evacuating the two Epic-less towns, going on deep patrol to try and find out where the pandas are camped, setting up new fortifications, fixing the damage to the outer farms, etc.


Seems like a decent way to start the day, and it would allow us to mix together characters however we wanted.


I like that. Have an upvote, soldier, you're doing a fine job. :P



By the way, Twi, were the brief touches of emotion I included for the Unicyclist okay in that last Portland post? I tried to keep them within the realm of reason, but I forgot to send the post to you for approval first. :unsure:

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I like that. Have an upvote, soldier, you're doing a fine job. :P

By the way, Twi, were the brief touches of emotion I included for the Unicyclist okay in that last Portland post? I tried to keep them within the realm of reason, but I forgot to send the post to you for approval first. :unsure:

Oh, yeah, they were good. :) Aldo is a creeperton, by the way. No me likey his stories. :wacko:

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