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So...page 3 of Dalles. They have a firing squad?

Any chance of my vanilla character having a role there?

I'd imagine that a firing squad would be something thrown together for the occasion and not a unit especially set aside, otherwise there would be a lot of people that need to be executed in the Dalles.

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It's not like I was trying to be subtle. "One-fingered salute" is a pretty common euphemism in my part of Texas. :P



What do you think of the post as a whole? I was feeling a bit unsure of the Deathwish/Vondra conversation in particular. :unsure:

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"IT'S SMALL," came the reply, somewhere between a scream and a choked sob. "THERE'S ONLY A FEW HUNDRED PEOPLE LEFT THERE, AND NO RULING EPICS. YOU COULD TAKE THE WHOLE TOWN IN A DAY!"

:mellow: Well Shiny spends relatively little time in town, so I'm not saying she rules it or aything, but she does have her safe house there and is pretty well known with the population. To the point where people can contact her over mobile (on her end mostly to make sure her safe house stays well safe)... so the invasion may not be as effortless as they think.

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:mellow: Well Shiny spends relatively little time in town, so I'm not saying she rules it or aything, but she does have her safe house there and is pretty well known with the population. To the point where people can contact her over mobile (on her end mostly to make sure her safe house stays well safe)... so the invasion may not be as effortless as they think.


Huh. I did not realize that. :mellow:



What would you have me change Teddy Cuddlekin's description too, then? And would Shiny care enough about the town to rush back over there and protect it from the Panda's forces?

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It's not like I was trying to be subtle. "One-fingered salute" is a pretty common euphemism in my part of Texas. :P

What do you think of the post as a whole? I was feeling a bit unsure of the Deathwish/Vondra conversation in particular. :unsure:

I liked t! :) The conversation was a nice deconstruction of the Vondra/Deathwish alliance.

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Huh. I did not realize that. :mellow:



What would you have me change Teddy Cuddlekin's description too, then? And would Shiny care enough about the town to rush back over there and protect it from the Panda's forces?

She was in her safe house when she noticed the flying pigs, whole reason she came to town actually.


He'd most likely know about her, so that would make sense. To be fair, I'm not sure how he would describe her. With no other Epic in town, she'd be the bigshoot by default but she spends most of her time elswhere, so I'll give you some freedome there. About the town itself she wouldn't exactly care, maybe about a couple of people she's taken a liking to but most of all she'd care for her safe house. Given the kind of person she is that's her only one, so yes she would go to defend it. Not that rushing is the right term, given her teleportation she could in theory reach the town before them if anyone notices them early enough.

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Do you think that if I watched a few horror movies, it would scrub my mind clean after that?


On another note, what do you think would be some interesting initial character combinations for The Dalles tomorrow? And by interesting I mean either "having a dynamic where normally they'd murder each other, but are held back by TDCG," or "being easily shippable."



-Frostfire: Anything annoying, right?

-Glamour: Not sure if he even gets angry or not

-Orange Crush: Very touchy about personal space.

-Redlight: We can probably forget about her for now. Does she even do field work?

-Arsenal: Lewdness, laziness... pretty much anything. I don't think he'd be risking himself in the field normally, though.

-Scribbler: I don't know her too well, but... maybe Epics that enjoy being Corrupted?

-Shiny Sparkle: Again, not sure what ticks her off. Is she gonna stick around or not?

-Edgerunner: Abusive boyfriends or something? Idunno.

-Deathwish: ...people who think they're cooler than him?

-Ozymandias: I don't think he gets ticked off too easily.

-Elsa: Is she... dead? I'm not sure what happened to her in the last post.

-Autumn: She generally distrusts Epics, but she's got a very long fuse.



-Frostfire: Arrogant and quick to anger

-Glamour: Self-centered and ignores others

-Orange Crush: Narcissistic and smug

-Redlight: ...I think she sort of enjoys hurting people emotionally, but overall she's pretty honest

-Arsenal: Angry, overbearing, and domineering

-Scribbler: ... self-righteous?

-Shiny Sparkle: Doesn't know when to stop. Always interested in sex.

-Edgerunner: Eh.

-Deathwish: Do I even need to say it?

-Ozymandias: He's annoying, plain and simple

-Elsa: Being dead.

-Autumn: Aw, who am I kidding? Autumn doesn't have any aggravating traits.



-The Paladin Squad: I'm not sure how they fit into everything. Same with Ari, the vanilla, and the Dragon

-Quicksilver and co.: Do they still even do stuff?


So I think that for plain, 1-1 trigger/attribute matchups, we have:

-Ozymandias on Frostfire

-Shiny Sparkle on Orange Crush/Arsenal

-Glamour on Deathwish(?) Not sure about Deathwish's trigger, plus they'd already know each other.


Anything I forgot? (Oh yeah, Vapor Snake. I assume he'll be spending time with Autumn, though.)



You forgot Taylor and Brandon!  I'd love suggestions for things for them to do tomorrow.  


D'aww. :wub:


I'm going to write one more Deathwish and Vondra scene, where they clear up the betrayal allegations / have a brief testosterone-dripping staredown. I'll need to talk to Comatose about getting Glamour and Taylor settled in one more post.


Yeah, I'd like to get the wrapped up too, so I'm open suggestions.


Prankster also just approached Brandon.  I'm not sure how I want to handle getting that wrapped up in time for the new day to start (since the interaction just began).  Fatebreaker, do you have any suggestions?  Everyone else feel free to pipe in!


I'll be away running my camp from Tomorrow until Sunday, so if we could either wrap things up today, or hold off until next week in the Dalles, that would be great (sorry to hold you guys up)!

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Yeah, I'd like to get the wrapped up too, so I'm open suggestions.


Prankster also just approached Brandon.  I'm not sure how I want to handle getting that wrapped up in time for the new day to start (since the interaction just began).  Fatebreaker, do you have any suggestions?  Everyone else feel free to pipe in!


I'll be away running my camp from Tomorrow until Sunday, so if we could either wrap things up today, or hold off until next week in the Dalles, that would be great (sorry to hold you guys up)!

Brandon faints from shock of someone just jumping him plus exhaustion and the rest gets flashbacked once he wakes up? :ph34r:

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I'll be away running my camp from Tomorrow until Sunday, so if we could either wrap things up today, or hold off until next week in the Dalles, that would be great (sorry to hold you guys up)!



No problem. Could Taylor and Brandon be wrapped up in a single post?




:mellow: Well Shiny spends relatively little time in town, so I'm not saying she rules it or aything, but she does have her safe house there and is pretty well known with the population. To the point where people can contact her over mobile (on her end mostly to make sure her safe house stays well safe)... so the invasion may not be as effortless as they think.


Even so, Shiny's defense of her safe house wouldn't be that simple either--the pandas will spread out and be multiplying so quickly that she'd have to destroy most of the city to fight off all of them. Not to mention that there's pretty much nothing she could do to the Panda himself. :mellow:

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Even so, Shiny's defense of her safe house wouldn't be that simple either--the pandas will spread out and be multiplying so quickly that she'd have to destroy most of the city to fight off all of them. Not to mention that there's pretty much nothing she could do to the Panda himself. :mellow:

No, but it would be amusing if she tried to flirt with him. :ph34r::P

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Even so, Shiny's defense of her safe house wouldn't be that simple either--the pandas will spread out and be multiplying so quickly that she'd have to destroy most of the city to fight off all of them. Not to mention that there's pretty much nothing she could do to the Panda himself. :mellow:

I don't think the Panda would hold that well in a fight currently. There's a stamina limit to how much he can regenerate and it was maybe a couple of hours since the misslies, plus he grew their tree fortres just that morning, so someone blowing out chunks from his body would be very dangerous to him, as he hasn't fully recovered yet, limiting his regenerative powers massively, and if he has to defend against Shiny he can't create new pandas either, something his soldiers aren't capable off, meaning no new pandas. They could kill or capture the townspeople but that wouldn't really help them.

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What Taylor needs: a place to stay.  She'd also like to learn more about the city, and potentially meet up with Glamour the next day to copy down his map.  If Glamour agrees, perhaps we could start the next day with a kind of "Glamour giving T-Swift a tour" type thing.  Or, if we want to split them up that could work too.  


So yeah, if Glamour just tells Taylor a place she can stay for the night, that will wrap up that plot line.


As for Brandon, I'm not sure.  The fainting thing would be an easy way out, but it isn't feeling super in character.  I mean, Brandon's a total coward, but he's also been through a lot of stuff, and isn't particularly squeamish.  


Maybe the Dalles Guard could happen upon them?  I'm assuming Antonio or Prankster would just flee, since he seems to avoid authority figures, and Brandon could be arrested again.  I could establish the details of the arrest in flashback.  

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What Taylor needs: a place to stay.  She'd also like to learn more about the city, and potentially meet up with Glamour the next day to copy down his map.  If Glamour agrees, perhaps we could start the next day with a kind of "Glamour giving T-Swift a tour" type thing.  Or, if we want to split them up that could work too.  


Sure. That seems like something that can be wrapped up in one post. I can supply any Glamour dialogue you might need.



I don't think the Panda would hold that well in a fight currently. There's a stamina limit to how much he can regenerate and it was maybe a couple of hours since the misslies, plus he grew their tree fortres just that morning, so someone blowing out chunks from his body would be very dangerous to him, as he hasn't fully recovered yet, limiting his regenerative powers massively, and if he has to defend against Shiny he can't create new pandas either, something his soldiers aren't capable off, meaning no new pandas. They could kill or capture the townspeople but that wouldn't really help them.


Hmm. Are there any other cities in the general vicinity of The Dalles I could divert the Panda too, then?

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I'll leave the Glamour dialogue vague maybe?  Just to cut down on the amount of time spent planning.  Where should I settle Taylor for the night?  Or rather, where would Glamour suggest she stay?  


Thoughts on Brandon's arrest?  I can write that too, if I know what to do.

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According to a quick round of google maps-fu there's a small place called Rowena relatively close.

Sounds good.

I'll leave the Glamour dialogue vague maybe?  Just to cut down on the amount of time spent planning.  Where should I settle Taylor for the night?  Or rather, where would Glamour suggest she stay?  


Thoughts on Brandon's arrest?  I can write that too, if I know what to do.

He'd suggest their public housing project. Some Guards would be loosely deployed around the building all night just to keeo an eye on her.

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I can start it off with Timeport, as he'll have been awake all night so he can be the tie-over from day 3 to 4.

And here I was hoping to get a Voidgaze post done to start the day on a happy note.  Alas, I'll be going to sleep now, so do as you will. -_-

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