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She may have murdered several people and chopped up their bodies but she does make one heck of a breakfast. :P


"I may have murdered five people and chopped up their bodies, but I make one heck of a breakfast!" 


Why am I picturing that as the main description on her eHarmony account? :blink: 

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The only reason she would be on eHarmony would be to make a fake account for PP and then stalk and kill all interested parties. I see her more as an obsesive pintrest user with thousands of pictures of her cakes, along with random twigs and bugs that she found. 

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Idea for an epic:


Name: Heartsleeve (yeah... the name needs some work :P)


Primary power: Can change the emotions of other people. More powerful when used on an individual. Example: Making one person extremely terrified to the point of insanity versus a general feeling of foreboding among a large group.


Secondary power: Accelerate healing. Not bulletproof, but could easily recover from a shot or two.


Weakness: being treated as inferior or humiliated.


Background: Became an epic in her later teens. Blonde hair, blue eyes, somewhat attractive. Mostly used as a hireling by higher epics, mostly to keep the people they rule over from rebelling or fighting back (as if that were even possible). A bit full of herself, but senses where to give in as far as talking back to her superiors. Figured out her weakness early on, due to her natural resistance to authority.


So... where would that fit in? 

Salem maybe?


Two new player? Is there a player list anywhere? I've lost track of who controls who and is in what thread.

The closest thing we have would be the Epic's of Oregon list.


I had an idea for a Salem Epic, Voidus (loosely based on the Zeno in the AMA thread I mentioned): Paradox.


His powers fulfill paradoxes: first up, Zeno's Paradox: Anything that would harm Paradox automatically slows down to half its velocity, change in countdown timer, time effective, etc, when it gets halfway to him, recursively. Hence, a bullet fired at Paradox takes an infinite time to reach him, moving slower and slower as they near him. As a second power related to this paradox, he can teleport (bullets traveling from two distances at the same speed take the same time to reach him; hence, the two distances are the same.

Second, in fulfillment of the arrow paradox, he can stop any object's motion by touch.

Thirdly, no one can catch him.

Wait how odes teleportation play into all of this? Somehow that sentence seems very cut off.

As for the arrow paradox, how does he fuldill it? I mean the paradox is more about the pasage of time than the motion itself, so does he put them in a stasis and then they keep moving once he doesn't touch them anymore or what?

Funny, that third one just plain doesn't make sense, once you start thinking ybout it.

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Salem maybe?

The closest thing we have would be the Epic's of Oregon list.

Wait how odes teleportation play into all of this? Somehow that sentence seems very cut off.

As for the arrow paradox, how does he fuldill it? I mean the paradox is more about the pasage of time than the motion itself, so does he put them in a stasis and then they keep moving once he doesn't touch them anymore or what?

Funny, that third one just plain doesn't make sense, once you start thinking ybout it.

I was going to point out that acchiles and the tortoise is just an example of Zeno paradox.
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I was going to point out that acchiles and the tortoise is just an example of Zeno paradox.

And one that assumes racing is some kind of bugged turn based RPG at that. :ph34r::P


Anyway, two couple mornings already. Quick Twi, make it a headtrick before the creepy starts again!... I mean more creepy than severed hands and kipnapping that is but still. :P 


Oh and I think I forgot to welcome Mrs. Voidus back, so welcome!

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Well essentially, you just write an intro post where your character shows up in town. Someone will direct them to administration building or something where they can register for the fights (you know the deal with Salem, yeah? televised dream-arena fights between epics and such?) and get accomodation for the duration of their stay. "donations" will also be required at some point.


But Voidus will give you the proper information, the above is just what I did.

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Well essentially, you just write an intro post where your character shows up in town. Someone will direct them to administration building or something where they can register for the fights (you know the deal with Salem, yeah? televised dream-arena fights between epics and such?) and get accomodation for the duration of their stay. "donations" will also be required at some point.


But Voidus will give you the proper information, the above is just what I did.

It would be advisable to at least get a general okay from Voidus first.

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I'd be ok with it, but Salem is very combat oriented so if you were hoping for using his powers more for political machinations than straight up 1v1 fights another thread would probably suit better.
If you're still up for Salem the procedure is basically as Blackhoof said, an intro post to establish your character and then we can work out some matchups for them to fight.

EDIT: Actually Quiver and Venture both asked for non-arena characters in Salem who might attempt a coup at some point so it is possible one of them would hire Heartsleeve now that I think about it.

Edited by Voidus
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I'd be ok with it, but Salem is very combat oriented so if you were hoping for using his powers more for political machinations than straight up 1v1 fights another thread would probably suit better.

If you're still up for Salem the procedure is basically as Blackhoof said, an intro post to establish your character and then we can work out some matchups for them to fight.

EDIT: Actually Quiver and Venture both asked for non-arena characters in Salem who might attempt a coup at some point so it is possible one of them would hire Heartsleeve now that I think about it.

I was thinking similair. All other locations just have enough enough people to fill the emotion manipulation role.

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So... since Sentry was mentioned by Voidus... should I go ahead and make a character sheet for her or something?


(And yeah, she's female, since my vanillian is going to be male; gender equality ya'all!)

Sounds good, name, powers you settled on including and whatever else you deem as important, poniefying her is optional but encouraged. :ph34r:

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So... since Sentry was mentioned by Voidus... should I go ahead and make a character sheet for her or something?


(And yeah, she's female, since my vanillian is going to be male; gender equality ya'all!)

Yeah definitely, hopefully some arena scenes will get posted soon and then the gameday in Salem will break for lunch which should let some action happen away from the arena. But then if Sentry's not really involved in the arena much you can post for her beforehand I guess :P

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(Uh... is there an "official" character sheet anywhere? I was gonna just steal the outline for one of Edgedancers epics, then fill in the blanks appropriately, but... wondering if there's an "offical" version?)

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(Uh... is there an "official" character sheet anywhere? I was gonna just steal the outline for one of Edgedancers epics, then fill in the blanks appropriately, but... wondering if there's an "offical" version?)

Not that I'm aware of.

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(Uh... is there an "official" character sheet anywhere? I was gonna just steal the outline for one of Edgedancers epics, then fill in the blanks appropriately, but... wondering if there's an "offical" version?)

Nope, some don't even have an official appearance or backstory :P

Bare minimum: Name and powers.

Preferable: History and appearance


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New Chase post up. Chase: she cares for her vanillas while getting the rest killed without chlaring.

Best Epic.

Where there still ghouls around? Anyway, nice post.


Oh and with Comatose willing to backflash his charcters, is there any one else that will need to do anything in the Dalles?

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(Huh. Okay...)


Name: Sentry

Real name: Sophie Jones



All-sight: Sentry is capable of "seeing" (and hearing) through images of herself. The medium of the picture is unimportant; whether it is a photograph, a drawing, a painting, a chalk image etc. She does not need to be responsible for making the image for this effect to work (though she does personally produce a lot of the "motivational" posters for it). Furthermore, the image in question does not need to be of a "minimum" quality; so long as it is intended to represent Sentry, it take's effect. 

Technical Difficulties: An outreach of the above ability, Sentry's power's can have an impact upon electronic devices. She is capable of projecting an image of herself onto electronic screens (regardless of whether they are plugged in, turned on, or have any battery charge). In the case of screens, this results in her appearing as if being filmed or shot through a camera- in the case of phones, it's a projection of her voice. The same rules apply for screens as her usual use of All-sight, though she can't see through speakers/anything else which doesn't project an image of herself.



Making fun of her appearance. Basically, her weakness is body-shaming.  


...Though considering that weakness, it's maybe darkly comedic that I don't have an age or appearance for her yet? Basically, want to check if the above is okay so far...


...Particularly the weakness part, since that might be... kind of a sensitive topic best avoided (and I say that as the guy who has often been on the receiving end of 'you're so fat' comments ajbemused.png). I have to admit, kind of struggling to think of a weakness -since it ties into the background and all- but...


What I was kind of thinking was... going with the "web chat" thing Edgedancer mentioned a while back. That Sophie used to be, like... a youtube producer. Given the general state of YouTube comments, I figure getting a lot of assaults over everything from the fact she's a girl to "not being hawt enuff" would be fairly traumatic enough to make a weakness... but again, it might be.. too sensitive a topic, so I want to get you guy's feedback on it first.


EDIT I'm considering adding a limit to her powers, like, "she can only see if the drawings of her have eyes", but...

Edited by Quiver
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(Huh. Okay...)


Name: Sentry

Real name: Sophie Jones



All-sight: Sentry is capable of "seeing" (and hearing) through images of herself. The medium of the picture is unimportant; whether it is a photograph, a drawing, a painting, a chalk image etc. She does not need to be responsible for making the image for this effect to work (though she does personally produce a lot of the "motivational" posters for it). Furthermore, the image in question does not need to be of a "minimum" quality; so long as it is intended to represent Sentry, it take's effect. 

Technical Difficulties: An outreach of the above ability, Sentry's power's can have an impact upon electronic devices. She is capable of projecting an image of herself onto electronic screens (regardless of whether they are plugged in, turned on, or have any battery charge). In the case of screens, this results in her appearing as if being filmed or shot through a camera- in the case of phones, it's a projection of her voice. The same rules apply for screens as her usual use of All-sight, though she can't see through speakers/anything else which doesn't project an image of herself.



Making fun of her appearance. Basically, her weakness is body-shaming.  


...Though considering that weakness, it's maybe darkly comedic that I don't have an age or appearance for her yet? Basically, want to check if the above is okay so far...


...Particularly the weakness part, since that might be... kind of a sensitive topic best avoided (and I say that as the guy who has often been on the receiving end of 'you're so fat' comments ajbemused.png). I have to admit, kind of struggling to think of a weakness -since it ties into the background and all- but...


What I was kind of thinking was... going with the "web chat" thing Edgedancer mentioned a while back. That Sophie used to be, like... a youtube producer. Given the general state of YouTube comments, I figure getting a lot of assaults over everything from the fact she's a girl to "not being hawt enuff" would be fairly traumatic enough to make a weakness... but again, it might be.. too sensitive a topic, so I want to get you guy's feedback on it first.


EDIT I'm considering adding a limit to her powers, like, "she can only see if the drawings of her have eyes", but...

Looks good to me.

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