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Tranquiline Halls = Earth?


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I'm sure this has been posted before but does anyone else think the Tranquiline Halls are actually Earth and Odium or something teleported humans to Roshar? Why does Shinovar have chickens and Earth like conditions? Did a chunk of Earth get teleported to a different solar system? This has always been in the back of my mind and now I'm re-reading the books lol. 




Also all the Earth-like things. Horses for example. In the Cosmere does our Earth exist or should that not be thought of? I mean..horses and chickens are kind of unique, let alone humans. Did Adonalsium create all these things across different solar systems (seeded the same stuff + alien things) to see how it would turn out? Why does the Almighty claim to have "Created mankind" when he himself was a human that got a shard blasted into him?

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1. We know that Earth is NOT in the Cosmere. That has been confirmed.

2. We don't know yet...

3. No. Earth is not Cosmere.

4. Should not be considered. However, Scadrial can be considered an Earth analogue, according to a WoB that I'm too lazy to find right now. Scadrial has many, many, Earth-like things and even items that are identical to Earth; horses, to name one.

5. Don't know...

6. We don't know that the original Shardholders were the humans that.you see on Roshar today. They might not have been human at all.

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Interesting. I thought Honor was someone called "Tanavast"? Seemingly human in appearance probably if he created mankind. Assuming he made in his own image and then chose to appear human to other humans. I really like that his series are fantasy but with an undercurrent of sci-fi haha.



6. Plus, maybe Yolen(the original world) and humanity were destroyed by the Shattering and only a few worldhoppers and the shardholders remained and had to recreate it from scratch.

I like this idea haha.

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Interesting. I thought Honor was someone called "Tanavast"? Seemingly human in appearance probably if he created mankind. Assuming he made in his own image and then chose to appear human to other humans. I really like that his series are fantasy but with an undercurrent of sci-fi.

I'm fairly certain that Tanavast was simply the shareholder. He would have taken hold of the shard and its power at some point, and uses it according to his will and the nature of the shard, and is likely to think of himself in whatever form he had originally. If you look at the wiki, there is probably more information about it, relevant and not, to your question, but I am just starting to look into them myself so I know very little about Tanavast specifically.

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Everything Kipper posted is absolutely correct.


Honor is the Shard, Tanavast was the Shardholder.  By the end, they could be thought of as the same entity, but they didn't start out that way.  Shards will change whoever holds them; being unwilling to change who he is is why Odium has not taken the power left behind after Splintering no fewer than 4 other Shards (Honor, Dominion, Devotion, and one that we are as yet unaware of.)


I also do not recall the Almighty/Honor/Tanavast (all same being), or the Stormfather for that matter, ever saying that he created humans/mankind.  Do ardents?  Yup.  So, the religion based on the worship of Honor believe that he is responsible for their creation, but they believe all kinds of other wrong drek, too.


Without spoiling too much, we know for a fact that there are other Shards out there that have worked together to create life, including humans, even though they started their own lives as humans.  You know, the age-old story.  Pick up a piece of glass; yay! Now you're a god!  But what to do?  Hmm.  Take your friend who also picked up a shard of glass and is now a god, too, and fly across the galaxy to a barren rock floating in the void.  And play!  Bwahahaha!!!!  But, it'll get boring creating different kinds of grass after a billion years, and it's kinda lonely with only one other person to talk to.  So the two of you work together to create sentient life, using what you know exists elsewhere as a template.  And thus a human became a god and went on to create humans.  (And that is canon, not just a plausible story.)


Since we also know that Honor and Cultivation worked together previously, even if Honor did mention creating humans at some point (which I still don't think he did, but I've been known to be wrong at least two or three other times before :)), it's very possible to be true based on known example above.

Edited by kaellok
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Without spoiling too much, we know for a fact that there are other Shards out there that have worked together to create life, including humans, even though they started their own lives as humans.  You know, the age-old story.  Pick up a piece of glass; yay! Now you're a god!  But what to do?  Hmm.  Take your friend who also picked up a shard of glass and is now a god, too, and fly across the galaxy to a barren rock floating in the void.  And play!  Bwahahaha!!!!  But, it'll get boring creating different kinds of grass after a billion years, and it's kinda lonely with only one other person to talk to.  So the two of you work together to create sentient life, using what you know exists elsewhere as a template.  And thus a human became a god and went on to create humans.  (And that is canon, not just a plausible story.)


I love the way you told the story of Ati/Leras! :lol: Even if the term "Shard" refers to a peice of Adonalsium, not glass. Whatever. Upvotes! :D
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I love the way you told the story of Ati/Leras! :lol: Even if the term "Shard" refers to a peice of Adonalsium, not glass. Whatever. Upvotes! :D

Glad you enjoyed it!  It was my version of an ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5), and I try to make them entertaining and relatable.  Or entertaining and ridiculous.  Or on fire because I did it wrong and now it must be destroyed.  

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