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Why did Odium go to Sel?


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Isn't this what Feruchemy is? It was around before Allomancy, and I'm pretty sure it predates Hemalurgy as well. As far as I can tell, Feruchemy was born from the interactions of 2 shards on a planet, with the other 2 systems being born out of the Shard conflict.


For the sake of clarity, we don't know (to my knowledge) when Hemallurgy (the spikey aspect of it) was developed.  Since the Lord Ruler only figured out a few ways to use Feruchemy, I think it is safe to say that it did not develop/emerge at his "ascension".  I suspect it was developed during the original collaboration between Ati and Leras.


As to why Odium came to Sel first, I think it was because Devotion was there.  Here's why, if you were planning on trashing a group of people who are each magnificently powerful (on par with your self), I see you as having a couple of options.  You can either go after the guy you think will pose the least challenge and therefore get some practice and hopefully prevent a stronger downstream alliance (saving the best for last) or you go after guy who you perceive to be the most challenging first in order to utilize surprise and hopefully neutralize the power you think would be most able to stop you.


I think it possible that Odium could have observed the ballanced struggle between Ati and Leras and realized that (since an alliance does not seem to be within Odium's character) surprise was his best chance at taking down his (likely) most opposite Shard (i.e., the Shard most capable of countering his efforts).  Devotion had to be the first to go because after it became known that Odium is killing and splintering Shards, Devotion would be most able to counter his efforts.


On a side note (pretty much completely unrelated), why did allomancy emerge at the time of the LR's ascension?  Did he just find out about Lerasium, where it was, and what it could do when he took the power at the well, or did something else happen?

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The three metallic arts all came into existence at the same time.  (whether or not people knew about them or could use them is another matter). Metal piercings were a big part of the culture of Classical Scadrial, it is not known whether Hemalurgy was well known but it is possible.  Allomancy did exist during this period as well but it was very rare and there were only mistings.  Alendi was a Seeker after all.


I think it is also important that the shards don't "make" the magic systems.  They come about from the interaction of the shards and the shardworlds but it is not like they consciously design the system.

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The three metallic arts all came into existence at the same time.  (whether or not people knew about them or could use them is another matter). Metal piercings were a big part of the culture of Classical Scadrial, it is not known whether Hemalurgy was well known but it is possible.  Allomancy did exist during this period as well but it was very rare and there were only mistings.  Alendi was a Seeker after all.


I think it is also important that the shards don't "make" the magic systems.  They come about from the interaction of the shards and the shardworlds but it is not like they consciously design the system.


Do we know Alendi was a seeker?  Yes he heard the thumping from the well, but, IIRC, the thumping comes from Ruin to the hearer's mind (at least that's how it went for Vin).  Absent WoB or really good logic that suggests otherwise, I suspect that Alendi was at least minorly spiked.  Do you have any info suggesting that allomancy was around at Rashek's ascension?  I agree with you that all three systems were developed at the time of Ruin and preservation's collaboration.  It makes the most sense. But where did LR get the Lerasium?


I apologize, I hate to do an entire post that is off-topic.  Please forgive me everyone.

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Well, I guess if BS says that Alendi heard the well thumping because he was an allomancer, then I guess I can accept that <_< .  But, I was right about him being spiked!  So, one outta two aint bad, right? :D .


Nice grab on those quotes WW, thanks.




Ruin definitely needed Vin to be a mistborn with a sister who was a seeker.



I think that Vin's sister being a seeker worked out fortuitously for Ruin, but it has already been shown that Ruin sucked at foresight and long-term planning since it was contrary to his intent.  I think Ruin was more concerned, knowing she was a mistborn, about getting her spiked so he could communicate with and influence her.  Everything else was butter.

Edited by Shardlet
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HoA, 74 bumper

She once asked Ruin why he had chosen her. The primary answer is simple. It had little to do with her personality, attitudes, or even skill with Allomancy.

She was simply the only child Ruin could find who was in a position to gain the right Hemalurgic spike—one that would grant her heightened power with bronze, which would then let her sense the location of the Well of Ascension. She had an insane mother, a sister who was a Seeker, and was—herself—Mistborn. That was precisely the combination Ruin needed.

There were other reasons, of course. But even Ruin didn't know them.


Yeah basically you just need to be MAD SKILLED with bronze.

Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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Do we know Alendi was a seeker?  Yes he heard the thumping from the well, but, IIRC, the thumping comes from Ruin to the hearer's mind (at least that's how it went for Vin).  Absent WoB or really good logic that suggests otherwise, I suspect that Alendi was at least minorly spiked.  Do you have any info suggesting that allomancy was around at Rashek's ascension?  I agree with you that all three systems were developed at the time of Ruin and preservation's collaboration.  It makes the most sense. But where did LR get the Lerasium?


I apologize, I hate to do an entire post that is off-topic.  Please forgive me everyone.


The Lord Ruler found the Lerasium at the well of Ascension. He took one for himself and gave most of the remaining ones to loyal  people..

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As far as I can tell, on each of the worlds we have seen so far, the magic systems just exist.


Sure, they're affected by whether the Shards are splintered or not.  They're affected by the nature of the world and the nature of the meddling shards.  But once all that is given, it seems like the "magic" just is, and the inhabitants of the respective worlds are then left to understand and use them more or less on their own.


There are arguable exceptions.  The Returned would seem to be the biggest potential one, with Endowment apparently taking a role in Returning them.  Honor is also seemingly meddling directly.  All of these are relatively small, though.  For the larger part, people are left to make their own way, with any Shardic influences being either science-y or subtle.

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