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White Parsh


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I just came across a passage in my reread of WoK that confused me. Shallan is reading an account of the expedition that first encountered the Parshendi, which says this:


Some had skin marbled black and red, and others were marbled white and red, as is more common in Alethkar.


This is the first time I've noticed anything about white parshmen, but apperantly they are common in Alethkar. What significance do you think this has? Any?

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The pigmentation found in people (and many other species) in the real world varies wildly.


Why this should be different or confusing for Parshmen/Parshendi/whatever, I have no idea.

Of course, it may be significant, given the Parshmen/Parshendi's odd physiology.  But at the moment, that's just a good detail to catch.

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I was wondering because all of the quotes Jasnah pulls up regarding the voidbringers seem to point to black and red skin. It might be that the ones with white instead of black are simply too few to have any quotes that mention them survive. Or it could mean that the black ones are voidbringers and the white ones are not. Or that the parsh aren't voidbringers at all since if they were some of the quotes would mention this.

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I was wondering because all of the quotes Jasnah pulls up regarding the voidbringers seem to point to black and red skin. It might be that the ones with white instead of black are simply too few to have any quotes that mention them survive. Or it could mean that the black ones are voidbringers and the white ones are not. Or that the parsh aren't voidbringers at all since if they were some of the quotes would mention this.


All possible.  Or the white ones could be a different form, or a variant on a form.  (Note:  All I know about forms, I have found out on this site.  I am not keen on spoilers, but I consider this pretty minor, all things considered.)  I'm just saying, it's significance is very hard to fathom indeed.

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To help, in Chapter 72 Veristitalian, Shallan is remembering what she read while Jasnah is telling her her theory: "Beings of ash and fire" (white and red) and "Flame and char. Skin so terrible" (black and red). She looks out over the balcony and sees the "Parshmen. With skin of black and red. Ash and fire." [pg. 979-980] 


As to why, I suspect it being pigmentation. Or perhaps ranking or certain Parshmen from Western Roshar and Eastern Roshar. I dunno. My thoughts.

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I'd kind of prefer to not have a race of slaves where the black ones are inherently evil.  It would seem a bit... yeah.

Yeah, I'm pretty doubtful of this conclusion myself for that reason.


To help, in Chapter 72 Veristitalian, Shallan is remembering what she read while Jasnah is telling her her theory: "Beings of ash and fire" (white and red) and "Flame and char. Skin so terrible" (black and red). She looks out over the balcony and sees the "Parshmen. With skin of black and red. Ash and fire." [pg. 979-980] 


As to why, I suspect it being pigmentation. Or perhaps ranking or certain Parshmen from Western Roshar and Eastern Roshar. I dunno. My thoughts.

I always took ash as referencing black.

Another quote implies that the white Parshmen were also Voidbringers.

Ah, good catch.

With these quotes the conclusion I'm coming to is that it's just a pigmentation thing.

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