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Otto Didact

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I have a request: Could someone please post an audio of, or transcribe the parts of the Shadow of Self reading that are new? I'd really love to see what more he revealed, if anything.

I read the thread and saw people talking about evidence that something sounds more like Spook, but I can't figure it out. Is this from an unposted audio reading?
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I linked to the Google Doc in this post.

Yeah, there you linked to the transcript we'd both already read, where we both thought it was Marsh.

But then people start saying a new reading "sounds" like Spook and I don't know what that means. Was there new audio where Brandon did a voice that sounds Spook-like, or read for longer and included more material that seemed more Spook-like? Or is it all exactly the same, but people just never considered Spook, and revisiting the old transcript with Spook in mind seems to fit if you look at it that way?

Edited by Morsk
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I thought it was spook while hhe was reading it, not because Brandon changed his voice, but... well, the word choices. Just like how Sazed ends a lot of sentences with "I think" or something similar, spook always tends to sound like a modern teen in his word choices. I think that's what it meant by "sounds".

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Yes, sorry, I misunderstood your meaning, Morsk. I think most of us are talking about how it "sounds" in text, and so I just assumed you hadn't found the transcript for some reason. Actually listening to inflection in the audio didn't really occur to me; I suppose that it's because none of us are used to actually being able to hear what a character sounds like ;)

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Ok that all makes sense. I just wasn't sure. Everyone was changing their minds about Marsh to Spook and I couldn't figure out why! I'll try reading it again.

I'm sort of stuck between it sounding like a teenager because it's innocent, and between Marsh being ridiculously biased towards Ruin intent from all his spikes into sounding innocent about what he's doing.

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It's my impression that Ruin has to be acting actively Ruinous to actually affect a spiked individual's mind.

For Koloss and Inquistors, there are enough spikes that they're murderous by default.  Kandra and one-spikers don't get that effect without Ruin leaning on them.

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While I still think that Inquisitors are all being Ruinized all the time, I will give you Koloss. That might be more a result of their changed nature as monstrosites rather than simple Hemalurgy, though. By the logic that the spikes caused Koloss to be Ruinous, 4-spike TenSoon should have been as bad as a Koloss.

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While I still think that Inquisitors are all being Ruinized all the time, I will give you Koloss. That might be more a result of their changed nature as monstrosites rather than simple Hemalurgy, though. By the logic that the spikes caused Koloss to be Ruinous, 4-spike TenSoon should have been as bad as a Koloss.

Brandon said that since it was the Blessing of Presence (which makes the mind more stable) it countered that



Dalenthas (15 October 2008)
Was TenSoon more susceptible to Ruin's powers than the other Kandra because he took OreSeur's Blessings?
Brandon Sanderson (16 October 2008)
Yes, he was. However, the Blessing of Presence actually enhanced his mind to make him more resistant, so they balanced out.
Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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The only source I can find to that effect is this one, which is discussing direct Ruinous influence, not permanent, constant, natural Ruinization through the simple use of Hemalurgy. Though the Blessing of Presence may account of TenSoon not twisting "naturally" as well, the source is not direct on that matter.

Edited by Kurkistan
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The only source I can find to that effect is this one, which is discussing direct Ruinous influence, not permanent, constant, natural Ruinization through the simple use of Hemalurgy. Though the Blessing of Presence may account of TenSoon not twisting "naturally" as well, the source is not direct on that matter.

"We have more independence of will than the other two," TenSoon said. "We only have two spikes in us, while the others have more. An Allomancer can still take control of us, but free we remain more independent of mind than koloss or Inquisitors, who are both affected by Ruin's impulses even when he isn't directly controlling them. Did you never wonder why both of them are driven so powerfully to kill?"

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Interesting. I'm going to keep on with this one, though. I suppose I'll have to withdraw my qualification for the Koloss as particularly twisted, rather than Ruinized.


Very well, new alternate explanation (because that's how I roll): Note the language of the passage you have just quoted "[inquisitors and koloss] are both affected by Ruin's impulses even when he isn't directly controlling them". Depending on how these things break down, Realmatically, the Ruinization of Hemalurgists looks to be a result of some kind of "resonance" with the Shard, rather than Hemalurgy in and of itself. Furthermore, I think we can easily see a number of states of affairs such that either Ruin's merging with Preservation or Sazed's (non Intent-twisted) control of Ruin would do away with this state of being "affected by Ruin's impulses".


If "Ruin's impulses" are simply Ruin the Shard's raw Intent, then I'll have to rely on that Intent somehow being nullified by the merger with Preservation. However, if "Ruin's impulses" were actually Ati's impulses, though he was twisted by Ruin's Intent to the point where it made no difference, then a non-twisted Sazed would naturally not send out such destructive impulses. He might even send out some good vibes, naturally.


Alternatively, Ruin always has "Ruinize Hemalurgists" on at a low burn, on purpose, just because he can.

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For Koloss and Inquistors, there are enough spikes that they're murderous by default.  Kandra and one-spikers don't get that effect without Ruin leaning on them.

That's what I was thinking of, bias towards the intent behind the magic system by being so heavily invested with it, not Ruin's mind control. Marsh has a lot of spikes. There's also plain psychological bias. Marsh can't survive without the spikes, and they made him do horrible things in the past. He wants to think that's over, and that he has a reason for living and that the spikes are good. I see the book as Marsh being desperate to believe that, and desperate for the reader to believe it. He also must be lonely, and would find comfort in knowing others use Hemalurgy, although that's more likely to be unconscious.

So, desperately conflicted tortured adult, or naive teenager!

Edited by Morsk
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