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How long is a solar year in Roshar?


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That was the one I was referring to. I sincerely hope you are right as it would quell my internal dilemma over it. I personally have no issues believing Kaladin's hard life made him age faster: I thought he was rather believable as a 20 years old that looks/behaves as an older person, while having his true age shine at times where his life-hardened experience has not compensated.


I have no issues into believing the characters are indeed meant to look the Earth equivalent of their book age while being mathematically older. I have no issues believing Alethi do not socially age the same way we do, though I would think they age faster than us as they do get married very young.

I agree completely. Kaladin is much more competent at certain aspects of his life than a typical 20 year old and much less at others. Which I think we all are; everyone's lives are shaped differently.  If you wanted to ask Brandon a clarifying question, his AMA is still open.

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I agree completely. Kaladin is much more competent at certain aspects of his life than a typical 20 year old and much less at others. Which I think we all are; everyone's lives are shaped differently.  If you wanted to ask Brandon a clarifying question, his AMA is still open.


Thanks :) This is exactly how I read Kaladin: very advanced on certain things, but not so much on others.


There is so many unanswered questions in the AMA I never thought it wise to add my own rather irrelevant questions. I also fear his answers: sometimes denial works best  -_-  :ph34r:

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Thanks :) This is exactly how I read Kaladin: very advanced on certain things, but not so much on others.


There is so many unanswered questions in the AMA I never thought it wise to add my own rather irrelevant questions. I also fear his answers: sometimes denial works best  -_-  :ph34r:

Recently, he's been much better at answering questions. But that's my fear too: maybe he'll say something that disproves this entire theory.  :unsure:

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Recently, he's been much better at answering questions. But that's my fear too: maybe he'll say something that disproves this entire theory.  :unsure:


Yeah.... It is why I hesitate so much about ordering a signed book... What if he tells me something that disapproves one of my pet theories or worst, what if he tells me something I already know...  :unsure:


However, if you look at the AMA, there is still over 800 unanswered questions, I dunno how he decides which ones to answer. He can't possibly get to the end of it... I mean the guy is human...

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I'm fairly certain that he only answers the new questions ever since he started up again several months ago. On Reddit you can see the newest comments by going to the 'sort by' drop down menu above the reply box and selecting 'new'. Most if not all of the unanswered questions are the ones from the very start of the AMA. Assuming he continues to answer AMA questions, if you post yours he should answer it!

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I'm fairly certain that he only answers the new questions ever since he started up again several months ago. On Reddit you can see the newest comments by going to the 'sort by' drop down menu above the reply box and selecting 'new'. Most if not all of the unanswered questions are the ones from the very start of the AMA. Assuming he continues to answer AMA questions, if you post yours he should answer it!


If I were to ask a question, I do not think I would ask the age one.. .


What I am interested in is highly non-magical system related. Basically, I just want to have a few candies on Adolin to keep me going until the next book, something else than he "originally died" :unsure:  The reason I am so reluctant to ask anything I would be personally interested in is I fear my interests differ widely from the typical questions and it would be waste of a WoB on stuff I may be the only one wondering about. Most questions are on world-building, magic systems, Hoid, etc. Interesting stuff, but not what I personally wish to know. On the whole, Brandon does not answer many character related questions or perhaps it is there aren't many.


I'l think about it, if perhaps I can phrase my thoughts to make it sound better, maybe he'll answer.

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Okay, Kurk helped me out with that WoB, which is actually a WoP.

Navani is 3 months older than Dalinar. Shallan is 17 at the end of the first book. Kaladin is actually 20 by the end of the the first book, but he forgot his birthday. A Roshar year is 1.1 Earth years.

Note that this still doesn't address emotional maturity, etc., but it does provide a definitive relative timescale.

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Also, if you actually read the scene, absolutely no one believes she's 10. Someone calls her a child, and is immediately corrected. "She's a youth. She's at least 12." Which, you'll note, is her actual age (so 13.2 in Earth years).


Just because she tells a preposterous lie doesn't mean she has the ability to convince people.

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