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Random Stuff II

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Somebody needs to mail David Tennant (or any of the Doctors) a copy of a Sanderson book. Just imagine the legions of Whovians we can convert then! Hahaha!


"There's one planet where a whole nation of women always cover their left hands." 


"Why? Some sort of radiation or something?" 


"No, just tradition. Call them their safehands. Most of them would die if you uncovered them in public." 


"Oh no, Doctor. You can't be thinking that. We are not going to the Planet of the Safehands to uncover the left hand of every woman in an entire country!" 


"Ah, wouldn't work anyway. It's in another world. Time Lords call it the Cosmere." 

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"There's one planet where a whole nation of women always cover their left hands." 


"Why? Some sort of radiation or something?" 


"No, just tradition. Call them their safehands. Most of them would die if you uncovered them in public." 


"Oh no, Doctor. You can't be thinking that. We are not going to the Planet of the Safehands to uncover the left hand of every woman in an entire country!" 


"Ah, wouldn't work anyway. It's in another world. Time Lords call it the Cosmere." 

Well the safehand is spread over the entire Vorin culture and not just Alethkar so that's more like half the continent. :P

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That awkward moment when there is more than one random stuff 2 thread. . .

Well the safehand is spread over the entire Vorin culture and not just Alethkar so that's more like half the continent. :P

Dr. Who + Roshar = awesome that I want right now.

Edited by The Honor Spren
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I don't know.

The Joker is a possibility. As are others. I'm open to cool suggestions. Names, with me, are apparently a transient thing.




(If you haven't seen those movies yet, DO IT NOW. They're so ridiculously awesome. Or awesomely ridiculous. Let me put it this way: Flying shark is coming toward Our Heroes. One Hero tosses a grenade into the air. Shark swallows the grenade and explodes. If that didn't make you want to see these movies, nothing will. :D

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(If you haven't seen those movies yet, DO IT NOW. They're so ridiculously awesome. Or awesomely ridiculous. Let me put it this way: Flying shark is coming toward Our Heroes. One Hero tosses a grenade into the air. Shark swallows the grenade and explodes. If that didn't make you want to see these movies, nothing will. :D)

Agree 100%

@people who have commented on drawing


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Hey, here's a cool thing.

My troop is doing the color guard for the Washington Nationals game on Sunday (tomorrow) at approximately 1:30ish P.M. EST.

If anyone plans to watch the game, I will be holding the U.S. flag.

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