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What?! Brother Bear isn't my favorite Disney movie, but it's such a great one! Please tell me you've actually seen Mulan too.


Oh yeah. Once my younger sister neared her eighteenth birthday, my parents started turning a blind eye when we'd watch things they previously deemed immoral. So I saw Mulan, even if mentioning Aladdin reminds my mom how much she disliked us watching it as kids because of the magic. <_< (For the entire first season of Once Upon a Time, my dad complained at least every other episode about how "there is a lot of magic in this show!" Well…duh? That's like complaining there are a lot of guns in a Western.) 

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Oh yeah. Once my younger sister neared her eighteenth birthday, my parents started turning a blind eye when we'd watch things they previously deemed immoral. So I saw Mulan, even if mentioning Aladdin reminds my mom how much she disliked us watching it as kids because of the magic. <_< (For the entire first season of Once Upon a Time, my dad complained at least every other episode about how "there is a lot of magic in this show!" Well…duh? That's like complaining there are a lot of guns in a Western.) 



It's things like this that makes me want to surprise your parents in their bedroom early in the morning in a wizard robe while screaming the seventh Harry Potter book aloud in Latin.

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I'm amazed how restrictive your parents are. My dad let me read The Witcher Saga (most famous fantasy in Poland by Andrzej Sapkowski) when I was around 12. You may think, "OK so what?" Well, in those books we have: violence, sex, bad language, violence, more bad language, some more sex and violence, magic and racism. Cool, huh?  ;) I'd say that those books are on the Game of Thrones level of kid-friendliness. Love you dad :D So, I started to read books thanks to Harry Potter (first books that I wanted to read by myself) and then continued with The Witcher, and it was my dad who gave me both :D 


Oh, and my currently 90 year old grandmother reads fantasy, loves Harry Potter and I'm going to give her Way of Kings as soon as possible.

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I'm amazed how restrictive your parents are. My dad let me read The Witcher Saga (most famous fantasy in Poland by Andrzej Sapkowski) when I was around 12. You may think, "OK so what?" Well, in those books we have: violence, sex, bad language, violence, more bad language, some more sex and violence, magic and racism. Cool, huh? ;) I'd say that those books are on the Game of Thrones level of kid-friendliness. Love you dad :D So, I started to read books thanks to Harry Potter (first books that I wanted to read by myself) and then continued with The Witcher, and it was my dad who gave me both :D

Oh, and my currently 90 year old grandmother reads fantasy, loves Harry Potter and I'm going to give her Way of Kings as soon as possible.

Their fantasy standards have relaxed somewhat since I was a kid, but they're still a bit arbitrary. For example, Harry Potter is banned, but the Oz books are not. My mom loved the Hunger Games series, but Divergent barely made the cut. (And don't even get me started on all her rants about the second and third books, which have little to do with the complete lack of logic. <_<) She loved Reckoners, but I don't dare introduce her to any of the Cosmere stuff because she definitely wouldn't take kindly to all the polytheism and the Almighty's revelation in WoK.

So yeah. I used to think their standards were both sensible and reasonable, but now I wonder if they don't fling darts at a dartboard to decide which books to ban.

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I'm not sure how I feel about my freshmen history teacher, She was the exact opposite of what I expected. I thought I was going to be assigned a timid nice teacher... When I walked in and the announcements came on, the first thing she did was mock the principal, she is extremely blunt, she'll either be the best teacher I have or my most hated. On the bright side she is a big fan of pugs. In other news my spanish teacher is going to be amazing, his grading policy is to give us a list of all the tests for the quarter and lets us decide when to take them. But that's not the best part, test are the only part of the grade so homework doesn't count, and if you pass a test you get an instant 100%. :D

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I believe in psychic connections now.

Every time I start to walk away from my desk to accomplish a task, the phone rings. Or a customer walks in. I wanted to change the paper roll in the credit card machine, so naturally that was when a customer called and had a dozen questions for me to answer. Every time I need to use my computer, the tech guy sneaks in, opens a window, and mutters "Interesting....very interesting" for three minutes. They know I have things to do. And they are determined I not do them. :ph34r:

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I believe in psychic connections now.

Every time I start to walk away from my desk to accomplish a task, the phone rings. Or a customer walks in. I wanted to change the paper roll in the credit card machine, so naturally that was when a customer called and had a dozen questions for me to answer. Every time I need to use my computer, the tech guy sneaks in, opens a window, and mutters "Interesting....very interesting" for three minutes. They know I have things to do. And they are determined I not do them. :ph34r:

Oh don't worry, that's normal. It feels like that every time I work for my parents. I just think about sitting when there is absolutely no one there and the second I begin to lean down, the door opens. This goes on for like a dozen times before a large rush comes. It's largely just your brain, it ignores that feeling if you feel like it's busy and customers are going to come in but if you feel tired and it doesn't feel busy your brain will process that feeling differently.

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Don't you all mean the everstorm that's coming this winter? I'm actually really looking forward to it. Where I live, it's probably going to be a very brief winter and then into an incredibly early spring. Which really beats the -15 plus windchill winters the past few years.

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(disclaimer: I only know about the song because I have Browncoat friends. It still totally fits him.)


Implying you yourself are not a Browncoat!??! You should totally give the show a watch. It's only what, 13 episodes and a movie? Even if you don't wind up loving the show, it's likely not going to be a waste of your time.

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Implying you yourself are not a Browncoat!??! You should totally give the show a watch. It's only what, 13 episodes and a movie? Even if you don't wind up loving the show, it's likely not going to be a waste of your time.


Well when the time should be spent doing college stuffz (which commence at the end of next storming week :blink: ), it becomes a bit more precious. *restrains the urge to do a Gollum imitation* We shall see....

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Whenever I'm writing messages about anything serious I have to check and double-check the emoticons I use over and over again. I type light-hearted smilies so much that I live in fear of adding one of them on reflex.



"I'm so sorry your entire family was ripped to shreds by a pack of starving dogs. :P"


"Oh goodness I'm sorry. That was supposed to be a frown, honest!"

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Ok so in band today

There was a bit of commotion and some people blocking our parade line to march to the pep rally we had, so due to my position as student leader, I went to go investigate.

In the center of this cluster was a freshman piccolo player. She was very distressed. So I asked what had happened, if she was hurt, etc.

She wasn't.

She dropped her piccolo in the storm drain below.

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