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Random Stuff II

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So I've dislike my first name for ages, and this summer I finally found a name that I lined and the guts to ask people to use it, so I've going by Scott instead of Caleb for a couple weeks. My family doesn't really like it, but I don't make them call me Scott, so it's not a big deal.

At some point in the future I plan on legally changing it, but not now as the legal fees go into the hundreds and I don't have the dough or the urgency. I'll probably change my username to either ScottVash or ScottLeft when I'm not stuck on mobile.

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Today was my sister's birthday. She turned six.

After we opened all of her presents, my brothers and I played the new Twister for a few rounds. (She gave up after the first one.)

Then we got out her new fairy costumes (I accidentally gave her the same thing my grandma did), and acted out a dramatic tale of the fairy princess being stolen away by a dragon she accidentally wished into existence. The Fairy Queen (played by the beautiful me) had a knight go rescue her from the dragon, but he got beat and when he came back he was very irritating. So the Fairy Queen defeated him with these words, "O thou, mighty dragon. Thou shalt now become a fire-breathing puppy that will be nice to thine princess, and shall only attack annoying knights that wish to marry my daughter." *Ahem. Looks at the knight*

Then we rode bikes, my sister on her new pink one, with streamers on the handles.

I love my family. :)

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Just applied for a job in Red Oak, TX. Had to fight my brain threatening a "you're not going to get this, your resume is pathetic, just quit while you're ahead" panic attack every step of the way, but I applied!


Twi, you are awesome. Keep applying. Your resume is fantastic and someone somewhere will appreciate your genius and employ you.

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