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I need help, this is for an assignment I was supposed to turn in on Thursday.  :(  :wacko:  :unsure:

What is the meaning of adulthood?

(Replies will become irrelevant by tomorrow, it will either be turned in or too late.) 


Depends on whether you mean in a biological sense or in a societal sense. The definition of biological adulthood is pretty similar across cultures, but when it comes to what society defines as adulthood, that tends to differ based on each culture's rites of passage. 


Personally, I define adulthood as the time when a child is physically, financially, and mentally capable of supporting themselves apart from their parents, and takes responsibility for their own needs and pleasure.

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I need help, this is for an assignment I was supposed to turn in on Thursday.  :(  :wacko:  :unsure:

What is the meaning of adulthood?

(Replies will become irrelevant by tomorrow, it will either be turned in or too late.)

being able to buy a chocolate cake and eat the entire thing without anyone to tell you not to but then regret it in the morning.
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Wait, u have rocket launches? What sort of rockets.....I'll take this wherever I go, figuratively, not literally.

Wait. Buzzkill' san insult from where ur from? Say it here in Australia and everyone will look at u weirdly.


Since we retired the space shuttles, we don't have our own astronaut-movers anymore, but we still have space rockets.  The Atlas V was the model launched last week; it was carrying a US Navy communication satellite to put up into orbit.


Buzzkill = party pooper, basically.  My brother had visions of mysterious UFOs dancing in his head and I "killed his buzz" with the (still cool) scientific explanation.


It's weird not having homework anymore. :mellow:


You never quite get used to it, I don't think.  I still sometimes have dreams about being back in school in some capacity or another.  This is almost always accompanied by the classic "you have an exam and you haven't been to class all semester and oh, yeah, you forgot to put on clothes this morning" tropes.

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You never quite get used to it, I don't think.  I still sometimes have dreams about being back in school in some capacity or another.  This is almost always accompanied by the classic "you have an exam and you haven't been to class all semester and oh, yeah, you forgot to put on clothes this morning" tropes.


I actually had one of those dreams shortly after I graduated. I had just agreed to take the morning shift for the other receptionist while she took the afternoon shift. That night, I dreamed that I had a test in my graduate-level history class, taught by my scariest high school teacher, at the exact time I was supposed to go in for work. I kept trying to figure things in my head—"Okay, if I go in before work I'll miss it, but maybe there's still time to call the other receptionist and ask her to work for an hour while I take the test….but no, it's her daughter's first day of school, which starts at 8, so if she works from 7 to 8 she'll miss it and I'll miss the test…." 


Needless to say, it was a relief when I finally woke up. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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...You've never seen My Little Pony, have you?

Two words:

Angel. Bunny.

I haven't seen it in soooooo long. I don't watch much TV, and when I do, it's doctor who, so... yeah. I watched it when I was younger though. My family would check it out from the library. I remember one when everything was freezing, including the ponies, and there were different ponies then there are now. I think it was a movie, and that was 7-8 years ago.

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I haven't seen it in soooooo long. I don't watch much TV, and when I do, it's doctor who, so... yeah. I watched it when I was younger though. My family would check it out from the library. I remember one when everything was freezing, including the ponies, and there were different ponies then there are now. I think it was a movie, and that was 7-8 years ago.

It's different now, completely rebuilt from the ground up, and even has John de Lancie.

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I need help, this is for an assignment I was supposed to turn in on Thursday. :(:wacko::unsure:

What is the meaning of adulthood?

(Replies will become irrelevant by tomorrow, it will either be turned in or too late.)

Not sure what Timezone you're on so -

Taking responsibility

Being capable of looking after yourself and others

Adapting to change

(Pretending to) know enough to be capable of generally dealing with life. ie calling strangers, cooking, laundry, taxes, finances in general.

Not be scared to go to a dr or dentist.

Not be scared of life (*cough cough*).

Having passed puberty.


That's all I got right now. hope that helps.

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Apparently tripping and bruising your arm on a rock outside, no matter how much it hurts, is not grounds for having your injured limb replaced with a cybernetic ion cannon.




But what about a plasma cannon instead? Everybody loves plasma cannons

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Apparently tripping and bruising your arm on a rock outside, no matter how much it hurts, is not grounds for having your injured limb replaced with a cybernetic ion cannon.



Aw, really? Now I have to come up with a new life goal...


Rehearsing my program descriptions for the Anchorage job. They looked so good on paper; why the storms do they sound so awkward now? :blink:

Sounds like every paper I've ever had to write for school.  :unsure: Hope you get a wonderful job!

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