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When I got to work this morning one of our Engineers was standing outside of my office with a paniced look on his face. Apparently one of our customers in Israel is having some problem and are desperate for a solution...



Edit: The use of Its as opposed to it's is actually bothering me... X_X

Edited by Iron Eyes
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When I got to work this morning one of our Engineers was standing outside of my office with a paniced look on his face. Apparently one of our customers in Israel is having some problem and are desperate for a solution...



Edit: The use of Its as opposed to it's is actually bothering me... X_X

If relevant - the Israeli weekend is Friday and Saturday.

Hope it worked out with minimal stress :/

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If relevant - the Israeli weekend is Friday and Saturday.

Hope it worked out with minimal stress :/


It is indeed and they are still reeling for Rosh Hashanah, overall it made for an interesting skype call. A combination of we can't be working but we have to be working and panic.

All in all it went pretty smoothly, people were just overreacting to problems that weren't nearly as bad as they seemed.

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It is indeed and they are still reeling for Rosh Hashanah, overall it made for an interesting skype call. A combination of we can't be working but we have to be working and panic.

All in all it went pretty smoothly, people were just overreacting to problems that weren't nearly as bad as they seemed.

Can't be working on your side or theirs?

Good to hear it went well :).

Yeah, Rosh Hashona this week, Yom Kippur next week, Sukkot after that.....it's a rather busy time of year.

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Can't be working on your side or theirs?

Good to hear it went well :).

Yeah, Rosh Hashona this week, Yom Kippur next week, Sukkot after that.....it's a rather busy time of year.


The inability to work was on their side. And yeah, that is why they were so desperate for a solution as they will more or less be shut down for a month. Naturally the error occurred because they updated a technical drawing for a part we make for them but never thought mentioning it or sending it to us would be needed...


My only response was something along these line:


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About to apply for a job I'm not qualified for because I told my parents they wanted three years of experience, and my dad said "The job I have wanted ten in a call center, I had zero and got the job anyway."

Yeah, but....that was internal....they KNEW you....asked you to...

Oh, now you're praying I have "the courage to apply." Shaming me with a prayer. I see how it is.

Fine. I'll apply. And when they send me the rejection letter, I'll frame it and put it on the fridge.

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That moment in the workday where you stare at an empty inbox with nothing to do.  You know perfectly well that you've got a big project you need to do, but you haven't been sent the documents that you need to go over, so you just sit there and wait.  And wait.


Resisting the urge to start flinging my flying toys around the cube farm aisles.

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A legit thing that happened today:

World Religions teacher: Who's that on your shirt?

Me: Um... He's an assassin from a book...

Teacher: You mean Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar?

Me: :o


What high school do you go to? :blink: At mine, every fantasy book that wasn't Harry Potter was segregated from the other books, placed on a dusty shelf right next to the reference desk so you couldn't peruse it without the evil Liebrarian (and she was, she really was) giving you the hairy eyeball and asking "Are you finished yet?" 


What I'm saying is, I'd be surprised if very many teachers at my old high school had even heard of SA, let alone read it. <_<

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What high school do you go to? :blink: At mine, every fantasy book that wasn't Harry Potter was segregated from the other books, placed on a dusty shelf right next to the reference desk so you couldn't peruse it without the evil Liebrarian (and she was, she really was) giving you the hairy eyeball and asking "Are you finished yet?"

What I'm saying is, I'd be surprised if very many teachers at my old high school had even heard of SA, let alone read it. <_<

I go to AFHS.

...that was probably rhetorical, wasn't it?

Anyways, that conversation was followed up by him saying that Mistborn is one of the best books ever and that "B-Sands is my favorite author."

Also, before my speed-reading class yesterday, there were some girls (one of whom had a copy of Elantris) talking about how beautiful Raoden was.

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I go to AFHS.

...that was probably rhetorical, wasn't it?

Anyways, that conversation was followed up by him saying that Mistborn is one of the best books ever and that "B-Sands is my favorite author."

Also, before my speed-reading class yesterday, there were some girls (one of whom had a copy of Elantris) talking about how beautiful Raoden was.


Yes, yes it was. :P 


Lucky. <_< I did notice that Brandon Sanderson had a bit of a cult following here in Arizona, especially at the high school I worked at, although that was more of a very small number of very devoted fans than a huge club. I did manage to make him more popular during my book talks for my library internship, but I'm still having trouble getting my own family to read anything besides Reckoners. 

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Update on work:


I got a chunk of the training documents I needed to edit.  (Yay!)  I did almost all of them.  (Yay!)  The last one needs collaboration with another teammate to do. 


I have run out of things and have another hour of work.  (Boo!)  And I still can't really start working on creating the training documents we don't have because I still haven't received everything yet.  (Boo!)


So...I'm back to pondering making tiny paper airplanes out of my scratch paper pile.

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Update on work:


I got a chunk of the training documents I needed to edit.  (Yay!)  I did almost all of them.  (Yay!)  The last one needs collaboration with another teammate to do. 


I have run out of things and have another hour of work.  (Boo!)  And I still can't really start working on creating the training documents we don't have because I still haven't received everything yet.  (Boo!)


So...I'm back to pondering making tiny paper airplanes out of my scratch paper pile.


If you need something to do, sign up for Tumblr and follow any blog with the word "pug" in it. :ph34r::P 

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If you need something to do, sign up for Tumblr and follow any blog with the word "pug" in it. :ph34r::P




No Tumblr for me.  Down that road lies terrible, terrible things.


I did make a tiny paper airplane.  It's off-balance, though, and flies five inches before going into a tailspin and crashing.

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No Tumblr for me.  Down that road lies terrible, terrible things.


I did make a tiny paper airplane.  It's off-balance, though, and flies five inches before going into a tailspin and crashing.


I had a Tumblr a few years ago, got cyberbullied over *gasp* disagreeing with the majority of my fandom, and deleted it. Now, I'm strictly a lurker. The only reason I got one is because my phone stopped letting me browse Tumblr blogs without the app, and I haven't even decorated my blog or filled out any of my personal information. I'm that one weirdo with the default icon who just sits there, perpetually hitting the "like" button. :ph34r: 

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Things you discover when you re-read Sorcerer's Stone: McGonagall is not nearly the paragon of virtue she's made out to be. 


"No, Harry, I do not and will not give the Gryffindors less homework and easier questions. Professor Snape may show undue favoritism toward his House, but I am above such crassness. Unless, of course, it turns out you're a natural Quidditch player, and Gryffindor hasn't won a game in six years, and they just so happen to have a Seeker position open. I think Professor Snape will agree that it is far more virtuous to break a rule so big that I had to break out the CAPSLOCK OF RAGE to write it on the first years' supply list than to simply give my students easier questions." 


Lesson learned: Favoritism is a horrible, horrible thing….unless you're using it to endanger an eleven-year-old to win a sports contest that has absolutely no bearing on academics or life outside of your boarding school. 

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Things you discover when you re-read Sorcerer's Stone: McGonagall is not nearly the paragon of virtue she's made out to be.

"No, Harry, I do not and will not give the Gryffindors less homework and easier questions. Professor Snape may show undue favoritism toward his House, but I am above such crassness. Unless, of course, it turns out you're a natural Quidditch player, and Gryffindor hasn't won a game in six years, and they just so happen to have a Seeker position open. I think Professor Snape will agree that it is far more virtuous to break a rule so big that I had to break out the CAPSLOCK OF RAGE to write it on the first years' supply list than to simply give my students easier questions."

Lesson learned: Favoritism is a horrible, horrible thing….unless you're using it to endanger an eleven-year-old to win a sports contest that has absolutely no bearing on academics or life outside of your boarding school.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Plotholes.

Does it have lots? Yes.

Is it still good? Oh storms yes! :D

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Plotholes.

Does it have lots? Yes.

Is it still good? Oh storms yes! :D


Oh, definitely. The soft magic system and underdeveloped politics work for that series, and I daresay the potholes and worldbuilding gaffes add to the charm. It's not a perfect series by any stretch, but that doesn't make it any less awesome. 


I just like pointing out Gryffindor hypocrisy. Ravenclaws unite! :ph34r: 

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