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Random Stuff II

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Bingo. :ph34r:

On that subject, it says something about my abysmal art skills that I can't even properly draw my aliens that are just floating metal spheres with a leaf on them. :P

Oh, I don't even try to draw anything original for my pony comics, lest we have endless installments of Doctor Funtimes' Fantastic Adventures in Scribble Land. :P

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Oh, I don't even try to draw anything original for my pony comics, lest we have endless installments of Doctor Funtimes' Fantastic Adventures in Scribble Land. :P


You say that as if that wouldn't become wildly successful and well-loved in its own right. :ph34r::P

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The mystery about TwylightSanSparkles username is solved!

In her Introduce Yourself topic, she said:

I started using the screen name TwiLyght when I was fifteen, several years before the Twilight books were even published. Then, when the Twilight books came out, I'd get questions about when I was going to do a Twilight fanfic (since I was on FF.net at the time). So I changed it to TwiLyghtSansSparkles, which just added another layer of confusion when Friendship is Magic became popular. But, oh well. I like FiM and am not very good at coming up with screen names. ​

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My room has had the same beige-with-red-Asian-inspired-flowers theme for the past five years, and I've got a few Amazon gift cards, so I'm checking out some possibilities. Whilst browsing, I found this. 




what is this I don't even


I can't even


I have lost my ability to even




It looks like King Midas rolled all over a mattress with his shirt off. And then pranced around the room in his wife's dress. :mellow:

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The mystery about TwylightSanSparkles username is solved!

In her Introduce Yourself topic, she said:

I started using the screen name TwiLyght when I was fifteen, several years before the Twilight books were even published. Then, when the Twilight books came out, I'd get questions about when I was going to do a Twilight fanfic (since I was on FF.net at the time). So I changed it to TwiLyghtSansSparkles, which just added another layer of confusion when Friendship is Magic became popular. But, oh well. I like FiM and am not very good at coming up with screen names. ​


Yep. You can thank one of the mods over at Anti-Shurtugal for the "SansSparkles" part of my name, actually. She accused me of spamming when I'd made one post on the boards, and the only possibility I can think of is that she took one look at my name and assumed I was a Twilighter. <_< 


It looks like King Midas rolled all over a mattress with his shirt off. And then pranced around the room in his wife's dress. :mellow:


But wait! There's more! 




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My room has had the same beige-with-red-Asian-inspired-flowers theme for the past five years, and I've got a few Amazon gift cards, so I'm checking out some possibilities. Whilst browsing, I found this. 




what is this I don't even


I can't even


I have lost my ability to even


So....so many ruffles....  O.O


I almost hate to admit it, but I really want to turn that bedspread into a dress.

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So... I found a link to a site that will translate any web page into the cliche'd "gangsta speech" employed by many popular rappers.


I won't link to it because it's packed with vile language. (I'm not proud of my moment of boredom, OK? :P)



Even so, the one part I won't regret is what TwiLyght's profile looks like under its effects. :ph34r:



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So....so many ruffles....  O.O


I almost hate to admit it, but I really want to turn that bedspread into a dress.


That would actually make a much better dress than a bedspread. It'd have a nice Belle vibe, I think. 


So... I found a link to a site that will translate any web page into the cliche'd "gangsta speech" employed by many popular rappers.


I won't link to it because it's packed with vile language. (I'm not proud of my moment of boredom, OK? :P)



Even so, the one part I won't regret is what TwiLyght's profile looks like under its effects. :ph34r:




The Google images for "Dog beyond" were disappointing, to say the least. 




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I would have started Cosmere years ago if it was not for the menace called... HARRY POTTER.

I have literally, no exaggeration, read the series 29 times. It was all I read for two entire years.

But then...then Mistborn dragged me out of the Pit of Endless Reading...

and into the gigantic pit of the Cosmere.

Instead of seven books, Brandon has the audacity to plan out writing OVER 45 AMAZING BOOKS. He will stop at nothing to make us read his books for eternity.



Except for me it was Elantris.


Sorry for the late post, I haven't been on much. Stupid school.

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Season 5 of MLP is out on Netflix and I'm already in love! Best season yet!

One of the episodes stars this guy:


Which is pretty much the 10th doctor!

And look right here is when he says it!!!:


This is just.

I can't even.


Yep. Slice of Life was meant to be a love letter of sorts for the community, hence any fan pandering that may have been in it. In a way, it's kind of like Double Rainboom done right.

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So like in band every year we have a little game night thing where they separate us by graduating year and we do time based games; whoever finishes first wins. Like... Weird food eating contests and three leg races, those sorts of things. Well, its kinda accepted that the seniors win, regardless. They cheat and nobody cares because heck they're seniors and there aren't prizes or anything.

So anyway we did the hula hoop challenge thing where we all hold hands and try to get the hula hoop to the other end of the line. The seniors just grabbed their's and ran, and then came and stole all the underclassmen and junior's hoops. Well, the band director was like "i mean that wasn't fair so seniors lose 20 points."

The freshmen took the lead.

Until one game. They were tallying up points and the director was like "well i mean someone came up and erased the freshmen's score i mean I don't remember i think zero is okay" and omg

I think the sophomores, somehow, made it in the negatives at one point.

But weird food eating contest is always so bad like. The seniors get oreos and jelly beans and the others get like boiled oysters and marshmallows with ketchup and straight mayonnaise and coffee beans with chocolate and ketchup and canned dog food what the hECk

That is okay tho, is worth it because my year is next year.

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So like in band every year we have a little game night thing where they separate us by graduating year and we do time based games; whoever finishes first wins. Like... Weird food eating contests and three leg races, those sorts of things. Well, its kinda accepted that the seniors win, regardless. They cheat and nobody cares because heck they're seniors and there aren't prizes or anything.

So anyway we did the hula hoop challenge thing where we all hold hands and try to get the hula hoop to the other end of the line. The seniors just grabbed their's and ran, and then came and stole all the underclassmen and junior's hoops. Well, the band director was like "i mean that wasn't fair so seniors lose 20 points."

The freshmen took the lead.

Until one game. They were tallying up points and the director was like "well i mean someone came up and erased the freshmen's score i mean I don't remember i think zero is okay" and omg

I think the sophomores, somehow, made it in the negatives at one point.

But weird food eating contest is always so bad like. The seniors get oreos and jelly beans and the others get like boiled oysters and marshmallows with ketchup and straight mayonnaise and coffee beans with chocolate and ketchup and canned dog food what the hECk

That is okay tho, is worth it because my year is next year.

Reminds me of a bean boozled challenge my friend gave me. All of the beans I picked were bad. Had barf and dog food taste stuck in my mouth for hours.

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 Here in the Random Stuff II Thread, I would like to reveal a little tidbit of a new fantasy RP I have been working on. Here we go.


King Pelias, Ruler of Bluveria, walked tiredly into his royal quarters, and immediately collapsed in a chair. He pulled his heavy crown of his head, placed it on the handmade Yinto desk. His pet blazefox, Vur, climbed on to his lap, purred and snorted some smoke. Pelias stroked the blazefox's soft red fur, thinking about Emperor Antonius and his proposal. He eventually drifted off.


He awoke sometime later. Pelias stretched, flexing his muscles and stood up, then nearly fell down in shock. A old man stood in the room with him. Pelias scrambled back, grabbing a sword from the wall. 


" Who are you!" Pelias shouted, " Guards!"


No guards came, even though there should of been an entire squad out there.


"Relax," the old man said, " My name is Elin Erivor, and I'm here to tell you a story. If you don't listen, I will kill you.'



Just a tidbit. More later.

Edited by Venture Mistborn
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