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A new enemy? Spoilers


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(I don't know if this theory has been posted, I tried searching for a similar one but didn't find one. If there is post a link please!)


Adolin will become an enemy of the Knights Radiant.


My reasoning:


1) He kills Sadeas in cold blood at the end of WoR. This act dishonors him and his whole as a character, I think.

2) His brother is already a Radiant. This is just a thought, but I think it's very possible that there could be an internal struggle that will happen within Adolin in the next book. Thoughts like "Why is weak Renarin a Radiant while the best shardbearer isn't one?" These thoughts would lead him into joining Eshonai and the Voidbringers and being consumed in darkness. 

3) The consequences of killing Sadeas. I don't know what it will be, but Dalinar won't stand for it when the truth is out.


I don't have much evidence, but I know there must be others thinking like me. It's just a strong feeling I have. Let me know your thoughts!

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Jasnah killed those thugs in cold blood when she could have just disarmed then by soulcasting their weapons.

Dalinar was once a terrifying warlord.

Shallan killed her parents.

And yet, they are all Radiants. I doubt Adolin is going to become evil because of impulsively killing an admited threath to his family, princedom and nation that claimed the lifes of thousands in his last strike. Plus, Adolin is a deeply caring man, who loves his brother and is more likely to be proud of him. I mean, if he was okay with Kaladin being a Radiant, he will accept Renarin as one as well.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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I've seen multiple theories saying that Adolin will be evil and they cite the scene where he kills Sadeas as proof, but honestly, it was going to happen eventually, with Adolin's anger just below the surface and Sadeas's confidence that he was safe. I just think that Adolin will either become an Edgedancer (like Honor Spren proposes), or he will become a bit more of a background character (kind of like Elhokar: always there, periodically doing something important)

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(I don't know if this theory has been posted, I tried searching for a similar one but didn't find one. If there is post a link please!)


Adolin will become an enemy of the Knights Radiant.


My reasoning:


1) He kills Sadeas in cold blood at the end of WoR. This act dishonors him and his whole as a character, I think.

2) His brother is already a Radiant. This is just a thought, but I think it's very possible that there could be an internal struggle that will happen within Adolin in the next book. Thoughts like "Why is weak Renarin a Radiant while the best shardbearer isn't one?" These thoughts would lead him into joining Eshonai and the Voidbringers and being consumed in darkness. 

3) The consequences of killing Sadeas. I don't know what it will be, but Dalinar won't stand for it when the truth is out.


I don't have much evidence, but I know there must be others thinking like me. It's just a strong feeling I have. Let me know your thoughts!

1. Brandon has flat out said that there are many orders of KR that would be completely ok with what he did in regards to Sadeas.

2. Adolin has shown no spite really to anyone except those who have betrayed him or his family, so I doubt that he would grow jealous of his brother. It wouldn't make sense. Wouldn't he also be spiteful of Shallan, but no, he has shown that he doesn't care that she could probably kill him 1 on 1 so why should it be different with a brother he has loved his whole life?

3. Just because other orders and people within those orders have differing viewpoints doesn't mean that someone won't fit into the entire KR, much less be allied with pure hatred itself. Dalinar isn't the epitome of KR, so I don't see how him being contrary to what Adolin did is proof of Adolin being evil, or atleast having the potential to be evil enough to join up with possibly the most evil thing in the cosmere.

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1. Brandon has flat out said that there are many orders of KR that would be completely ok with what he did in regards to Sadeas.

2. Adolin has shown no spite really to anyone except those who have betrayed him or his family, so I doubt that he would grow jealous of his brother. It wouldn't make sense. Wouldn't he also be spiteful of Shallan, but no, he has shown that he doesn't care that she could probably kill him 1 on 1 so why should it be different with a brother he has loved his whole life?

3. Just because other orders and people within those orders have differing viewpoints doesn't mean that someone won't fit into the entire KR, much less be allied with pure hatred itself. Dalinar isn't the epitome of KR, so I don't see how him being contrary to what Adolin did is proof of Adolin being evil, or atleast having the potential to be evil enough to join up with possibly the most evil thing in the cosmere.

1. Kaladin and Jasnah would both agree, I assume. Dalinar maybe not.

2. Agree.

3. Even more interesting, that the different orders of KR diasagreed very often; the problems of the Skybreakers with the Windrunners were legendar; and somewhere is said, that Honorspren and Truthspren don't go along very well.

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Adolin loves his family way too much to ever side against them. If anything, he would be more prone to sacrifice his life for them than going evil and trying to kill them. This will just never happen.


Besides, Adolin did not kill Sadeas in cold blood: heartless cold blooded killing is what Jasnah did to those thugs and Ivory was fine with it, a action Brandon himself has labelled as being much darker than Adolin. Adolin kills Sadeas in hot blood, with passion because he cared so much for his father/family, he could not let an open threat like Sadeas, whom has just professed he would never relent in his effort to discredit his father, keep on threatening his family. Letting him go after hearing a near open war declaration would have most likely resulted in innocent live being lost when Sadeas makes his move. All in all, Adolin did a lesser evil to prevent a greater one which may clash with the Windrunners/Bondsmith/Skybreakers definition of honor, but it sure is inline with many other orders.


Adolin has not ONCE felt any jealousy towards anybody and he had the occasion to. His thought process at the end of WoR were not: "Why does this lowly bridgemen get to become a Radiant", but more "Where did he fit in all this now?". It was purely centered around himself, his own being, his own worth and never once did he express anything akin to jealousy. Adolin has always been proud of Renarin encouraging him: I have no doubt he'll behave the same once he learns he is a Radiant and after having killed Sadeas, Adolin is more likely to think HE is undeserving, HE does not have what it take to be a Radiant: again it will be centered on him, HIS failure and not jealousy towards anyone. Besides, he never saw Renarin as weak.


There will be consequences. My thoughts have been for the longest time, Dalinar will initially react quite harshly until he realizes unity must start from within and not on the outside. In other words, he can't unite while his family is broken: he'll have to fix things up with his son and find a way to protect him form the worst. I am rather convinced the case will be made Adolin was justified to murder Sadeas and whereas his reputation will suffer, I doubt he will be exiled. If anything, I see Adolin going into a wild emotional roller-coaster where he'll become so misguided he'll think he needs to die to safeguard his family. So whatever happens with it all, I see a moment where Dalinar will open his eyes and fight back for his son.


The Blade revival story plot, if it happens, should kick in when Adolin and Dalinar make peace as the ultimate act of care is to give one's life away out of pure love, which is exactly what I believe Adolin will end up doing at some point.


I also doubt Adolin will shrink down to an Elhokar level character of importance. He has been set too far on a path to now be ignored and whereas he probably won't reach the importance of a Kaladin, for reasons purely circumstantial which I hope will change until then, he won't lower down to a tertiary character such as Elhokar. It would horribly anti-climatic for Adolin's story plot to suddenly stop when it was barely starting.

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Adolin kills Sadeas to protect his family (and more) at the end of a book where the flashbacks from Shallan show us her killing of her father to protect her family.

The concequences with justice should be the same now Shallan fully remembers her deed.

I think if anyone is able to understand Adolin's motives it would be Shallan.

Even if killing her father was in the past Shallan has to deal with it in book 3 at the same time as Adolin.

When Adolin has to confess then Shallan will tell her story - perhaps to protect him.

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