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This is too much. Stop. I can't read it all.

Things I have learned:

1. Don't role reveal in a PM. Check.

2. Don't trust Odium Mailliw. Ever. This I know.

Woah, woah, woah. You can trust me sometimes. Often, actually. I've rarely been evil. I only sell you out if you're suspicious.

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Wilson, since you are online, and check this page relatively regularly, any further thoughts on today's posts? Whilst you clearly want to keep your head down, today's events have involved you enough that posting is hardly going to raise your profile, and frankly, the more we can get those with experience to weigh in now, the better.


My thoughts? Well, over the course of the day, my eye has been drawn at various times to Maill, Raven, and Ripple.


I'm not particularly suspicious of STINK, since I actually believe that a Day 1 lynch benefits the Eliminators more than it does the villagers. Especially with how much we metagame now. It's gotten to the point that so many people are in favor of a Day 1 lynch that the eliminators don't have to really got involved with it. It will just happen without them needing to place any vote on the person lynched. So when a villager ends up lynched, we get focused on who voted for the person, but no eliminators even needed to. I don't believe that an eliminator would've come down that strongly against a day 1 lynch. Add to that the fact that he's contacted multiple people (including me) offering a role exchange? Those are awfully big mistakes for an eliminator, and most eliminators don't do that. Yes, I know that the fact that I'm thinking that way means that it's possible that one could try that, but I just don't think that's what's going on here. I think he's a villager who's made some poor choices, but those poor choices don't mean that he should be lynched.


As for why my attention has been drawn to Maill, Raven, and Ripple.


Maill's mostly due to his role distribution post. Maill's normally pretty good about reading the rules and getting down the role abilities. He's quick to ask questions of the GM for parts that he doesn't understand. Now, maybe he didn't do it this time, but I find it odd that he wrote off the Artifabrian as not being useful to the eliminators and gave them a Guardsman, but didn't give them an assassin, when the two are pretty much the same role, given corruption. I'm not sure why an eliminator would make this mistake, but I'm guessing it would have something to do with throwing off the players from the true distribution and because he didn't have a firm grasp on the roles, he didn't assume it would matter to throw in a couple roles that aren't really on the team, but could be fun to get us thinking are on the team.


Raven's was because she recommended the lynching inactives train when people were discussing actives, and there was some good discussion going on about those actives. Throwing out the possibility of lynching inactives is a good way to be seen as participating and offering good ideas without really offering anything of use that will help the village. Now, I don't really want to hit on that too hard, since I've been known to get behind the lynch on inactives as well. On Day 1. That's mostly only when it's the very last few hours of the cycle and no one who's been discussed has struck me as suspicious enough to be lynched. At that point, I actually prefer to tie the vote and not have anyone lynched, but I understand that there are plenty of people who disagree and feel that information is necessary--information pertaining directly to the role and alignment of the lynchee. I get the reasons for that, even if I personally disagree with it. So yeah. I'm okay lynching inactives when the time calls for it. But only when the time calls for it.


Ripple first stuck out to me when she stuck up for both Raven and STINK. If Raven is an eliminator, I'd be willing to bet that Ripple is as well. But that STINK is not. The second bit that stuck out to me with Ripple was the quick jump from Clanky to Badger, but that's already been discussed.


And....yeah. That's mostly my thoughts.

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I have been suspicious of "Mailliw73" from the start due to the choice of his character. I'm not sure if Brightlord Mallan (or playing someone so weakminded) is a reoccurring thing for him, but to me it seemed really forced. At first I was thrown off by his praise of my initial accusation so I let it slide for a time. But then after I mentioned someone approached me via PM about a role exchange, he was very insistent on making it clear that it wasn't him and that it had to be STINK, as if he wanted to focus our attention back on him. I intentionally didn't want to declare who it was (yet) to see people's general reactions to the concept, since this is my first game and I wasn't sure if it was normal or not, and then that happened. Add that with "little wilson's" explanation, and he is at the top of my list now.

Edited by Alvom
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Wannan listened to the bustle of conversation swirling about him. Layers and layers, with everyone talking over each other in an effort to be heard. It was enough to leaving him feeling confused and head aching. But there were patterns to those swirls of conversation, if he could only pick them out and decipher what it meant. Really, it was a lot like...


like the Diagram. Wannan smiled and took a sip of his wine. Confused or not, he felt right at home.

Seriously, I'm loving all this activity! I haven't seen a game this active since the early days of SE, and maybe not even then.

It's been a while, and people have probably forgotten in the midst of all the other posts, but I did want to address Alvom's suspicions of me. Yes, I absolutely do have an agenda with my vote and my retraction. It is my custom to NOT post all the reasons why I vote for someone, as others can attest

In short, I feel it makes things too easy for the eliminators. If I say "I'm voting for Bob because he was encouraging role reveals" then Bob knows that all he needs to do to clear suspicion is to come up with a good explanation why he wanted role reveals. I much prefer to be vague with my suspicions, so that it leaves eliminators guessing as to why I'm voting for them.

However, in this case, I will tell you my reasons:

The "meta" of the game has developed to the point where we have a very strong tendency to lynch the active players. Quite often, this leads to all of the active players being gone halfway through the game and a bunch of inactives left during the end game. This grinds against me something fierce. I don't think that people should be penalized for posting and discussing in these games. Just the opposite. I want to see everyone posting and talking and discussing (and so far this game we're doing great!) so that we can catch the eliminators in their lies. So, in the absence of any strong evidence, I will gladly lynch an inactive player over an active one, even if there isn't much evidence against the inactive and I've got good reason to suspect the active.

Like now. There are a couple people who have raised my suspicions so far today. I will be watching them closely, but I will not be voting for any of them... yet. Instead, I'm going to throw my vote on Phattemer. He's played enough games to know better than to be this inactive. The same can be said for Feligon and to a lesser extent, Shallan.

I encourage everyone to follow suit. Lynch the Inactives! Let the Actives live! Force the Eliminators to be active and post if they want to stay in the game- eventually they will slip up and we will catch them in their lies!

I realize this position may not be popular. I realize that it may raise suspicion against me. I realize that I may end up getting lynched because of it. I don't care, I'm sticking to it.

Edit: fixed color

Edited by Herowannabe
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Sorry, I don't have any suspicions but I know a day one lynch should happen. Sorry. I can't get on during the normal day like you all, so I say what I can and then I see later if any suspicions arise. 


I don't have a counter suspicion, it's just too early in the game. Like Alvom said, at that point in the cycle I had next to no information. 


If you kill me, you will see that I am uncorrupted and at the end of the game you will see that I am a noble. Look at Mailiw and his crony, Ripple. See what they do, see if it's suspicious. 


Edit: @Mailiw, Sorry he isn't your crony. I tend to react when my name comes up especially at the end of the cycle, sorry.  

Edited by The Honey Badger
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I have been suspicious of "Mailliw73" from the start due to the choice of his character. I'm not sure if Brightlord Mallan (or playing someone so weakminded) is a reoccurring thing for him, but to me it seemed really forced. At first I was thrown off by his praise of my initial accusation so I let it slide for a time. But then after I mentioned someone approached me via PM about a role exchange, he was very insistent on making it clear that it wasn't him and that it had to be STINK, as if he wanted to focus our attention back on him. I intentionally didn't want to declare who it was (yet) to see people's general reactions to the concept, since this is my first game and I wasn't sure if it was normal or not, and then that happened. Add that with "little wilson's" explanation, and he has at the top of my list now.

First off, I tend to pick RP characters with some weird quirk, especially recently, just because I usually don't have time for long RP and this way I can get short ones in. In the last game, I was a cream collector. Secondly, I picked character before we got our roles, so it couldn't have been influenced by my role in any possible way.

I actually don't think STINK is guilty. Just that he's used to a different play style than most of us here and nothing's wrong with that, it adds diversity to the game. I think many of us have become stuck in thinking the same way as everyone else, so it's nice to see someone with such different ideas. I just pointed him out because your post made it obvious that it was him, because he was the only one you strongly shared suspicions of, and then I had to correct you when you listed the others.

Edit: My Crony? Who's that? Araris and Ripple have followed my vote, but I'm not entirely sure why.

Edit 2: Ripple? How on earth is Ripple my crony? They've gone back and forth and thrown votes around like crazy, that's got nothing to do with me.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Wilson's brought up some good points. I mostly stuck up for Raven because she seemed to be adding to the conversation, although that would be a good move for an eliminator. Maill has acted a tad suspicious, and is probably more likely to be an eliminator than Honey Badger. With all of our talk of lynching an active, being inactive now is a smart move for the eliminators, and so I'm now voting for Phattemer. I promise by Preservation that I'm not a conspirator. But why should you trust me when there's a whole bandwagon of people who want me dead?

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Vote tally:


Wilson (1): Night Vote, Stink

Stink (1): Araris, Orlok

Adamir (0): Hero

Winter (0): Raven

Shallan (1): Haelbarde

Raven (1): Winter

Badger (2): Maill, Araris, Ripple

Ripple (3): Clanky, Raven, Sart

Clanky (0): Ripple

Phatt (2): Hero, Ripple


My question came to naught so my vote will be withheld.

Edited by Alvron
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Because you can never have too many vote tallies:


Ripplegylf(3): Clanky, Raven, sart

Honey Badger(2): Mailliw, Araris 

Phattemer(2): Hero, RippleGylf

Wilson(1): Nobles

Stink(1): Orlok

Shallan(1): Haelbarde

Raven(1): Winter Cloud


Tally (with history):

Wilson(1): Nobles, Stink{1}

Stink(1): Araris{1}, Orlok

Adamir(0): Hero{1}

Winter(0): Raven{1}

Shallan(1): Haelbarde

Raven(1): Winter Cloud

Honey Badger(2): Mailliw, Araris{2}, Ripple{2}, RippleGylf{3}

Ripplegylf(3): Clanky, Raven{2}, sart

Clanky(0): Ripple{1}

Phattemer(2): Hero{2}, RippleGylf{4}


Now to compare it with Alvron's. (Edit: Matches up, which is nice)

Edited by Haelbarde
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Hmm...just dropping by to say I'm here! I've just read through all 8 pages of discussion - thanks for listening to me last night folks - but I need to analyze it before I place a vote. I should be able to be on before the end of the cycle to place my vote, but no guarantees.

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Wilson, I understand where your coming from, and I can understand why it tripped your suspicions. Honestly, I'm not sure if lynching inactives or actives is better: that's why I've thrown out both possibilities at different times this cycle. I do believe that lynching an inactive gives us less information than lynching an active, but that we might have eliminator hiding among the inactives. At this point, I really don't feel like I have enough information to make a decision.


At this point, I don't see any point in moving my vote. Right now, phattemer has a majority, and I'd rather not jump on a bandwagon, especially when the target is inactive. Of course, this might come back to bite me if phattemer is an eliminator, but that's that.

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