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Night 5: Storm’s Approach

“A highstorm is approaching!” a stormwarden announced, rushing up to Dalinar and the gathered nobles.  Most of them immediately turned to the horizon over the Shattered Plains, indeed noting the hint of a stormwall.

Dalinar nodded to the stormwarden, then turned his attention back to the gathered nobles, who stood silently in a clearing just outside of Dalinar’s warcamp.  Some shifted their feet, avoiding Dalinar’s gaze.  Others feigned a cough.  All of them were quite aware that the Blackthorn was upset.

Dalinar breathed in.  Be calm, he thought to himself.  Calm, but stern.  “I do not think I need to remind you,” Dalinar spoke, “that you’ve managed to kill two innocent men, and attempted to kill an innocent brightlady.” Dalinar paused, surveying the crowd of worried faces.  “I cannot allow such mistakes to happen again. 

Already, rumors have spread throughout the warcamps, about me.  You know your mission; I want results, not a meaningless slaughter.”

Many of the gathered nobles nodded.  None of them would want to upset a Highprince.  And since they already had… well, it’d be time to get on his good side again.

Dalinar and several members of his guard left, leaving the nobles to decide their fates.

Norlav sighed.  “Alright, where are we going to go with this?  Personally, I’d like to know what’s up with Efrihm recently.  I think he’s been acting a little fidgety.”

“Kipper spoke to me before he died,” Caesarae said.  “He mentioned that we should all take up arms against Arilir.  I think I agree with that sentiment.”

Many of the other nobles frowned, shifting cautiously.  “Kipper?” Wannan asked nervously.  “The man was a murderer!”

“An assassin,” Caesarae corrected.

“I don’t know,” Mortago frowned.  “I feel like we’re focusing on those who’ve been around here a lot, when there are a lot of people that could be slipping around behind the scenes.  Like Bortholomew, for instance.”

Bortholomew looked up in shock, stroking his beard.  He shrugged, as if that were all that needed to be said.

“Wannan’s been railing against Mortago for a while,” Nivina Odict said.  “I wonder why he’s suddenly stopped?”

“Hmm,” Klanal nodded, eying the Diagrammist suspiciously.  “I think that he’s our best lead at the moment.  Should we kill him?”

“No?” Wannan pleaded.  “I think this is the problem, though.  We’re all acting too quickly, and that’s what led to the deaths of Seixa and Mallan.  Maybe we should take a day off to rest, and sleep on it.”

Unsurprisingly, many of the brightlords and ladies found this idea pleasing.

“Well, I do enjoy a good nap.”

“Work is always difficult anyway.”

“Don’t want to sleep through a highstorm having sweat through the day.  That’s a bad omen.”

Wannan, Efrihm, and Arilir all let out silent sighs of relief.  As the leading suspects of the day, they’d need the time to relax and figure out how to enjoy what would likely be the last few days of their lives.  “Alright, I guess we’ll come back tomorrow, refreshed,” Arilir said.

The other brightlords nodded, and all headed off back into Dalinar’s warcamp, with a clear mind before the coming storm.

Vote Tally
Wannan (2): Nivina Odict, Klanal
Arilir (2): Sheon Idris, Caesarae
Efrihm (2): Arilir, Norlav
Bortholomew the Blind (1): Mortago
Em-son-of-none (1): Draela Heb
Eradin (1): Owain
Klanal (1): Eradin

Nobody was executed!

Gamma Fiend has stepped in to replace Emerald as a pinch hitter!  He will receive Emerald’s role, alignment, and any additional information that Emerald had.

Night 5 has begun!  The turn will end in 23 hours and 20 minutes.  Good luck!

Edited by Alvron
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Well, curse the stormfather for lack of info! *Glares at the sky*


Sorry, I didn't really have a reason for voting for you other than that you were on the top of the tallied votes list



I almost died because I was at the top of the list? :blink: 


Can I make a request to anyone who does vote tallies ever: Please put me at the bottom of the list. Or somewhere in the middle is fine too. Thanks. 

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I almost died because I was at the top of the list? :blink: 


Can I make a request to anyone who does vote tallies ever: Please put me at the bottom of the list. Or somewhere in the middle is fine too. Thanks. 


Haha. Whoops, I almost got you killed. I put your name at the top because you were the first to be voted for.


Edit: Welcome Gamma, that's over 600 posts to catch up on so good luck!

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Well that was extremely useful! I'd just like to mention that while PK did almost get Hero killed, it was good that he tried to break the tie, because a lot of the lunch info comes from the role Nd alignment of the lynchee. So good job PK even if it didn't work.

Wait, maybe they're both eliminators and PK posted late on purpose.

Edited by Shallan
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We did learn that there aren't any Worldsingers protecting these people. That is good to know. Based on the lack of vote manipulation I am tempted to believe that we only ever had the one worldsinger and instead we were given a bunch of brightlord/ladies. Hard to tell though so far, could also just be a villager who doesn't ant to mess stuff up.

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Alright, I finally got some time to look things over, and my suspicions are all out of whack, so I'll be setting those aside for now and reevaluating them. But in the meantime, I think the Contribution Crusade needs to be called into action. I've noticed 4 people in particular who we really need to hear from:


1st is Bort. He's usually much more active in these games, but as he has said, he has been sick, so we can cut him some slack. And he did just post earlier today, so hopefully we'll be seeing more from him. 


2nd is Feligon. He has only posted ONCE since the game started, about a week ago. But at least when he did he cast a vote, so that's something. 


3rd is Venture Mistborn. She has only posted 3 times since the game started, and it was also about a week ago. She did cast a vote, too. 


4th is TheSilverDragon. Apparently its only his second game, but he hasn't posted in more than a week and his most substantive post only contained a little bit of RP. He has not yet voted. 


So since I already announced my role, I don't mind telling you that I'll be casting my bright lord vote for TheSilverDragon. I know many of you have been hesitant to join the Contribution Crusade with you day-vote, considering your suspicions to be more important, but I call on any Brightlords/Brightladies out there to join with me with your night votes! Together we can let the inactives know that we will not tolerate their lack of contributions!

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Ok, yeah, I didn't look at the size of the game before I decided to take over. >.> So please be kind and give me time to catch up and settle into the game at first before harassing me for my take on things! ;) I will try my best to carry on in the spirit of Emerald, and will also somehow try find time for some good RP that'll make the transition awesome. :P

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Hero, I think Venture is a boy

I totally knew that, I swear... Really I did.... The gender mixup was intentional, because... Uh... I... was trying to provoke her. Him. Venture Mistborn into responding. Yeah, let's go with that.

Edit: typo

Edited by Herowannabe
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Winter's right. Indont really have anything to say but because it is the night: What if the eliminators just, like, didn't kill anyone man?


Haha. I'm not sure what that would mean, but if they didn't eliminate anyone, then they wouldn't be very good eliminators right?  We would have to call them "The Nameless Ones" or something. Although they would still be conspirators.

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Haha. I'm not sure what that would mean, but if they didn't eliminate anyone, then they wouldn't be very good eliminators right?  We would have to call them "The Nameless Ones" or something. Although they would still be conspirators.


Hmm.... A game in which the Eliminators can't eliminate anyone... That could be interesting to make.

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Hmm.... A game in which the Eliminators can't eliminate anyone... That could be interesting to make.

MR7, Discovery didn't have a kill, but they had spies in each of the three factions. This meant that the moment a seeker, in this case me, declared his existence, said seeker pretty much became invincible. Anyone trying to lynch him - the only way for the Discovery Faction to kill him - would look like an Eliminator.

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I think this confirms the eliminators have a con artist, not a worldsinger, as they would have Secret Voted for someone to lynch them. 

Unless they weren't online at the end as there were quite a few last minute votes.  It's more like they were happy for the lynch to go through on Araris.


Or they have an inactive worldsinger.


Or something else we're not seeing.My brains starting to hurt now.

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Just in case I die tonight I have something important to say:


Hero is a conspirator. Either that or he is just very, very, very unlucky. I waited as long as I could to divulge this info so that I could observe him but unfortunately I don't have the intestinal fortitude of some of you to wait longer because I am worried that I will die without being able to reveal my discovery. 


I am not going to reveal specifics yet in case he actually was just very,very unlucky but when PMs are available I will explain what happened to some people I trust in PMs.


BTW I also still believe that the whole sart/Hero exchange was a conspirator ploy. 

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Day 5: The Stormwall

The sun lazily fell below the horizon, cloaking the warcamps in the shroud of darkness.  The few who were outside might have noticed a number of windspren dancing through the air, formless ribbons of light.  An endless expanse of stars spread across the sky, with a few starspren zipping around each other.  Had there not been a highstorm coming, it might’ve been a beautiful night.

Norlav looked out his window at the highstorm slowly creeping towards the warcamps.  It wasn’t safe out here in the Shattered Plains, but that was a fact that, unlike many of his fellow nobles, he had learned years before.  A few people feared the highstorms, but Norlav now considered them useful.  Nobody would dare kill another soul with a highstorm looming, waiting to strike at any minute.

Tap, tap, tap.  One of the windows in Norlav’s study rattled.  Huh, odd, he thought.  The highstorm hasn’t even started yet…  Norlav returned to his desk, a number of secretive documents that he’d… borrowed… spread across it.  They had been messages that he’d copied from memory, sent between a number of the lighteyes.

Norlav wasn’t technically a lighteyes, as many knew.  He was heterochromatic, which put him in an odd position.  Nevertheless, due to his honor and courage helping Dalinar during the War of Unification, the Blackthorn himself had given him an honorary full lighteyed status.  After that, some of the lighteyes began indignantly whispering that next, Dalinar would start giving darkeyes full lighteyed status.

Interesting, Norlav thought, turning his attention back to the papers.  Looks like…

Tap, tap, tap.
  The window rattled again with a rhythmic beat.

Norlav stood up to discern the source of the noise, then decided against it.  Just the approaching highstorm, he thought.  There’s a lot of mischievous windspren out there anyway.  With that, Norlav sat back down.

Tap, tap, tap.  The sound now seemed louder, more urgent.  Outside, the stormwall neared, a cloud of dust and rain flying across the Shattered Plains.  It looked like it would crash into the warcamps any second now.

Something immediately shimmered outside of the window for a second, light from inside his study glinting off a watery surface.  The object immediately rammed straight through the window, shattering the glass into millions of fragments.  A cloaked body followed, billowing in the wind.

Storms, Norlav cursed, looking from the Shardbearer on the floor to the shattered window.  The highstorm will be here any second!

The cloaked Shardbearer got to their feet, immediately running out of the room and slamming the study’s door shut.

Norlav frowned, immediately chasing after the Shardbearer.  Wait, no, it must be a trap, Norlav thought as he reached for the door.

A ferocious blast abruptly shook Norlav to the core.  The stormwall swept through the shattered window, completely soaking the desk’s papers and shoving them against the far wall.  The wind immediately bashed into Norlav, and crem, rocks, and rain pummeled his body.

Norlav reached to open the door, enduring the objects pounding against him.  He pushed against it, only to find that the door wouldn’t budge.  The conspirator had blocked it off.

“Storms!” Norlav swore over the rushing sound of wind in his ears.  “I will not be killed this way!”  However, after a quick glance of the room, he realized that there was nothing to get behind.  He couldn’t hide from the storm.  He was trapped in his own house.

Norlav growled, wincing as a large rock hit his stomach.  I’ve survived worse than this.  Well, maybe not, but I won’t die here!  With that, he slowly crept along the edge of the study, trying to reach the wall that the shattered window was on.  The wind wouldn’t be blowing there, hopefully, so he’d be safe.  Either that, or…

The wind suddenly died down, and the rain now barely hit Norlav’s feet.  The stormwall had passed.  Unfortunately, Norlav was heavily bruised and injured.  Where did that medical kit go? Norlav thought, trying to claw his way across the wall to get to a better position to see the wreckage of the room.  There, he thought, finding the kit under a pile of books.

The door, now to Norlav’s left, burst open, revealing the Shardbearer, their cloak billowing in the highstorm’s wind.  “Convenient method of injury,” the Shardbearer chuckled, looking at Norlav’s body, which was bleeding profusely.  Painspren, like small orange hands, reached up from drops of blood on the ground.

Norlav backed up, then ran over to the medical kit.  There’s a knife in there.  I can… Norlav stopped, suddenly realizing the situation he was in.  A knife against a Shardblade?  Norlav fumbled with the kit, his hands shaking, as the Shardbearer strode forward.

“Got it!”  The medical kit opened up, and Norlav retrieved the pocket knife from it.  The Shardbearer cocked their head amusedly, and promptly sliced their Blade through Norlav’s spine.  The rain and wind buffeted against Norlav’s limp form as the conspirator left the study.

Norlav was killed by the Conspirators!  He was a Noble Courier!
Nobody received an extra vote today.

Day 5 begins now and will end in 23 hours and 22 minutes.  PMs are now open, and the player list will be updated shortly.  Good luck!

Edited by Alvron
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Alright, I looked through the rules and couldn't see anything about highstorms. Are there any special rules? Or is today just a normal day?

Also, it appears that the eliminators are acting contrary to expectations, and are once again eliminating people. What a twist of fate.

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