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I haven't really posted much, but it's because I don't have much to say rather than that I haven't been on. I notice that a lot of arguments are popping up and him-or-me seems to be a common theme. I'd like to point out that a common Eliminator strategy is to get two or more groups of villagers to suspect each other and do their work for them. With that in mind, please be cautious, Assassin(s).


I probably won't vote unless someone has a pretty convincing argument.

Edited by Shallan
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First of all, Winter, the Protect the Seeker is not in any flawless. That's why I would suggest not implementing it. There are too many roles that could prevent it from working. So don't complain so much about the boredom of it because it ain't gonna happen.

I had to go perform with my band, and Wilson ninja'd me with a vote on Mailliw. My reasons are virtually the same. It doesn't seem usual for Mailliw to suggest something like that.

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I hadn't thought about the eliminators trying to manipulate us into getting us to work against each other, though it does make sense. At this point, though, I'm not sure what to think. Alvom and STINK tearing into each other makes me suspect that not both of them are eliminators, though either one could be, or neither of them could. Alvom's point about STINK deciding to place a lynch vote while disagreeing with Day 1 lynches does seem suspicious, but it's not enough for me to feel ready to place a vote.


I'm having trouble following why people think Mailliw's suspicious, but I also don't have a good handle on how people "normally act" in these games. At this point, I'm not going to add a third vote onto him.


Adamir. Winter is suspicious of me because of how I said that she was lurking when she wasn't (anything else I'm missing, Winter?), and I'm suspicious of her because she said I lied while at the same time admitting it could have been a mistake, but I will point out that she didn't vote for me this cycle. Last cycle, yes. This cycle, no.


Current votes are as follows:

Raven: Night Vote

Shallan: Paranoid King

Feligon: Herowannabe

Winter Cloud: Adamir

Mailliw: Wilson, Kipper


Edit: Color

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(I would've retracted that vote if I had been able to get on before the cycle ended. Unfortunately, I couldn't)

EDIT: And Kipper, I realize now that it's less likely for it to work, as the ardent isn't a safe role here.

Even more than that, the Corruption mechanic really cripples a "follow the leader" strategy. Even if we get a confirmed ardent to follow, with guards and artifabrians protecting them, there are two many people involved in that pyramid and the eliminators only have to corrupt 1 of them for the pyramid to collapse and implode.

I suggest to any ardents: lay low, stay quiet (about your role at least). Start scanning people you suspect, and when you find innocent players, open PMs with them the next day. It's going to take several cycles to build up a trust group and make sure you're not corrupted.

However, that being said, people please be aware that even if an ardent PMs you and correctly tells you your role, that doesn't necessarily mean that the ardent is a VILLAGER ardent. The eliminators could have one too.

In short: everybody should be playing their cards close to their chest.

Edit: fixed color

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They might not even be an ardent. They may be an eliminator pretending to be an ardent and watching the reactions. I believe it was Hero, actually, who in the AG went around telling people they were Tineyes. Even though he wasn't a Seeker. The person it was ended up being a villager, but it could've been an eliminator. (Was it you, again Hero? If it wasn't, who was it?)

No, it wasn't me. I think you're thinking of Eolhondras, who PM'd half the players in the game saying "I know you're the tineye" and actually got a couple people to role-reveal to him, including one of the actual tineyes.


Completely off topic, but Herowannabe, what do the titles in your new signature pictures mean?


The name-banners (for lack of a better name) were started a few months back by Kasimir, who made some for himself and a few other people, and he included the player's name, scores (wins/losses/deaths/etc), and titles they had earned from their participation in particular games.


As for my titles, Bunnybane refers to LG4, and specifically to a series of events which include this post (in which my character brought a bunch of baby bunnies into town), and this post (which started a trend of dead eliminators RPing that they were possessing bunnies which lasted the whole game), and this post near the end (in which I proposed a bounty be placed on rabbit pelts as part of our treaty negotiation), and finally, this post (which shows the aftermath of everything).


Quintessential Tineye refers to LG2, in which I spent far too many hours coming up with clever and convoluted/coded messages to post to everyone as the Tineye (which in most games, the Tineye can post anonymous messages to the group in the writeups). There have been others who have come after me who have done even more amazing things with tiny-messages and codes, but I was the first, so Metacognition granted me the title of Quintessential Tineye. See this post and the posts immediately after it for a compilation of all my messages, as well as what I hid inside them. 


Contribution Crusader should be pretty obvious, as it is new as of this game. ;)


EDIT: fixed color

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Hello I am just checking in to say I'm still here. I'm working all day and really have a tough time following the game on my phone. I'm not ready to place a vote yet but I think the suspicion of mailliw seems valid and I am also a little suspicious of hero. I will try to find some time after work to post some reasoning and hopefully a vote but I can't be sure I'll be back in time.

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Here is a plan I thought could work. This is based on me hoping the Ardent has someone they can trust.


1.Ardent scans target.

2. Ardent sends message to trusted ally.(maybe they could code it in case of couriers spying)

3. Ally then posts what the Ardent has found.

4. Assassin or lynch kills target/Guardsman protects target.


I thought this way only the ally of the Ardent would really be risking anything and there would not have to be major role reveals. Also, if we did this plan, it might be a better idea for the Guardsman to protect the ally instead of the innocent target so we could keep it going.

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@Winter, it doesn't seem likely the eliminators would have an Ardent as they already know who is innocent and who is guilty. I thought they might have one if it reveal the persons role as well, but it doesn't say the Ardent reveals role and alignment, is just says it reveal the targets alignment.


Edit: Thanks Ren, I was just about to ask that.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Well, I am here, and so far the most interesting thing this day has been the conversation between Alvom and STINK. I think I am developing a bit of a bias against STINK, but I'm not sure if I'm picking up on something suspicious or just responding to what his playstyle has been so far. Of note here is that Ripple and STINK both pointed out that we should be wary of a Worldsinger.


I'm not too sure about Mailliw, but I will need to go back through Day 1 to see more about that.

Day 1 slightly skimmed ish

Ok, so Honey Badger say that they couldn't post until next cycle most likely. But that doesn't really make the reasoning behind Mailliw's vote less valid (I was convinced enough to vote the same way, although I didn't go back to read Honey's post)


So Wilson, could you clarify the reasoning behind your vote for me a bit? Edit: Or anyone else? I'm assuming that it is based off of Ripple trying to save his own life, but I'm not seeing too strong of a connection.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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So an Ardent is literally useless to the Eliminators. Even if corrupted, it's still useless. Yeah. That was a pretty big misconception, and thank you for clearing that up.

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Oh. But still, the Ardent is not safe. And this means that any eliminator could impersonate an Ardent.


Wouldn't it be really dangerous for an eliminator to do that? If we killed the person the supposed Ardent told us was an eliminator and they turned out to be innocent, that would almost confirm them to be an eliminator. The only way for them to be innocent would be if they were corrupted, and at this point in the game it's more likely that they are not.

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Why? If an Ardent revealed himself/herself, he/she would be corrupted that day. It's not unreasonable to assume that they would be corrupted. At any rate, when they revealif they reveal in the Day, they will be a suspect of corruption from then on. In fact, it would be really easy for an Eliminator to claim Ardent and perpetuate the deception, until we lynched one of the counterclaims.


Edit: Grr. Ninja'd by the wolf.

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So Wilson, could you clarify the reasoning behind your vote for me a bit? Edit: Or anyone else? I'm assuming that it is based off of Ripple trying to save his own life, but I'm not seeing too strong of a connection.


I'm not voting for you. I actually believe that if Maill is an eliminator, that pretty much clears you by association. Since there were only 3 votes on Badger before Ripple switched hers, and I can't believe that any eliminator team would pile up that badly this early in the game. But I do think there was a second eliminator voting on Badger and they recommended Ripple change her vote.


So are you wanting me to clarify what it is about Maill I find suspicious? I already did that in part on Day 1 and my reasons there are unchanged. Add to that his comment about the WGG in a public place here and the effects that's had on Kipper (who I rather believe is a Noble) and his communications with others, and I think he was intentionally trying to spark suspicion on a Noble so people wouldn't give that Noble any information. Additionally, right at the very start of Day 1, he started a PM with me, saying only that I tend to have him killed when we're not in contact. While this tends to be true, that's normally only for limited comms games since I can't think of a single opens comms game that I've had him killed for that specific reason. When I saw that PM, I immediately thought he was an eliminator who was simply trying to appease me. He saw his alignment and thought "Crap, Wilson tends to have me killed. I need to contact her so she won't kill me." He's my biggest suspect right now by a long shot.

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They 'clear' an ally. The ally is then no longer suspicious. They're honest for a while. Then they frame someone. Then claim they must've been corrupted. 


It seems like it's going to be hard to trust the Ardent information later on anyways as they will have a higher chance to be corrupted and if they are corrupted there is no way to tell if it is just for one day or for the rest of the game.

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I would suggest the Ardent private message all of their findings to Kipper thus far and have him announce it in public since we've already established he can be trusted. Though that's ultimately up to them. Also, if there are any (villager) Artifabrians, I'd love to see a PM from you right about now. ;)

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Ok. I think you're probably right. I was just trying to think of a way for the Ardent to reveal info without getting killed or corrupted early on. I wasn't sure if it could work when I posted it, but I thought I would post it anyways to get other peoples opinions. So, thanks for killing my plan........I guess.  <_<


Edit: Alvom, we were just discussing that an eliminator could just pose as an Ardent, so Kipper being trustworthy doesn't mean that whoever gives him info would be.

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@TheMightyLopen: I'm aware; but would that really be a bad thing? The moment said Ardent proves to be untrustworthy, we lynch him (if it turns out he's innocent, we have a few more trustworthy names, but if he turns out to be an Eliminator then we're one step closer to winning and we can begin questioning the people he claimed were innocent as his colleagues).


@Kipper: 'Twas just a suggestion. That's why I said "that's ultimately up to them," as in yourself and the Ardent. Since your name has already been thrown out, all we would need is two Villager Guardsman to keep you safe. That way if one happens to get corrupted the other would protect you. I just believe having our focus on protecting one publicly known figure is better than having to defend attacks against two potential targets.

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@Winter Cloud: I'm not trying to say all our resources should be spent on playing "find the seeker;" there's no reason why we can't do both. We have roles for a reason, and it would be a waste not to attempt to use them. The conspirators certainly won't be refraining from using their abilities. We should be using all of our assets and taking every avenue of approach possible.

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