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That game was basically me having a crap ton of PMs and powers, being literally impossible to kill, and being cocky and arrogant all the time. It was a somewhat broken game, and my first one, so having all the power (by which I mean that I could use three different active abilities at one time) was not good for me. I think that just about everyone was either seriously irritated or outright mad at me by the end of that game. I've since learned not to be the prominent cleared spokesperson, because that just ain't fun. But it's happening again, even though I'm not even cleared.:(

In some good news, the fixed version of LG10 should be opening for signups on Monday, with a seriously underpowered Hoid.

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Okay, so now that I'm back, I think I'll vote for Mailiw. That way we either 1 eliminator closer, or we have another target.

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, I had family in town.

Thanks for posting Feligon. With that, everybody has posted at least once this game! :D Now keep it up people, or I vow that the Contribution Crusade will return!

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@TheMightyLopen: I had the exact same sentiment, and have been reading it for curiosity's sake. Think I'll finish it for the sake of learning more about the other players and their habits.


@Kipper: Well at least in this case, I don't foresee you being forced into being a figurehead. I can respect that decision. And To Shatter a Shard should be lots of fun, I think.

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@Wilson: Thank you for the clarification. I had forgotten about that post in cycle 1. And I'm not overly worried about dying (especially from the lynch, I've never been lynched early in a MR or LG from what I remember), but I am looking for where to place my vote, and I wanted to see what all everyone had against Mailliw. I guess he has a few more things going against him than other players, but I am going to continue to refrain from voting until later on. Although, unless I missed it, Mailliw hasn't responded this cycle, has he? So that would be interesting to hear.

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So, at this point, it's looking like Mailliw is going to get lynched, unless a completely new name comes up in the next few hours. I'm not going to vote on him at the moment, considering there are three votes for him, and only one vote on any other name at the moment, but that might change if another name comes up as a target.


Beyond that. I think that performing a "follow the seeker," as Winter keeps calling it, could be really dangerous. Sure, it could give us some useful information about the other players, but it's going to put a player in danger no matter what we try and do, and the death of that player could damage our ability to continue this plan. Kipper has already been hit once, and survived. Trying to have him be the safe role is only asking to get him killed, and we don't seem to have anyone else who anyone trusts well enough to continue this role.


Personally, I think we'd be better off looking at the players associated with Ripple, and work off the information that we have there, rather than follow a plan that might kept us some information, and seems to have a high chance of getting "trusted" players or powerful roles either killed or corrupted.

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I tried suggesting a follow the assassin plan, but no one followed through on it. Unfortunately, I don't think any verified trust trees are going to surface. If a person reveals his role, there's only faulty scanning to check it out. Furthermore, if we have a verified good, the obvious temptation is to PM him/her your role. An Eliminator courier (which is pretty likely) would immediately be able to spy on those conversations, as he wouldn't have to guess one of the recipients. As it is now, they only have dismal chances about finding info from PMs. Therefore, I can't advise a "trusted" source strategy.


That being the case, we must look into lynching based off of deduction. So far, we only have one suspect, Mailliw. I really don't think he's an eliminator. Literally no one has defended him. If he was an eliminator, I would assume that they would propose an alternate candidate. Such a candidate has failed to materialize, despite 5 pages of discussion. It seems fairly obvious that the eliminators are lying low this cycle, letting us lynch someone of our choice. I'm going to put a vote on Venture. One sentence voting should be frowned upon. Why are you voting for him? Is it just because he's popular, and you're an Eliminator looking for an easy kill?

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Not going to lie, the second I saw Venture Mistborn vote against Mailliw73 I got this creeping feeling that the latter's innocent. If it turns out we have lynched another Noble then I'm not sure what to think. I will likely refrain from voting this turn.

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Venture, that doesn't seems like a good reason. I know that I was avoiding voting on Mailliw because we already had three votes on him, and a solid two-vote lead above any other candidate, making it unlikely we would have a Worldsinger able to change the votes on him. Adding a fourth vote at this point seems excessive.


Alvom, I have no idea if Mailliw is innocent or not, and some of the others are having good points. I don't mind if we happen to lynch Mailliw, unless he comes on and gives a good reason why he hasn't been talking much, but I don't think Venture really has a good reason to add a vote. At this point, considering the lateness of all this, my vote is more a statement, rather than an actual attempt to lynch Ven.


Winter, I agree with you. If Mailliw turns out innocent, or guilty, we're getting information about his actions, and we might have a new target to follow after this. I don't remember what people we're saying Mailliw's guilt or innocence would say, but we might be able to gain more information about Ven from this.

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@Winter: I understand that, and am willing to take that risk, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. My current dillema is that my views of Mailliw73 have been apprehensive at best from the start, but I also have reason to believe Venture Mistborn might be a Conspirator. It isn't very well founded so I haven't mentioned it yet. If it turns out Mailliw73 is innocent, I'm going to lose some faith in both little wilson and Kipper in addition to gain some more suspicion of Venture Mistborn, which sets back my headcannon .

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Actually, Raven, we need a 3 vote lead in order to be sure that the person we want lynched gets lynched. If it's only a 2 vote lead, and the eliminators have a Worldsinger, that Worldsinger can pull a vote off the one with the most, place it onto the one with the second most and tie them up.


You just shot to the top of my suspect list, just under Maill. You waited until the second a plausible alternate candidate got brought up and you jumped on that. I'm now even more convinced that Maill is an eliminator and the eliminators were biding their time just waiting for a villager to propose someone else.

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Alvom, I freely admit that I might be wrong. I'm not especially interested in being absolutely sure about the lynch, though. As others have said, I care FAR more about the information. Mailliw being a candidate I am suspicious of is just a side benefit.

I hope I won't lose much rep with you...I like people to think of me as a big, fearsome predator...

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@little wilson: Would it be better to leave the situation as it is? Given my theory where the Conspirators do not have a Worldsinger and ripple had suggested it frequently to cover up their weakness, we might benefit from a test. If they let Mailliw73 die as is, then chances are I was right and that provides us with more suspects. Otherwise, if you think we would reap more information from ensuring his execution, I would be willing to cast a vote against him.


@Kipper: You wouldn't lose rep, per say. The thing is I do fear you, though that's mostly because I have invested my trust in you already (for this game) and I have severe trust issues.

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Oh, I wasn't saying that we shouldn't test the Worldsinger thing. She specifically mentioned the problems of a Worldsinger and that Venture had no reason to cast a vote since a Worldsinger couldn't mess with it. I was pointing out the flaws in her argument, and the fact that she just exacerbated the issue more by placing a vote on a viable candidate, despite a lot of people agreeing that lynching Maill will give information. To be honest, I completely agree with keeping the vote within two to see what happens and if a Worldsinger does get involved.

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I think I should mention that in QF9(which was Ventures first game), all he ever did was one sentence voting and he turned out to be innocent. I'm not defending him, as I really wish he would post more of his thoughts, but I did want you all to be aware as this is how he's played so far.


Edit: I will hold off on voting as I think it would be best to leave the votes within two.

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...Wilson, I keep forgetting about ties. I'm still way too used to last game, where a tie meant one of them would get lynched, and it was random. And, like I said, I'd rather have Mailliw lynched and get the information from him rather than not.


As for "jumping right onto the vote," I've been watching this thread basically constantly, and we're nearing the end of the cycle. I saw Venture add his vote, and when I didn't get a great response as to why back, I placed a vote that I thought wouldn't mean much, to point out that I suspected him, rather than just leave it alone.


Okay, I've changed my comments on this post at least three different times before posting, as new information comes in. I'm more than willing to leave the vote if you think that it would help tell about the Worldsinger issue, though I would also be willing to remove it if we want to make sure mailliw is lynched, rather than leave him possibly alive through a tie. I'm leaning towards removing it just to gain the information from Mailliw's lynch, but I'm willing to follow your lead if you think we can get more information from leaving it and dealing with the consequences of a tie.


Lopen, thank you for the reminder of Venture's patterns. Last time, this is exactly what he was doing, and it frustrated me as much then as it does now. I'll keep that in mind for future interactions.


Edit: Clarification

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I believe that with us discussing how we want to see if there is a worldsinger in action they will be unlikely to actually use their power lest they give us what we want. I think that the conspirators either have multiple brightlord/ladies or a worldsinger not both since that gives too much potential vote manipulation. Since we already know they had one brightlady I tebd to lean towards that option. I am going to refrain from voting at the moment since I am fine with the way the lynch. I do however find it odd that even though he was online mailliw didn't even attempt to defend himself. 


Does anyone have a vote tally they could share? 

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Then that's decided. If there's anyone else present who hasn't voted yet today, please refrain. And if there's any innocent Worldsingers left, do not manipulate the votes. I wouldn't be surprised if Phattemer was the only one on our side, however. I'm almost glad that he didn't log in at the end and use his ability to save himself, because then we would have wasted another cycle suspecting him for nothing, I think. Here's to hoping Mailliw73 doesn't happen to be our second and does just that.



EDIT: I'll gather a tally now

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RavenRadiant7: Nobles

Shallan: Paranoid King

Feligon: Herowannabe

Winter Cloud: Adamir

Mailliw73: little wilson, Kipper, Feligon, Venture Mistborn

Venture Mistborn: a smart guy, RavenRadiant7



EDITED for name reversal

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Well I don't just want to wait for the day to be over though. Sure we don't need to vote but we can still discuss. I have been looking through the OP again to see what kind of stuff we can do to make the most effective use of our roles. I have come up with a few things


1) I recommend that if you are targeted by an artifabrian that you should reveal it in the thread. This helps the artifab know whether or not they are corrupted.


2) I think that we should discuss openly in the thread who we think should get the brightlord/lady extra vote. This can work as a pseudo lynch during the night phase to increase activity as well as not allow the conspirators to determine who ends up with the extra vote.


3) I beleive that the conspirators have a con man. So I expect that we can't really gain much info from worldsinger tampering tonight with the extra worldsingers out there.

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1) I have considered suggesting the same thing, but would like to see more people's opinions on that.


2) I agree with this point wholeheartedly. There's not much point in letting who gets the night vote be a surprise / organized by the Eliminators strictly. We get enough information from the nightly conspirator kills/attempts to use against them, and the little wilson and RavenRadiant7 votes really didn't solidify/nullify any suspicions against them, as it could have equally been a ruse.


3) I completely forgot about the con man; that is a very good point. It still might prove who they want dead and who they don't, though.

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