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Some responses for hero: a corrupted artifabrian who doesn't know they are corrupted is very useful to the eliminators in my opinion.

Also to those who doubt this, what is more likely that i just happened to be corrupted right after saying the first thing to anyone about a role? Or that the person who I had leaked my role to had something to do with the corruption?

I know it isn't as slam dunk as an ardent but if I were an ardent I could've found an easier way of letting people know such as using someone who I had scanned as town as a mouthpiece.im sorry if people expected more but I can't really get better evidence then 5hat since I am not an ardent

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For the code I used, I assigned each letter a number equal to its position in the alphabet, doubled that, then reversed the order, with dots between letters and exclamation marks as spaces. I kept my vote on Araris because no one else was acting suspiciously, and he seemed to be attempting to form a bandwagon back in Cycle 2. All our other suspects are dead, except for Hero, and right now I suspect Araris to the same extent. I'll be online again in an hour before sleep - if it looks like there might be another tie, I will switch to Hero.


EDIT: My main argument for not voting against Hero is that he was an Eliminator in his last game; the odds of him being one twice are statistically low.

Edited by Adamir
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Question though: hero, did you actually place a secret vote last night?

I did, on Silverdragon as I said.

@Clanky and @Paranoid King- I can't say I blame you, the odds are stacked against me, and in your place I would do the exact same thing. I've done so before, and lynched an innocent player despite their protests just because the odds were against them (Shiv in LG2).

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EDIT: My main argument for not voting against Hero is that he was an Eliminator in his last game; the odds of him being one twice are statistically low.


Don't use that as a reason; it's known as the gambler's falacy. For instance, I was an Eliminator 4 times in a row. That seems unlikely, but there was nothing preventing me from being an Eliminator each time. It's like when you roll a pair of dice, and roll sevens 3 times. There's no reason why the dice won't land on seven again, but there's no reason to think that they would either. It's purely random.

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My main argument for not voting against Hero is that he was an Eliminator in his last game; the odds of him being one twice are statistically low.


But...Him being an eliminator in his last game has nothing to do with him being an eliminator this game. If I was an eliminator in the last 5 games I played, would that make it less likely for me to be an eliminator this game?


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Whilst I do agree, Hero, that there is a fair chance this could all be coincidence, you also feature on my list of suspects - your 'contribution crusade', whilst a fantastic idea, does seen like something an eliminator would do to seem like a member of the village... This, combined with the lack of another valid lynch suspect leads me to vote Hero

And Happy Birthday!

Clanky, to colour a post, you use square brackets

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Hero, while I do agree with the "Contribution Crusade", you do seem pretty likely to be a conspirator. But since it's your birthday(and because he already has 7 votes on him) I won't vote for you. Actually does anyone know what the highest vote for one person has ever been in a game?

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Well, since it's his birthday I was thinking we could make him the highest voted player ever! Because at this point, he's gonna get lynched so why not? Hero  :lol:


Unless you don't want to be the highest voted player ever(in which case I'll remove my vote).  ;)


Edit: Ok, I'm gonna be gone for a couple hours so I'm gonna remove my vote on Hero since he hasn't replied. It's ok to remove my vote in this post since no one else has posted right?

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Adamir, I'm not quite sure how I was creating a bandwagon in Cycle 2. I put the second vote on Honey Badger after concluding that STINK wasn't likely to be an eliminator simply because of his different playstyle. Furthermore, it seems a bit silly that two eliminators would vote 1 after another like Ripple did there, especially with as little reasoning as Ripple gave.


But that one thing seems like flimsy evidence to doggedly pursue putting votes on me, especially when there is another topic like Hero's impending lynch approaching. I am reminded a bit of the Elantris LG, where Meta voted persistently for one player (Don't remember who), and when he got called out on it he revealed his role as seeker. But you can't be trying something like that. Unless you got corrupted and have a seeker role or something.


I want Alvom to respond to this as well, because both of you have been going after me for what seems like fairly flimsy reasoning.

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I must say, not happy about this. Even though I did get the rules wrong, if Hero was already corrupted and with a lot of the other more experienced players dead, Clanky would have a better than average chance of being targeted for corruption.

More to the point, I'm unhappy with the bandwagoning going on. While I can understand that for some of you, that's enough evidence, some of the voters seem to just be along for the ride. So I'm going to vote for Paranoid King, who seems to me to have just jumped on the lynch train because it happened to go past.

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Gee thanks for lynching me on my birthday guys. First time I've ever died by lynch, too.  <_< Here's a little farewell RP for you though:



Wannan stood up, gazing out the window at the setting sun. He had seen the whispered conversations, the pointing fingers, the suspicious glances, he knew what was coming. He had come back to spend his last few hours with his wife and their newborn daughter. He turned back to them and kissed his daughter on the forehead and his wife on the lips.


"I'm... going out," he said to his wife. 


"Is everything alright?" she asked, sensing a bit of his mood.


"Yeah, everything is fine, there's just something I need to do. Don't worry, it's nothing that I haven't done before." He smiled, then turned and left their home.


He looked towards Dalinar's command building, but turned and went another way. He strode out of camp a short ways, to a distinctive outcropping covered with rockbuds- their usual drop point. Once there, he concealed a letter that he had scribed earlier that day. His compatriots would know to look for it there. The letter read:


To my fellow conspirators,


You will have to carry on our work without me. Thank you to those of you who tried to save me, but don't worry, I knew this day would come when we started down this path. The diagram foretold the sacrifices I would have to make to achieve our goals, and I accept them. It is imperative that Highprince Dalinar be brought down low, for his own good, as well as that of all of Roshar. Sadeas may not be the greatest of men, but he will serve the world better than Dalinar. 




PS: Jindm n difnf aawee dom dmosam. I qwnww as n idndn qwrin zxxt indiooxinixn. Beidnc idne ndc. Good luck. 


Letter deposited, Wannan turned and headed back into camp. This time he headed straight towards the center of camp- to Dalinar's command structure. He strode right in the building before the guards could stop him, and found Dalinar with his sons, studying a map of the shattered plains. Adolin stretched his hand out to the side in a telltale manner, but Dalinar waved him down.


"Brightlord Wannan," Dalinar said, "What is the meaning of this?"


"I have come to turn myself in," Wannan said, meeting the Blackthorne's gaze without flinching. "I have been Sadeas's faithful servant from the beginning, working secretly to achieve his goals."


Dalinar Kholin stared back, his gaze hardening. "You realize I will have to have you executed, right? Your confession will not save you from your own treachery."


"I know. And I am not afraid. The deathspren and I- We are starting to become good friends, we are. It will be good to be reunited with them."


edit: formatting

Edited by Herowannabe
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Night 6: Mortal Terror

“Well, time to face my mortality again,” Wannan sighed.  Dalinar still seemed rather surprised at his confession, but nonetheless motioned for Adolin to stand.  His son complied, subtly putting his hand forward to summon his Shardblade.

Ten heartbeats, Wannan thought.  That’s all I have left to live.  Three, four…

Dalinar put a hand on Wannan’s shoulder.  Five… “I appreciate what you did, Brightlord Wannan.”  Six, seven… “I only wish that there were more men who had the honor that you now showed.”  Eight, nine… “Nevertheless, I shall have to make a display of you.  Adolin, take Brightlord Wannan with you.  The nobles will need to see this themselves, to renew their strength.”

Adolin’s Shardblade coalesced and immediately disappeared, leaving a number of water droplets in its wake.  Ten, Wannan breathed out.  Storms, I don’t know if this is worse or not.  Adolin harshly yanked Wannan by the sleeve, mumbling something along the lines of, “I knew this was Sadeas’ doing.”


“I have gathered you all here tonight to witness the execution of one of those who dared to conspire against me.”  Dalinar gestured to Wannan, who was bound upon a tall platform.  Adolin stood next to him, his hand at his side, ready to summon his Shardblade at a moment’s notice.

“One of Sadeas’s conspirators, right?” Rengar shouted from the crowd, and some of the lighteyes gave him scowls.  Wannan wondered why the executioner was even allowed in here, being a darkeyes and all.

“So he claims,” Dalinar frowned, “but I am not so convinced.  Regardless, with your support, we have managed to find and capture another conspirator.  With your unity and courage, I am sure that you will be able to find the others quickly, and put an end to them before they become a great threat.”

Some of the lighteyes frowned.  Clearly, most of them thought that the conspirators already were a great threat.  “Enough with this!” Rengar growled.  “Just kill him already!”

Interesting, Wannan thought to himself.  That madman seems awfully inclined towards justice.  Too bad I cannot warn Taravangian of this Skybreaker candidate.

“Fair enough,” Dalinar sighed, frowning briefly at Rengar.  “Adolin, will you please do the honors?”

Adolin nodded.  He must have known his father was going to say this beforehand, as the Shardblade instantly materialized in his hand, dripping with condensation.  The sun, at the lowest point on the horizon, glinted off of its surface.

Wannan sucked in a breath as Adolin drew the Shardblade back.  Deathspren crawled around him, inky and black, with many legs.  They had red eyes, a terrible sign of things to come.  Red eyes.  Wannan coughed, and words suddenly ran off of his tongue, without thought.

They come!  The red eyes of the night!  They will consume all, leaving only darkness in their wake!  Brace for the storm that will last forever!

Many of the lighteyes looked on in shock, as Wannan fell to the ground in terror.  A Death Rattle!  Why did this have to happen to me?  Adolin recovered from his shock, and rammed his Shardblade down into Wannan’s spine.  The execution was done.

But it raised more than a few questions.

Vote Tally
Wannan (7): Sheon Idris, Nivina Odict, Orlok, Eradin, Efrihm, Klanal, Mortago
Arilir (1): Caesarae
Nivina Odict (1): Wannan
Caesarae (1): Arilir
Eradin (1): Draela Heb

Wannan was executed!  He was a
Conspirator Brightlord!

Night 6 has begun!  The turn will end in 23 hours and 18 minutes.  Good luck!

Edited by Alvron
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Well, given the lynch train that got started, not as much as I had hoped. At this point, I'd encourage the Ardent to contact Clanky or someone else they trust so they can start publicizing their scan results, assuming they have not been corrupted/corrupt Artifabrian'd. Besides that, maybe the people who were the 4-5 votes? After 3-4 it was basically done, and people after that could have been trying to avoid suspicion.

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Great... I obviously took the wrong side for the last cycle. Might as well say here what I told Hero. Told him I was a Brightlord/lady, and that I voted for Bort, Stink, Stink, no one (I forgot that cycle), then silver dragon.

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