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16 minutes ago, NattyBo said:

Sooo I'm more of an old school Zelda head. I wouldn't say it's one of my favorite franchises or anything, but I've played most in the series. But back in the day...well, yeah. I dug this out the night before the Links Awakening remake dropped on Switch.


Gameboy still works after all this time. Thanks, Mom and Dad! Christmas, 1991. I'll never forget, we even had a bit of a white Christmas with a dusting of snow.





Cool! Well Wich Game would you say is your favorite or top 3 favorites?

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6 minutes ago, McWafy said:

Cool! Well Wich Game would you say is your favorite or top 3 favorites?

Assuming you're talking Legend of Zelda, my top 3 have to be:

1. Links Awakening (original)

2. Breath of the Wild

3. The Legend of Zelda (NES, original).


Those are certainly the ones I've played the most, anyway!

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32 minutes ago, NattyBo said:

Assuming you're talking Legend of Zelda, my top 3 have to be:

1. Links Awakening (original)

2. Breath of the Wild

3. The Legend of Zelda (NES, original).


Those are certainly the ones I've played the most, anyway!

I'd put Link's Awakening DX over the original - just the color alone gives it a boost.  but I can't stand the graphics on the remake.  also BotW is my current contender for best game of all time.

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Currently playing Assassins Creed Syndicate. I’m on the Jack the Ripper story and I like the missions where you help the prostitutes of Whitechapel. When I’m done I’m going to head into Origins but I’m annoyed that if I want to see the continuation of the Juno plot that I need to read the 12 issue Uprising comic.

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On 6/15/2020 at 8:30 PM, NattyBo said:

Sooo I'm more of an old school Zelda head. I wouldn't say it's one of my favorite franchises or anything, but I've played most in the series. But back in the day...well, yeah. I dug this out the night before the Links Awakening remake dropped on Switch.


Gameboy still works after all this time. Thanks, Mom and Dad! Christmas, 1991. I'll never forget, we even had a bit of a white Christmas with a dusting of snow.





Late to the party but I just wanted to say I love it! This was my first Zelda game and I've replayed it several times :). I just wish I still had my original Game Boy.

Currently, I'm playing Borderlands for the first time, on my Switch.

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Started playing a bit more of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore. I forgot how fun the battles can be. The plot is meh, and the dungeon I'm in is confusing to the point of annoyance, but overall it's a decent experience. I do wish that the ad-lib costumes were available to characters outside of that one move - I like Kiria's "The Labyrinth" costume better than her standard Carnage form. I'd even take her Reincarnation music video costume! 

I'm excited to recruit the other characters (I've already met Mamori but she's not a playable character yet), but unless the group size changes increases to at least four, I'm not sure how much I'll use them in the end. 

I have a LOT of feelings on Barry Goodman, and very few of them good (they really should have hired a bilingual V.A. for him at the very least (or maybe an English V.A. and a Japanese one*). But I do get a good chuckle every time he yells out an explicit. 

Overall I'm curious to see where the game goes, but this is a pretty easy game to pick up and then drop off for a couple of months, so we'll see when that actually happens. 


*This is just a nitpick as a native English speaker, and it's not a complaint unique to this game - Shin Godzilla has the main female protagonist speak English, and it's...uh...not the best. Still understandable, but not the best. The Pyscho-Pass movie is even worse. It was so bad I didn't even know it was English the first time I watched it. And the same can and probably should be true for American-produced media and bilingual characters (the scene in Black Panther where T'Challa and crew sneak into the club in South Korea has apparently been pretty lambasted, and rightfully so). 

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Rolled credits on The Last of Us Part II last night.


I have no words. I have been playing video games since the age of 3, Christmas, 1988. This is by far the best video game narrative I've ever played through, just in terms of character development, etc. Much like seeing a movie or reading a book that really hits you, I just can't stop thinking about this game.  All I can do is throw out superlatives about it.  Really, if there is any phrase to describe it, I'd say "tour de force."

If you can stomach the ultra brutality of the fights, you're in for an emotional rollercoaster.

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22 minutes ago, NattyBo said:

Rolled credits on The Last of Us Part II last night.


I have no words. I have been playing video games since the age of 3, Christmas, 1988. This is by far the best video game narrative I've ever played through, just in terms of character development, etc. Much like seeing a movie or reading a book that really hits you, I just can't stop thinking about this game.  All I can do is throw out superlatives about it.  Really, if there is any phrase to describe it, I'd say "tour de force."

If you can stomach the ultra brutality of the fights, you're in for an emotional rollercoaster.

Always good when a video game can do that. The most recent video game I played that did that was FE Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. However that was primarily through the sheer visual and musical styles of the game. 

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I've been playing Raging Loop recently. If you know what Werewolf is, it's that but in a visual novel format and with a time loop. Our main character gets lost in the mountain and comes upon a remote village that is soon after beset by fog. The next morning they wake up to find people dead and he learns that when the fog falls, it starts essentially a game of Werewolf, with some people with special roles working with the normal people hunting down the set number of wolves in their ranks while the wolves kill at night. Its also really smart. The main character, contrary to usual visual novel protagonist norms, is rather intelligent. 

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I finished Resident Evil Remake on the Jill route for the first time today. I've had this game for years but was too scared of my inability to survive to play it XD but after a tutorial on how to dodge zombies things went smoothly.

Honestly, I didn't know this game was so big, and it's full of surprises.  The game can be as hard or as easy as the player wants, you can go full Rambo or skip entire boss fights by doing certain things. In that regard it kinda reminds me of Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, letting you choose between mind games or just kill everything, it's something I wasn't expecting but it was a really pleasant surprise.

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Finished Hyrule Warriors Legends. One would think 21 hours is a bit short but those were A LOT of stages. Which I can now replay in three more difficulty levels with new rewards. And then there's adventure mode which seems to be several times longer than the main campaign. 

The story is just the beginning with this game, isn't it?

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4 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Finished Hyrule Warriors Legends. One would think 21 hours is a bit short but those were A LOT of stages. Which I can now replay in three more difficulty levels with new rewards. And then there's adventure mode which seems to be several times longer than the main campaign. 

The story is just the beginning with this game, isn't it?

Oh yeah. Hyrule Warriors is a really big game. 

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slowly making my way through Xenoblade Chronicles.  Had to pause for a week or so, but back at it now.  its slow going because I'm taking the time to complete quests as I get them, so I haven;t made it through Tephra cave yet because I keep getting side tracked.  should probably get through soon though, as of the 5 quests I have still open, 1 im about to turn in, 3 require going further than I have gotten yet to complete, and the last requires me to go to an area where even the regular monsters destroy me, to say nothing of the boss monster guarding the item i need to grab.  This last was given to me by a little girl whose deceased father had told her ot go there if her mother was ever in trouble, which is completely irresponsible of him.

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