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Inspired by @Eluvianii, I decided to finally do a playthrough of Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation I've been putting off. My main problem is usually figuring out who to pair with whom, since I have other head-canon stuff to take into account and Corrin always messes things up. I probably won't play until the endgame, but I do have a goal I need to reach. 

My pairs for this playthrough will most likely be: 


F!Corrin x Xander - I picked Priestess for my Secondary Class, and I plan on passing that to Soleil via M!Kana. I wish there was a way to pass Priestess, Bowfaire, AND the ideal hair color to Soleil, that doesn't also disrupt my pairing of Laslow and Azura...I did it once before so that I could pass down Lancefaire to Soleil, but even that was painful...oh well! This build will focus on turning Siegbert into a decent Wyvern Lord as well. I'll either need to pass down Axefaire and have him marry Ophelia for Bowbreaker, or I pass down Bowbreaker and have Siegbert marry Velouria.

Laslow x Azura - One of my rock-solid ships, and it's good for everyone! Azura gains some defense (and an unnecessary boost in speed and skill) during pair-up, Laslow and Soleil gain some much, needed speed (Laslow during pair-up or by using Darting Blow, Soleil by inheritance); Soleil gains access to Tomebreaker via Azura Friendship Sealing Elise and Axefaire via Laslow Friendship Sealing Keaton, and Shigure gains access to Rally Strength via Laslow's Friendship Seal with Keaton. Azura doesn't really pass down anything of note to Shigure, but she can always pass down a Songstress-exclusive class to make up for it. 

Silas x Hinoka - Another pairing I love. Silas doesn't really benefit from this, but his pair-up boosts to Hinoka are enough. Meanwhile, Hinoka gains access to the Cavalier line, and with a Friendship Seal to Camilla, she has access to nearly all the mounted classes (she still needs Mechanist, but she's perfectly fine without it). Sophie then inherits Lancefaire from her mother and Swordfaire from her father, some nice increases in her speed, strength, skill, and resistance, making her automatically ready to use as a Paladin (...not that she's needed if you're passing down Faire skills...)

Ryoma x Hana - I did it once before, but I'd like to try it again. The biggest hurdle comes with what skill Hana will pass down. It'll probably be Wary Fighter, if only to help Shiro survive his recruitment map. 

Takumi x Oboro - I actually don't do this pairing, but I'm making an exception. Heck, I'd recommend Rinkah and Takumi more often than not. The problem is what to pass down to Kiragi. Counter on Kiragi would be a great move, but so would Death Blow...then again, Trample would make Kiragi a threat to both infantry and flying opponents...

Kaze x ??? - I'm thinking either Camilla since I wouldn't be using her otherwise, Rinkah, since Death Blow on Kaze is one heck of a skill, or Charlotte, since she was my original plan. ...probably Charlotte...Kaze can use the strength, and I can turn either him or Midori into a Dread Fighter will all three Faires (and Charlotte can pass down Salvage Blow to Midori in order to help her still produce selling/forging material). 

Saizo x Beruka - Originally it was going to be Orochi, but I'm going to try to turn Asugi into a decent Malig Knight. He'll be missing Bowbreaker, but it should be fine. 

Hinata x Peri - I'm DETERMINED to stick to the plan this time! Peri works great with Kaze, but both couples can get the classes gained via other means (Kaze has two Friendship Seal options before looking at Peri for Cavalier (...in fact, they're his ONLY two Friendship Seal options that do him any good.), and Peri can gain access to the Ninja class via Friendship Seal with Kagero...which it turn could make her a decent Dread Fighter...)

Arthur x Kagero - I'm DETERMINED to actually use them this time! Maybe I'll make Kagero the Dread Fighter...

Leo x Sakura - Standard procedure, move along. 

Odin x Elise - Last time I married Elise to Kaze, and I really liked them together! Elise really just fits as Midori's mom in terms of skills and looks. But now it's back to the original pairing. (Unnecessary detail - I have a head-canon that Elise marries both Odin and Kaze. I'm not sure what happens to Odin just yet, but I'm positive that Elise is the mother of both Ophelia and Midori...or is at least the step-mother of Midori)

Hayato x Felicia - ??? I'm not using Nyx this time around, so this pairing would be exclusively for Felicia so she could gain Tomefaire. Assuming I use Felicia at all. 

Kaden x Rinkah - Why not? Selkie LOVES Lancebreaker, and passing down a Ninja skill would be good too. 

Keaton x Camilla - ??? I mean, Camilla doesn't have to Friendship Seal Beruka now...but there's nothing of note from a Friendship Seal with Hinoka, and Selena's skills aren't THAT good...although Shurikenbreaker may be useful...Keaton can pass down Bowbreaker, Velouria can pass down Shurikenbreaker, and possibly via marriage to Forrest, she can inherit Tomebreaker...hmm



For the second generation:

M!Kana x Soleil. This is the reason I'm playing this game again. I want Soleil to have the Priestess skills. 

Asugi x Selkie. Asugi needs Tomefaire for the Malig Knight build, and Selkie provides. Meanwhile Selkie can get all of those nice Ninja skills, meaning that Rinkah can pass down something else from the Fighter line. (Kaden can pass down Sol, Rinkah can pass down Axefaire...and now Shurikenfair from Asugi...maybe Selkie is the Dread Fighter I've been looking for! Oh isn't that ironic. The wild-child becomes the hardened, Ultimate Ninja while the thief gets to ride on the back of a dragon, spamming spells at everyone.)

Velouria x Siegbert - I think I like this better. Yes, it's incest in this playthrough. No, I don't care. 

Forrest x Nina - I think I might try this one out. Forrest will have INSANE magic stats and growths, but due to a lack of a personal tome, he'll never really out-damage his father. But maybe with a magic bow he can find his own niche. I think I'll try it...assuming I remember. 

Shiro x Ophelia. This pairing is mostly for Ophelia. I'm curious to see how she'd work as a Basara. 

Percy x Sophie - Percy gains access to the Cavalier line (meaning his parents now have to pass down different skills) and Sophie gains access to the Wyvern Rider line, making her Hinoka 2.0. Or Hinoka Paladin Edition, if you prefer. 



We'll see how far I get before I burn out. I'm about to recruit 


Saizo, Orochi, Reina, and once I finish the map Kagero. 


Edited by Use the Falchion
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13 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Inspired by @Eluvianii, I decided to finally do a playthrough of Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation I've been putting off. My main problem is usually figuring out who to pair with whom, since I have other head-canon stuff to take into account and Corrin always messes things up. I probably won't play until the endgame, but I do have a goal I need to reach. 

My pairs for this playthrough will most likely be: 

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F!Corrin x Xander - I picked Priestess for my Secondary Class, and I plan on passing that to Soleil via M!Kana. I wish there was a way to pass Priestess, Bowfaire, AND the ideal hair color to Soleil, that doesn't also disrupt my pairing of Laslow and Azura...I did it once before so that I could pass down Lancefaire to Soleil, but even that was painful...oh well! This build will focus on turning Siegbert into a decent Wyvern Lord as well. I'll either need to pass down Axefaire and have him marry Ophelia for Bowbreaker, or I pass down Bowbreaker and have Siegbert marry Velouria.

Laslow x Azura - One of my rock-solid ships, and it's good for everyone! Azura gains some defense (and an unnecessary boost in speed and skill) during pair-up, Laslow and Soleil gain some much, needed speed (Laslow during pair-up or by using Darting Blow, Soleil by inheritance); Soleil gains access to Tomebreaker via Azura Friendship Sealing Elise and Axefaire via Laslow Friendship Sealing Keaton, and Shigure gains access to Rally Strength via Laslow's Friendship Seal with Keaton. Azura doesn't really pass down anything of note to Shigure, but she can always pass down a Songstress-exclusive class to make up for it. 

Silas x Hinoka - Another pairing I love. Silas doesn't really benefit from this, but his pair-up boosts to Hinoka are enough. Meanwhile, Hinoka gains access to the Cavalier line, and with a Friendship Seal to Camilla, she has access to nearly all the mounted classes (she still needs Mechanist, but she's perfectly fine without it). Sophie then inherits Lancefaire from her mother and Swordfaire from her father, some nice increases in her speed, strength, skill, and resistance, making her automatically ready to use as a Paladin (...not that she's needed if you're passing down Faire skills...)

Ryoma x Hana - I did it once before, but I'd like to try it again. The biggest hurdle comes with what skill Hana will pass down. It'll probably be Wary Fighter, if only to help Shiro survive his recruitment map. 

Takumi x Oboro - I actually don't do this pairing, but I'm making an exception. Heck, I'd recommend Rinkah and Takumi more often than not. The problem is what to pass down to Kiragi. Counter on Kiragi would be a great move, but so would Death Blow...then again, Trample would make Kiragi a threat to both infantry and flying opponents...

Kaze x ??? - I'm thinking either Camilla since I wouldn't be using her otherwise, Rinkah, since Death Blow on Kaze is one heck of a skill, or Charlotte, since she was my original plan. ...probably Charlotte...Kaze can use the strength, and I can turn either him or Midori into a Dread Fighter will all three Faires (and Charlotte can pass down Salvage Blow to Midori in order to help her still produce selling/forging material). 

Saizo x Beruka - Originally it was going to be Orochi, but I'm going to try to turn Asugi into a decent Malig Knight. He'll be missing Bowbreaker, but it should be fine. 

Hinata x Peri - I'm DETERMINED to stick to the plan this time! Peri works great with Kaze, but both couples can get the classes gained via other means (Kaze has two Friendship Seal options before looking at Peri for Cavalier (...in fact, they're his ONLY two Friendship Seal options that do him any good.), and Peri can gain access to the Ninja class via Friendship Seal with Kagero...which it turn could make her a decent Dread Fighter...)

Arthur x Kagero - I'm DETERMINED to actually use them this time! Maybe I'll make Kagero the Dread Fighter...

Leo x Sakura - Standard procedure, move along. 

Odin x Elise - Last time I married Elise to Kaze, and I really liked them together! Elise really just fits as Midori's mom in terms of skills and looks. But now it's back to the original pairing. (Unnecessary detail - I have a head-canon that Elise marries both Odin and Kaze. I'm not sure what happens to Odin just yet, but I'm positive that Elise is the mother of both Ophelia and Midori...or is at least the step-mother of Midori)

Hayato x Felicia - ??? I'm not using Nyx this time around, so this pairing would be exclusively for Felicia so she could gain Tomefaire. Assuming I use Felicia at all. 

Kaden x Rinkah - Why not? Selkie LOVES Lancebreaker, and passing down a Ninja skill would be good too. 

Keaton x Camilla - ??? I mean, Camilla doesn't have to Friendship Seal Beruka now...but there's nothing of note from a Friendship Seal with Hinoka, and Selena's skills aren't THAT good...although Shurikenbreaker may be useful...Keaton can pass down Bowbreaker, Velouria can pass down Shurikenbreaker, and possibly via marriage to Forrest, she can inherit Tomebreaker...hmm



For the second generation:

M!Kana x Soleil. This is the reason I'm playing this game again. I want Soleil to have the Priestess skills. 

Asugi x Selkie. Asugi needs Tomefaire for the Malig Knight build, and Selkie provides. Meanwhile Selkie can get all of those nice Ninja skills, meaning that Rinkah can pass down something else from the Fighter line. (Kaden can pass down Sol, Rinkah can pass down Axefaire...and now Shurikenfair from Asugi...maybe Selkie is the Dread Fighter I've been looking for! Oh isn't that ironic. The wild-child becomes the hardened, Ultimate Ninja while the thief gets to ride on the back of a dragon, spamming spells at everyone.)

Velouria x Siegbert - I think I like this better. Yes, it's incest in this playthrough. No, I don't care. 

Forrest x Nina - I think I might try this one out. Forrest will have INSANE magic stats and growths, but due to a lack of a personal tome, he'll never really out-damage his father. But maybe with a magic bow he can find his own niche. I think I'll try it...assuming I remember. 

Shiro x Ophelia. This pairing is mostly for Ophelia. I'm curious to see how she'd work as a Basara. 

Percy x Sophie - Percy gains access to the Cavalier line (meaning his parents now have to pass down different skills) and Sophie gains access to the Wyvern Rider line, making her Hinoka 2.0. Or Hinoka Paladin Edition, if you prefer. 



We'll see how far I get before I burn out. I'm about to recruit 

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Saizo, Orochi, Reina, and once I finish the map Kagero. 


Good luck. I hear Revelation's the most gimmicky of the 3 paths. Have you done the snow shoveling map yet? Or the Elevator Map?

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7 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

Good luck. I hear Revelation's the most gimmicky of the 3 paths.

Thanks! I've beaten that path (or gotten to the final few levels) enough times to know what to expect. I sort of recommend it, if only because of the sheer amount of units you can obtain and to see how terrible the game balance is.


7 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

Have you done the snow shoveling map yet?

Finished it last night. Of the early game nightmare maps, this one is probably my favorite. I like the mystery of not knowing where your enemies are and how it's balanced by either cutting a straight path towards the boss, or going around and hunting for all those items and weapons. But still, a map that lets you take 6-7 people SHOULDN'T TAKE UP TO THIRTY TURNS. AND THAT'S THE BEST ONE

The thinking about the Fuga chapter is my single largest roadblock to playthroughs. I'm not joking. 


7 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

Or the Elevator Map?

There are a couple I can think of that would qualify, such as 


The map in early on in Valla



A certain swordsman's boss map.

I've reached neither. I just recruited


Camilla, Beruka, and Selena.

In the next chapter I'll recruit


the beast units. 



EDIT: Some goofs I made to yesterday's plan that should be corrected:


Keaton would pass down Shurikenbreaker to Velouria, not Bowbreaker. He doesn't have access to Bowbreaker. Camilla will pass down Bowbreaker. 

Benny x Mozu. I don't really have a reason, but I guess it lets me have Mozu Friendship Seal Oboro and pass down Lancefaire while also giving her access to the Great Knight class. 



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I’m doing a randomized run of Pokemon Emerald on an emulator. It’s really fun so far, although I lost 3+ hours of progress when the emulator crashed earlier today, so motivation kinda tanked. I’ll just have to grind it back tomorrow. 

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A little annoyed at myself, being rather Goldilocks - I can't find the "perfect" game for me, so I haven't really played more than 5 min of games in over a month and a half, which for me is a lifetime. Part of it is lack of motivation since finishing The Last of Us II - hard to go back to gruel after eating steak, but,I'm sure I'll find something to hook me soon.

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Oh sweet! I can never find anyone(s) who play fire emblem.. Oh my gosh though, I downloaded Heroes and it is actually trash, totally pay to win.. anyway I was actually playing the Fate Series (stay night, etc) most recently, but I was like 'heck I'll just watch the animes instead' which are pretty good, by the way, worth watching (although the game is still good)

Edited by KyL
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4 hours ago, KyL said:

Oh sweet! I can never find anyone(s) who play fire emblem.. Oh my gosh though, I downloaded Heroes and it is actually trash, totally pay to win.. anyway I was actually playing the Fate Series (stay night, etc) most recently, but I was like 'heck I'll just watch the animes instead' which are pretty good, by the way, worth watching (although the game is still good)

Have you played Fire Emblem Three Houses by chance? (You definitely should if you haven’t!)

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7 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

Have you played Fire Emblem Three Houses by chance? (You definitely should if you haven’t!)

heck yeah!!

a played it back when it came out, it's a really good game. I kinda stopped playing as much video games tho and started watching more tv at around that time, I'm not playing any games currently.., anyway live strong yall /|\    (+100 to those who get this)

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Just started a game called In Other Waters (available on PC and Switch to my knowledge), it’s a very interesting game, unlike anything I’ve played before. The entirety of the game takes place on a mini-map, where you, an AI on a scuba suit help your diver (Ellery Vas) explore the planet Gleis-[numbers I can’t remember], the first planet with alien life discovered on it. Perhaps the coolest part of the game is how it sets you up to be reliant on Vas for pretty much everything. As you two are exploring the waters of Gleis together dialogue will appear from her in a text box. Descriptions of the reefs and extraordinary life around are painted by Vas’ words. And, so is the plot. You start to discover deeper secrets tied to Vas’ past, the reason for her exploration of Gleis, and her relationship with the colleague, Minae, who led her to Gleis in the first place.

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13 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

Just started a game called In Other Waters (available on PC and Switch to my knowledge), it’s a very interesting game, unlike anything I’ve played before. The entirety of the game takes place on a mini-map, where you, an AI on a scuba suit help your diver (Ellery Vas) explore the planet Gleis-[numbers I can’t remember], the first planet with alien life discovered on it. Perhaps the coolest part of the game is how it sets you up to be reliant on Vas for pretty much everything. As you two are exploring the waters of Gleis together dialogue will appear from her in a text box. Descriptions of the reefs and extraordinary life around are painted by Vas’ words. And, so is the plot. You start to discover deeper secrets tied to Vas’ past, the reason for her exploration of Gleis, and her relationship with the colleague, Minae, who led her to Gleis in the first place.

Sounds interesting!
I’ve been wanting a new game to play on switch, maybe I’ll check it out

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Yeah. I like the Fates kids generally, they're a lot more memorable than a lot of the Awakening kids, but man is the reason for it terrible. It also makes literally every character a terrible parent because nothing says good parenting like 


throwing your kids into another dimension where time moves faster so they grow up quicker and then recruiting them into your army when they're old enough and basically never being around because you step out of the dimension for a day and weeks have passed.

Not even mentioning the fact that they're trying to convince me that in the middle of this war, everyone who gets an S Rank gets pregnant, goes through a whole pregnancy, and gives birth, which implies that the war either takes place over years which it very obviously doesn't, or they chilled in an alternate dimension for nine months and given that none of them change in appearance at all that also is obviously not the case. On top of the aforementioned fact that 


the kids literally have to grow up in that dimension which has to take at least a couple of months where literally nothing is happening in the war, otherwise you wouldn't be able to recruit them immediately.


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Yeah, that was so confusing, like, 2 minutes ago I was reading an S rank conversation, and now


a paralogue is open and the first thing I see is a girl implying she has seen her father lots of times during her life? Time is relative I guess.


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