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Finished Miles Morales right before the Rythym of War release stream.  Still have some side activities to do, then new game plus, to get my first ps5 platinum.  Also sunk 20 hours into Assassins Creed Valhalla already.  Probably going to take a gaming break though and focus in on Oathbringer before my copy of RoW gets here on Friday.  

After my reading binge I'll start up Demon's Souls remake.  (I played through Boletaria 1-1 just to play it when my ps5 arrived, but I'm holding off actually getting into it for a little bit.)

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Been playing a lot of Borderlands 2 lately. That game is fun. Infiltrate and destroy a crazy cult, while burning people to collect their ashes and sacrificing a guy using a giant mechanical dragon along the way, all of this because this one friend of yours was curious? And that is a freaking side-quest? Who makes this stuff up? I love it.

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It ain’t gonna get better till they fix their system to battle the bots gobbling them up in seconds or the companies ramping up production to get to enough people it’s no longer worth the bots efforts to mass buy though idk where that line is or how to even get there.

One thing that would help legit buyers though is if Walmart and others would stop announcing in advance when the next shipment is due. They will still make their $ by end of day guaranteed.

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10 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

First of all how dare you. (But really enjoy it all!)

Second of all, no Spider-Man: Miles Morales


Why are we using the falchion? Ah, I'm comic and super heroed out. This coming from a guy who had wolverine #1 and original dark Phoenix. 

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Just tried Daggerfall Unity and, storms, what an experience. I had played the original for a few hours, and I really liked it, but it was kind of obtuse for my millennial self. It played a lot better than I expected, but the problems people like to talk about were there. Things like the map, though I found them fun in their own way, were kind of chore-y I have to admit. And then there were the bugs. Some were obvious, like this one time I got stuck in a ladder I think and had to get myself arrested on purpose so the guards would take me out. But there was also more bizarre stuff. Like I was in this random dungeon, doing a quest, when the princess of storming Daggerfall appeared right there to give me hints about the story, and to date I'm still not sure if that was supposed to happen or not. The reputation this game has for its bugs is so big that I doubt almost everything.

So yeah, it was a pretty strange experience, but I thought it was worth it, so I was planning on going back to it at some point. Then, I already knew about the Unity project, but to my understanding it was incomplete so I didn't even touch it. Until today I remembered it and decided to look it up and turns out it's still on alpha but basically complete, with only a few features left to implement, so I tried it and boy, did I not expect such a change. I understood that the idea was to make the game more playable without the bugs in the original, but everything was just so different. The models look great, I'm extremely surprised by the difference 20 years make here. I mean, the models are virtually the same, just a different engine, and the textures are exactly the same, but it looks so much better. The world map is amazing, the increased draw distance and having more elevations make for a really pretty landscape. The dungeon map is the same concept except this one is usable so it's still confusing, but a lot easier to decipher. Of course the movement is better, and there are several qol improvements that are even optional in case someone wants the 1996 experience, just more polished. So yeah, really surprised about this. I may start playing Daggerfall really frequently from now on.

Edited by Ookla the Divine Blade
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Finished Dragon Quest I on a whim. Literally, finished it before I could have a different whim, such a short game. 

Still, a really fun game. Simple, cliché, and so amazingly to the point I wouldn't have believed it possible.

Then again, this game freaking invented those clichés so, extremely original then? Still, I can't help but chuckle at things like the main couple falling in love literally at first sight. I understand they did what they could with the little space available so it's charming, really. 

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Actively playing?  ESO, finally finished all of the quest content available.  Been spending quite a bit of time roaming in Cyrodiil.  That started off as a way to get more skyshards (46 of them) and just see the zone in general as ESO is a pretty game and the zone itself is gigantic.  I found I got hooked on siege combat though.  I prefer defense, but there aren't that many spots that are guaranteed to get combat on a given night so I do a fair bit of roaming and assault as well.

Also doing a replay of HZD on the setting just below Ultra Hard, and taking my time with it.  In part because you die really fast if you're not careful, and in part because I'm trying to explore and find all the data dumps and stuff as I go.

Don't really have time for much more right now, unfortunately

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So, my whim continues and now I'm fairly into Dragon Quest II. Probably about 75% of the game? Considering I finished the first one yesterday, this may sound weird but this one is much, much longer and I wouldn't have believed the NES was capable of handling such a big game. And I hear the third game is even bigger and about 30 hours long so, wow.

I didn't really think this would keep me addicted so long. When I finished the first one I thought I would get that catharsis of "Ok, I've accomplised something", and then get lazy on the second and third games, but the more I play the second one the more addicted I get. That game wants you to play it. It gives you several objectives since the beginning with very little clues and a crem ton of places to look, so you just keep going. "Just one more place, there might be something new" over and over.

Now I'm fairly close to the final dungeon and underleveled. But not to worry because I still have to go treasure hunting to get the best gear for each character. The story is just as basic as the first game but the scope alone makes it feel more interesting. I'm really excited for the third game now. There's a reason it's considered the quintessential DQ game after all so I want to see.

(can't believe I'm technically still playing DQVII. As soon as this playing spree I have with I, II, and III passes, I'll be sure to get back to it.)

Edited by Ookla the Divine Blade
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