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WWE 2K18 for my Nintendo Switch Lite

Mortal Kombat XL for my playstation 4

beginning of Tales of Vesperia for my Switch Lite

Assassins Creed Brotherhood for my Playstation 3. I know im in the middle of the game but lost track of what to do. Might jump ahead to Assassins Creed Revelations relearn the gameplay etc anyway

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I just finished my first playthrough of Jedi: Fallen Order. I enjoyed the game, the combat was really nice, even though I was playing on the second easiest difficulty. Now I've started a second playthrough on jedi grandmaster mode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I straight up suck trying to websling around. I just wind up running on ground. This is quite difficult to figure out.

And my son is very pissed off at me with my utter lack of skill.

ok I’m way better at it now but still bumble a lot.

Edited by Briar King
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition, first playthrough (out of at least 4*). I finished 1 a few nights ago, and I'm about halfway through 2. I had never played ME 1 before MELE came out, because I had a PS3 and didn't download games, and I can't say that I miss the experience. ME 1 is a weird game to me. It's certainly a Bioware game, but it's a weird one. 70% of the game is not that fun, but that final 30% is pure gold. And the worst part is, since I started with ME 2, I don't feel like most of the "groundwork" laid in ME 1 is actually that needed. 

Most characters met in ME 1 are in completely different places of life by the time ME 2 roles around: Garrus is a vigilante, Tali is a leader of important missions, Kaiden/Ashley aren't even really in the game, Wrex is leader of Clan Urdnot (if he survived), and Liara is an information broker gunning for the top position. This is such a far cry from where these characters came from for the most part and from where we last saw them, that I can't say their development in ME 1 was important. 

The gameplay changes are about 50/50 in terms of improvements, but I'm certainly less annoyed while playing than I was with ME 1. Sure, my shields die quicker, I don't like the new ammo/heat sink system, my powers don't feel nearly as overpowered, and I hate the level up system; but I also like how weapons and upgrades work now, the Medigel and healing have been streamlined, my allies are useful again, the minigame grinding is so much more relaxing and enjoyable, and NO MORE MAKO DRIVING. Oh, the map designs are SO GORGEOUS. Sure, I can't free-roam planets anymore, but if that trade means that I'm not battling in the same space station/lab/corridor or driving up a stupid mountain for the umpteenth time, I'll take it.

ME 1 left me with similar feelings that I had when I played Mass Effect Andromeda - there was too much filler for this type of game. ME 2 is reminding me why I love Mass Effect - great characters, solid story, and butts fun times.


Other notes: 

I accidentally romanced Ashley. I didn't mean to, since I was saving that for a later potential playthrough, and I actually ship her and Vega, but oh well. 

I tried to do some of the missions that give Conrad Verner the happiest ending in ME1, but I missed one by accident, and now I can't complete it because it took place on a map that after you leave, you can't go back. I'm still annoyed about this. 

ME2 is reminding me why I unironically love Jakob, and how dirty ME 3 did my boy. He was the first person to see and really help you out from the start of the game, was a stalwart ally and genuinely nice person, and is just a cool guy. He's respectful to all of the crew, never turning down ideas or information, and wants to do what's best and get along with everyone for the mission. Turning him into the ONLY guy who cheats on Fem!Shep was a D-Bag move. It's worse because he's Black, and there are stereotypes about Black Men and cheating. (I fortunately haven't really been subject to that, but I've certainly seen it around.) They could have easily - EASILY - had the pregnant woman in ME 3 be Jakob's sister. (Or make it so that it's his sister if you romanced him, but it's his girlfriend/fiancé if you didn't.) But they had it be a girlfriend he got while Shepard was held up. If ME 3 wanted to do something cool with Jakob but keep him on the side of Cerberus, then they could have made him the Kai Leng of the game. Have Jakob, a former ally who Shepard knows and was friends with - who Shepard shares aspects of his own life with - be the Dragon for Cerberus. Let Kai be like Wreave, a replacement villain that no one really likes but will tolerate. 

The Illusive Man is such a cool villain. He's so affable yet so conniving. He's the kind of guy who you may regret taking down a little...but you know the moment you hesitate, you're dead. 

ME 2 has such better loading screens and music than ME 1. ME 1 was a quiet game. And awkwardly quiet game. ME 2 is most certainly not. 

I can't say that I like Andromeda better than ME 1 as a whole, but I do think MEA did do some things better. MEA had more unprompted dialogue, better movement overall, and the best combat of the games. (I only wish we could have five abilities keyed instead of three.) Ultimately, ME 1 and MEA gave me two different yet weirdly similar experiences, and I'm glad to be done with both of them. 

A complaint I know I'll have when I play ME 3: We should have had far more squad-mates than we got. ME 2 may have given us too many choices in some ways, but I love being able to talk with everyone and having a full ship. Every character has a different personality even if their backstories are similar in some ways. It makes the Normandy feel less like a military vessel and more like a home. (Having NPCs talk about their lives certainly helps too.) Ironically, the Tempest in MEA, despite being something like a home for the Pathfinder and crew, didn't feel like one either. I wanted people like Kal'Reegar and Kirahhe to come back and officially join the party. I wanted a new Krogan ally. I wanted a Drell ally. Miranda also should have rejoined the crew, as her goals could have been accomplished aboard the Normandy. (Someday I'll get that mod. Someday...) I wanted so much more than what we got. THAT BEING SAID, I do like our new ME 3 allies. I just wish there were more of them. 


*First playthrough is with Spacer-Hero Paragon Engineer M!Shep who will romance Tali. 

Second playthrough will be with his sister/cousin (undecided yet, depending on what my head-canon will be) Colonist-Ruthless Vanguard Paragade Fem!Shep who will romance Garrus. 

Third playthrough will be Earthborn-Sole Survivor Engineer M!Shep who will romance Miranda

Fourth playthrough was going to be Spacer-Ruthless Fem!Shep BVanguard Paragade Fem!Shep who was going to romance Kaiden, and then Thane, and then end the series alone. Aka, my Black Widow run. (Or maybe end up with Liara or Traynor?) But given Kaiden can't be romanced until after Virmire, I may just try Kaiden, Thane, Kaiden. (If it's possible to romance Kaiden after Thane's death. Not sure just yet.) 

The fifth playthrough was going to be back to Spacer-Hero Paragon Engineer M!Shep, but with Ashley as the LI. Not sold on this one yet though. 


Ultimately, my head-canon is that the Shepard twins/cousins actually have all three backgrounds to some effect or another:

The pair spent most of their lives as military brats aboard space-ships, but when their father decided to retire, they went to live on a colony. That colony was sadly attacked by Batarians, and everyone else was killed. M!Shepard was captured but escaped to Earth, where he joined a gang to survive (he hid his connection to the military because he knew the gang would try to manipulate it). Meanwhile Fem!Shep went back to live with her mother. The two joined the military at 18, and went on to become N7 graduates. M!Shep was the Sole Survivor of a Thresher Maw attack on Akuze, and was reassigned to the Skylian Verge for an easy mission. Fem!Shep went to visit her brother/cousin on some shore leave time, but the two ended up defending the colony from a Batarian raid together, both becoming heroes and highly decorated soldiers. Jane was promoted to Captain, and John was her XO. Fem!Shep then participated in the Torfan raid, earning herself the nickname the Butcher of Torfan. 

(Whether or not John and Jane are cousins or siblings depends on what my Star Wars: Old Republic family tree will ultimately look like. I'd love one of the two to be the child of my female Jedi Knight (who is the daughter of Satele Shan and sister of Theron Shan in my head-canon) and Arcann from the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. The other would then be the child of Theron Shan and a female Sith Inquisitor. One of the problems is that M!Shep's default design looks a lot like Arcann, but M!Shep isn't very Force Sensitive in my head-canon. Fem!Shep is both FS and a powerful Biotic. So I don't like this idea of having this powerful bloodline and not having anyone be able to tap into that power just yet. The other problems are that the Male Jedi Knight can romance Kira, who has red hair just like Fem Shep, and that the female Republic Trooper and Satele Shan are both voiced by Jennifer Hale...who also did the voice of Fem!Shep. So part of me wants Theron to romance the female Republic Trooper so that it feels like Fem!Shep's voice is genetic. But another part of me wants a super-powerful bloodline of both Jedi and Sith. And yes, Lana Beniko has been thought about. However, whoever has Hannah Shepard as a mother needs to have a non-British accent, which eliminates most Dark Siders.)

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I finished the bonus case in Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice late last night. It was interesting and the point of the case was people being stuck in the past and being unable to move forward, one being stuck because he has short term memory loss meaning he can’t remember anything after the fateful day and another being unable to move on because of a grudge stemming from the same event. It’s also a meta commentary on fans wanting their beloved franchises to stay the same and not evolve at all since in this series fans didn’t like the changes made in the fourth game but can apply to any fandom like Star Wars.

Though an interesting case it was bogged down being a fan service story where everyone acts like they did in the original trilogy of games. Even the main character, Phoenix, is a jerk to his employee Athena because she promised to help his daughter in her magic act but doesn’t care that Athena is saying “your daughter is trying to kill me with knives and fire!” especially at the one point where the daughter says “pour this gasoline on yourself and I’ll set you on fire, but it’s okay it’s a magic trick so you won’t burn” and it didn’t phase him enough to interject. This is jarring since one case prior to this he mentioned having to reign her in since he has noticed how her tricks have started becoming dangerous.

Oh well I’m done and have moved on to The Great Ace Attorney which takes place during Meiji Japan/Victorian England and follows Ryunosuke Naruhodo as he starts his lawyer career and meets up with the legendary... Herlock Sholmes!? Yes copyright has struck since those stories aren’t going to be 100% public domain until 2023 and because there are references to the ones still under copyright they have to go neutral on the character.

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Spider-Man is really annoying me with all the stupid lab/current puzzles. My son isn’t here at present and he is the one who does these things when they come up. I just want to swing and fight. 

Likely won’t continue playing till he gets back once I run across the next puzzle bit. 

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On 8/3/2021 at 8:41 PM, Use the Falchion said:

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, first playthrough (out of at least 4*). I finished 1 a few nights ago, and I'm about halfway through 2. I had never played ME 1 before MELE came out, because I had a PS3 and didn't download games, and I can't say that I miss the experience. ME 1 is a weird game to me. It's certainly a Bioware game, but it's a weird one. 70% of the game is not that fun, but that final 30% is pure gold. And the worst part is, since I started with ME 2, I don't feel like most of the "groundwork" laid in ME 1 is actually that needed. 

Most characters met in ME 1 are in completely different places of life by the time ME 2 roles around: Garrus is a vigilante, Tali is a leader of important missions, Kaiden/Ashley aren't even really in the game, Wrex is leader of Clan Urdnot (if he survived), and Liara is an information broker gunning for the top position. This is such a far cry from where these characters came from for the most part and from where we last saw them, that I can't say their development in ME 1 was important. 

The gameplay changes are about 50/50 in terms of improvements, but I'm certainly less annoyed while playing than I was with ME 1. Sure, my shields die quicker, I don't like the new ammo/heat sink system, my powers don't feel nearly as overpowered, and I hate the level up system; but I also like how weapons and upgrades work now, the Medigel and healing have been streamlined, my allies are useful again, the minigame grinding is so much more relaxing and enjoyable, and NO MORE MAKO DRIVING. Oh, the map designs are SO GORGEOUS. Sure, I can't free-roam planets anymore, but if that trade means that I'm not battling in the same space station/lab/corridor or driving up a stupid mountain for the umpteenth time, I'll take it.

ME 1 left me with similar feelings that I had when I played Mass Effect Andromeda - there was too much filler for this type of game. ME 2 is reminding me why I love Mass Effect - great characters, solid story, and butts fun times.


Other notes: 

I accidentally romanced Ashley. I didn't mean to, since I was saving that for a later potential playthrough, and I actually ship her and Vega, but oh well. 

I tried to do some of the missions that give Conrad Verner the happiest ending in ME1, but I missed one by accident, and now I can't complete it because it took place on a map that after you leave, you can't go back. I'm still annoyed about this. 

ME2 is reminding me why I unironically love Jakob, and how dirty ME 3 did my boy. He was the first person to see and really help you out from the start of the game, was a stalwart ally and genuinely nice person, and is just a cool guy. He's respectful to all of the crew, never turning down ideas or information, and wants to do what's best and get along with everyone for the mission. Turning him into the ONLY guy who cheats on Fem!Shep was a D-Bag move. It's worse because he's Black, and there are stereotypes about Black Men and cheating. (I fortunately haven't really been subject to that, but I've certainly seen it around.) They could have easily - EASILY - had the pregnant woman in ME 3 be Jakob's sister. (Or make it so that it's his sister if you romanced him, but it's his girlfriend/fiancé if you didn't.) But they had it be a girlfriend he got while Shepard was held up. If ME 3 wanted to do something cool with Jakob but keep him on the side of Cerberus, then they could have made him the Kai Leng of the game. Have Jakob, a former ally who Shepard knows and was friends with - who Shepard shares aspects of his own life with - be the Dragon for Cerberus. Let Kai be like Wreave, a replacement villain that no one really likes but will tolerate. 

The Illusive Man is such a cool villain. He's so affable yet so conniving. He's the kind of guy who you may regret taking down a little...but you know the moment you hesitate, you're dead. 

ME 2 has such better loading screens and music than ME 1. ME 1 was a quiet game. And awkwardly quiet game. ME 2 is most certainly not. 

I can't say that I like Andromeda better than ME 1 as a whole, but I do think MEA did do some things better. MEA had more unprompted dialogue, better movement overall, and the best combat of the games. (I only wish we could have five abilities keyed instead of three.) Ultimately, ME 1 and MEA gave me two different yet weirdly similar experiences, and I'm glad to be done with both of them. 

A complaint I know I'll have when I play ME 3: We should have had far more squad-mates than we got. ME 2 may have given us too many choices in some ways, but I love being able to talk with everyone and having a full ship. Every character has a different personality even if their backstories are similar in some ways. It makes the Normandy feel less like a military vessel and more like a home. (Having NPCs talk about their lives certainly helps too.) Ironically, the Tempest in MEA, despite being something like a home for the Pathfinder and crew, didn't feel like one either. I wanted people like Kal'Reegar and Kirahhe to come back and officially join the party. I wanted a new Krogan ally. I wanted a Drell ally. Miranda also should have rejoined the crew, as her goals could have been accomplished aboard the Normandy. (Someday I'll get that mod. Someday...) I wanted so much more than what we got. THAT BEING SAID, I do like our new ME 3 allies. I just wish there were more of them. 


*First playthrough is with Spacer-Hero Paragon Engineer M!Shep who will romance Tali. 

Second playthrough will be with his sister/cousin (undecided yet, depending on what my head-canon will be) Colonist-Ruthless Vanguard Paragade Fem!Shep who will romance Garrus. 

Third playthrough will be Earthborn-Sole Survivor Engineer M!Shep who will romance Miranda

Fourth playthrough was going to be Spacer-Ruthless Fem!Shep BVanguard Paragade Fem!Shep who was going to romance Kaiden, and then Thane, and then end the series alone. Aka, my Black Widow run. (Or maybe end up with Liara or Traynor?) But given Kaiden can't be romanced until after Virmire, I may just try Kaiden, Thane, Kaiden. (If it's possible to romance Kaiden after Thane's death. Not sure just yet.) 

The fifth playthrough was going to be back to Spacer-Hero Paragon Engineer M!Shep, but with Ashley as the LI. Not sold on this one yet though. 


Ultimately, my head-canon is that the Shepard twins/cousins actually have all three backgrounds to some effect or another:

The pair spent most of their lives as military brats aboard space-ships, but when their father decided to retire, they went to live on a colony. That colony was sadly attacked by Batarians, and everyone else was killed. M!Shepard was captured but escaped to Earth, where he joined a gang to survive (he hid his connection to the military because he knew the gang would try to manipulate it). Meanwhile Fem!Shep went back to live with her mother. The two joined the military at 18, and went on to become N7 graduates. M!Shep was the Sole Survivor of a Thresher Maw attack on Akuze, and was reassigned to the Skylian Verge for an easy mission. Fem!Shep went to visit her brother/cousin on some shore leave time, but the two ended up defending the colony from a Batarian raid together, both becoming heroes and highly decorated soldiers. Jane was promoted to Captain, and John was her XO. Fem!Shep then participated in the Torfan raid, earning herself the nickname the Butcher of Torfan. 

(Whether or not John and Jane are cousins or siblings depends on what my Star Wars: Old Republic family tree will ultimately look like. I'd love one of the two to be the child of my female Jedi Knight (who is the daughter of Satele Shan and sister of Theron Shan in my head-canon) and Arcann from the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. The other would then be the child of Theron Shan and a female Sith Inquisitor. One of the problems is that M!Shep's default design looks a lot like Arcann, but M!Shep isn't very Force Sensitive in my head-canon. Fem!Shep is both FS and a powerful Biotic. So I don't like this idea of having this powerful bloodline and not having anyone be able to tap into that power just yet. The other problems are that the Male Jedi Knight can romance Kira, who has red hair just like Fem Shep, and that the female Republic Trooper and Satele Shan are both voiced by Jennifer Hale...who also did the voice of Fem!Shep. So part of me wants Theron to romance the female Republic Trooper so that it feels like Fem!Shep's voice is genetic. But another part of me wants a super-powerful bloodline of both Jedi and Sith. And yes, Lana Beniko has been thought about. However, whoever has Hannah Shepard as a mother needs to have a non-British accent, which eliminates most Dark Siders.)

Update: I finished ME 2 on Saturday, and am now about halfway through ME 3. (Post-Citadel Attack and Pre-Rannoch.) I'm currently doing the Omega DLC mission, and that means it's Chakram Launcher Assault Rifle time! Then it's recruiting Tali, finishing up some fetch quests, Leviathan DLC, and then Thessia, Citadel DLC, and the endgame mission.

I'm LOVING ME 3. I find myself loving and hating how grim the game is overall, but boy howdy do the Reapers live up to the hype. I enjoy the little stories overheard throughout, and while I'm annoyed I can't recruit several of my old teammates (Miranda most of all), I'm happy to see them all again. 

Mark Meer has improved his voice acting over the course of the trilogy, and ME 3 shows it. 

The gameplay is different in this game than the previous two, and I actually like it. I'm not sure if it's better than ME 2 gameplay, but it's different in ways that I'm fine with. The best part to me is that at long last, my Engineer class feels powerful. I knew this would ultimately be the case, but I was shocked at how weak I felt for most of ME 1 and ME 2. (The nerfing of Neural Shock certainly didn't help.) Here, I have a turret and an attack drone, solid weapons, and great evasive flexibility. I'm strong, and it's great. And once I get the Defense Drone ability from Tali, things will get even better.

That being said, the fights are certainly tailored to the ME 3 multiplayer gameplay. The movement, obstacles, combat, weapons, and healing all scream "multiplayer!" to me. This sort of design also feels built into the world itself - laptops, desks, and ladders all make the world feel more grounded? gritty? modern? than the previous two games, which really cashed in on the whole future aesthetic.  That's not a bad thing though - despite me never playing it, I liked the multiplayer gameplay in ME 3. I always felt like I could come up with head-canons for some of the classes, or imagine they were apart of Shepard's crew.

Speaking of Shepard's playable crew, my complaint about it being far too small still holds. I adore the new additions and old friends. James fits in perfectly, and he and EDI carry on the tradition of Shepard being a mentor to the "younger" squad mates. Liara and Kaiden/Ashley are back and have more impactful roles than ever. (Liara is a creator's pet though, and clearly feels like she's meant to be the "canon" love interest.*) And Garrus and Tali prove themselves to be the best (boy/girl)friends a soldier could have. They're true Ride-or-Dies. ...Tali does have a nasty habit of only being recruitable in the second half of the games though...although I do like how that plays into her mindset and prioritization of the Migrant Fleet. Even with all of that, I HATE how small my crew feels compared to ME 2. And yes, the two are going for different vibes...but really? No Krogan ally? I'd have love to have a female Krogan ally who doesn't care about having children or being cured by the Genophage, if only to contrast the motives and missions of Wrex, Grunt, and Eve. I wanted an N7 like the ones we could play as in the Multiplayer, because those outfits were AWESOME. I wanted another Drell ally like Feron, or a new Quarian ally along with Tali, like Kal'Reegar. Or Miranda. Ken and Gabby are a blast though, and it's certainly fun having them back.

But yeah, I'm still having a blast, and I'm already looking forward to my next playthrough.  



Other notes:

I'm pretty sure the Omega DLC bonus power is Flare, and I cannot WAIT to equip that to my Vanguard FemShep. Between Flare, Charge, Nova, and Shockwave (and a shotgun, sniper rifle, and a solid pistol), she'll be a force to be reckoned with. Lash would be great to, and certainly has a better cooldown time...but Flare has explosions

I'm really peeved about Miranda not joining the crew, but it's mostly because I'm peeved about characters introduced in ME 2 not joining the crew. The only one that does is EDI, and that's in a new body from ME 3. Every other character was introduced in ME 3 or from ME 1. No middle ground, and it sucks. Miranda and Jacob also make the most sense to join. Miranda is on the run, and wants to stay out of Cerberus reach - the Normandy is literally the best place for her, since Cerberus can't really touch it unless they want to tangle with Shepard and his crew. It would also be an interesting dynamic with Ashley/Kaiden...or maybe an interesting choice. Maybe if Miranda joined, Ashley/Kaiden would refuse to get on the ship due to not trusting Miranda. Or maybe they'd simply have a fight, not unlike the Jack/Miranda fight in ME 2, but now it's due to Cerberus vs Alliance (which would be fitting, given how intimately the two have been tied before) than just "I love Cerberus" vs "I hate Cerberus." 

As outlined in my previous post, Jacob could have gone in several different directions, joining the Normandy crew - and getting better characterization - being one of them. 



*I'm not a giant fan of designated love interests in games, to be honest. It's one thing if they're canonically love interests, but another if it's just designated. This is mostly because the popular love interest isn't always the canonical one:

In Fire Emblem Awakening, Chrom's most heavily hinted wife is Sumia. Sumia's in the opening credits with Chrom and Lucina, her animated cutscene with Chrom is called "Lovebirds" in the English dub IIRC, and she gains the supports with Chrom the fastest. But even with all of that, Fem!Robin/Chrom and Olivia/Chrom are just as popular, if not more popular. The same is true in Fates. Corrin/Azura and Corrin/Felicia are the two supported couples, but M!Corrin/Camilla and F!Corrin/Xander are far more popular. (Azura's popular pairs are with Jakob, Kaze, and Laslow IIRC, and I certainly prefer her with Laslow myself.) 

In Arrow, it was all but guaranteed Oliver would end up with Laurel in the early seasons, but Felicity was by far the more popular choice...and turned out to be the final girl in the end. (YMMV on their relationship after they got together. I certainly have my own theories on why it didn't work nearly as well for the most part.)

Smallville was a weird subversion - Chloe was far more popular as a potential love interest than Lana was. But Lana was the creator's pet, so she got all the screentime...and then they introduced Lois, who blew everyone away in a good way. And considering what Chloe's actress has been charged guilty of doing...all of this was definitely for the best. 

In The Flash, Barry and Iris were written in the stars, but at the beginning, people preferred Barry with pretty much anyone else. 

In Mass Effect, Liara is ranked behind Tali, despite having sufficiently more screentime in ME 3 and her own DLC story in ME 2. 

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2 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

How is one of the most acclaimed puzzle games ever made unexpectedly good lol

Well that's the thing, I thought they were just like, really good puzzles. With the bare minimum for a story. Didn't expect all the environmental storytelling or the Half-Life connections or the computer to be so storming charismatic. 

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Unlocked high-rank village quests in MHGU. Considering the meat of the game is supposed to be high-rank and g-rank I guess I just finished the tutorial? And it took 70 hours. And I haven't even started guild low-rank.... 

This game is big. 

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3 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Unlocked high-rank village quests in MHGU. Considering the meat of the game is supposed to be high-rank and g-rank I guess I just finished the tutorial? And it took 70 hours. And I haven't even started guild low-rank.... 

This game is big. 

And that's one of the smaller entries! 

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